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Week 8: Packers @ Cardinals on Thursday Night Football - Packers Win 24-21! Move to 7-1!


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1 hour ago, Leader said:

Paul Bretl -   Early down success is going to be crucial for the Packers offense. Arizona’s opponents are converting third downs at a rate of just 28.8% (1st) and only 25% of their fourth down attempts (T1st).

I saw this too, and it is telling.  This team can be run on, they invite the run.  If Adams plays it's business as usual but the run game should really be set to explode against them.  Until they're forced to adjust, and then we do.  If Adams doesn't play I expect them to box it up and keep it boxed but we will still need some success on the ground.  Those early downs are big.

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23 minutes ago, Mr. Fussnputz said:

750,000 deaths that could have been avoided if they had been vaccinated is what really hurts. 

Over half of this occurred before there was a vaccine. and largely in people who were *already* in poor health and not going to live many more years. unfortunate, but completely disproportional to the hysteria and totalitarianism it is being used to justify and mandating/harassing people who are in a risk category with rates that are infinitesimally small. *Or to arrogantly mock people's convictions* for not compromising their morals to change that infinitesimal risk by a tiny amount. Hundreds of thousands of people die from respiratory illnesses every year. Thousands die from STD's every year. We deal with risks every day and have for decades, without flushing society and freedoms down the toilet. 


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12 minutes ago, TransientTexan said:

Over half of this occurred before there was a vaccine. and largely in people who were *already* in poor health and not going to live many more years. unfortunate, but completely disproportional to the hysteria and totalitarianism it is being used to justify and mandating/harassing people who are in a risk category with rates that are infinitesimally small. *Or to arrogantly mock people's convictions* for not compromising their morals to change that infinitesimal risk by a tiny amount. Hundreds of thousands of people die from respiratory illnesses every year. Thousands die from STD's every year. We deal with risks every day and have for decades, without flushing society and freedoms down the toilet. 


got anything about football to discuss or nah

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9 hours ago, oldmansmell said:

Ehhhhh that's why every Southern state is drowning, oh wait, it's mostly because they aren't vaccinated. Although making masks into a rights issue is hilariously stupid.

I guess my point was is no one here, I’m guessing, knows everything that went into Lazard’s decision. He could have a medical exemption. He could of literally consulted with his doctor, team doctors, and specialists and was told at this time he should forgo the vaccine.

Now I know this isn’t how you “internet” and this requires nuance, but the point is I just find it odd that everyone assumes he has a lack of intelligence or is selfish. When he could of done a ton of research and had a bunch of medical experts tell him to do what he did/is currently doing.

And again I understand the simply internet reply of “I doubt that’s the case here”… but unless if I missed where Lazard had a press conference outlining the factors that went into his decision, I just find it disheartening I guess people would attack his intelligence when they themselves lack knowledge of the situation they are commenting on… but again internet.

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50 minutes ago, 15412 said:

NO, that many deaths could have been avoided if China had isolated the virus as they should have.  Far more future deaths could be avoided if China was held accountable for this one.   Being vaccinated does not prevent you from getting this infection, does not prevent you from transmitting it, and does not prevent you from dying from it.  But, sheep be sheep

seriously...the dumbest post of the year.

The only sheep I see is the little FOX sheep who are all 'flocked' up.

Do you wear a seatbelt? Do you usually follow speed limits? Good little sheep.

It's called public health.

Back to the ignore button.

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39 minutes ago, TransientTexan said:

Over half of this occurred before there was a vaccine. and largely in people who were *already* in poor health and not going to live many more years. unfortunate, but completely disproportional to the hysteria and totalitarianism it is being used to justify and mandating/harassing people who are in a risk category with rates that are infinitesimally small. *Or to arrogantly mock people's convictions* for not compromising their morals to change that infinitesimal risk by a tiny amount. Hundreds of thousands of people die from respiratory illnesses every year. Thousands die from STD's every year. We deal with risks every day and have for decades, without flushing society and freedoms down the toilet. 


I was speaking theoretically. Had a vaccine been available, and had everyone been vaccinated, we would have saved almost all of those 750,000 lives. Everyone I know who came down with COVID-19 was unvaccinated. Fortunately, no one died, but my cousin is a long hauler. Not pleasant at all. I find it hard to believe that Lazard isn't vaccinated! If he truly tested positive, instead of just exposure, he could be down for a month. If he also develops pneumonia, he could be too weak to play for even longer. It seems pneumonia is a common add on to COVID-19. Furthermore by going unvaccinated, Lazard is increasing the risk to his teammates. 

No one is being arrogant here, except guys like Lazard who don't care if they increase the risk to teammates and hurt their team's chances of winning a ball game. 

As for the rest of the gibberish in your post, taking medicine, including vaccinations, is not flushing freedoms down the toilet. Contagious diseases like COVID-19, small pox, polio, influenza, etc. are in a special category, because they are contagious. If you get cancer and choose not to be treated, too bad for you, but your decision doesn't effect me at all, because cancer is not contagious. Guys like you and Lazard are the arrogant ones. You think you can pass on vaccines and have the "right" to put us all at risk. That's arrogance. I would cut Lazard today.

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From Rob Demovsky's article.

The Cardinals are acutely aware of Rodgers' success without Adams on the field, and defensive coordinator Vance Joseph recited the Packers' stats without Adams off the top of his head. Joseph pointed out that when quarterbacks like Rodgers don't have their star receiver, the responsibility to carry an offense falls on them.

"Sometimes it helps them to play an even cleaner game," Joseph said. "He's not forced to force the ball to Adams. And when you have a guy like Adams who's a volume pass catcher, you could kind of trap him into throwing the ball to Adams some. But without Adams, it's gonna force Aaron to play a true game and that's, sometimes, dangerous for us.

"But he's played his best ball without Adams. And again, not having Adams is not good for them, but it's gonna force Aaron to play a cleaner game. History shows you, he's played good and so we'll see how it works out [Thursday]."

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My bad guys, I shouldn't mock Lazard or others like that. It's (rightfully) not socially acceptable to mock those who are afflicted.

I suggest we all (1) cease discussing it in this thread and (2) generally show more compassion and try to understand the core reasons many people are afflicted with conspiracy theory susceptibility issues. It's a crisis that belittling does nothing to solve.

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3 minutes ago, R T said:

From Rob Demovsky's article.

The Cardinals are acutely aware of Rodgers' success without Adams on the field, and defensive coordinator Vance Joseph recited the Packers' stats without Adams off the top of his head. Joseph pointed out that when quarterbacks like Rodgers don't have their star receiver, the responsibility to carry an offense falls on them.

"Sometimes it helps them to play an even cleaner game," Joseph said. "He's not forced to force the ball to Adams. And when you have a guy like Adams who's a volume pass catcher, you could kind of trap him into throwing the ball to Adams some. But without Adams, it's gonna force Aaron to play a true game and that's, sometimes, dangerous for us.

"But he's played his best ball without Adams. And again, not having Adams is not good for them, but it's gonna force Aaron to play a cleaner game. History shows you, he's played good and so we'll see how it works out [Thursday]."

Joseph proudly showing he studies, but also kinda showed his hand here.  MLF can use this information to his advantage and force the ball to someone else.  I kid.  Kinda.

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1 minute ago, incognito_man said:

My bad guys, I shouldn't mock Lazard or others like that. It's (rightfully) not socially acceptable to mock those who are afflicted.

I suggest we all (1) cease discussing it in this thread and (2) generally show more compassion and try to understand the core reasons many people are afflicted with conspiracy theory susceptibility issues. It's a crisis that belittling does nothing to solve.

COMPASSION IS FOR *******!!!!!

- signed: "tough guys" who are uncomfortable with anything that doesn't involve yelling and screaming

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5 minutes ago, Mr. Fussnputz said:

Guys like you and Lazard are the arrogant ones.

False. People have had the chance to get it if they want. That effectively makes things no worse than a cold for them. If you were not sticking your boot on throats over the common cold 3yr ago, you should not be doing so now. Comparing this to smallpox or polio is stupid. These vaccines do no prevent transmission. 

There absolutely are freedoms being flushed down the toilet this moment. You must be living under a rock. Millions of people have had their businesses shut down or been laid off, including thousands of health care workers. Newsflash... it takes money to pay for food and pay for surguries and other medical treatments. People are being censored on an enormous scale. To say otherwise is willful ignorance. 


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1 hour ago, 15412 said:


Is it official that Adams tested positive or just contact?  If he never tested positive he should be good to go tomorrow.

Well, I don’t think they ever make it “official” so we have to piece together evidence.  Rodgers was asked if he had talked to Adams and “how he is doing” and Rodgers said he is doing fine (just disappointed in not playing) which certainly would indicate it is a positive test. 

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1 minute ago, mikebpackfan said:

Well, I don’t think they ever make it “official” so we have to piece together evidence.  Rodgers was asked if he had talked to Adams and “how he is doing” and Rodgers said he is doing fine (just disappointed in not playing) which certainly would indicate it is a positive test. 

Ian Rapport tweeted that Adams was a positive ( it’s why the discussion of if he has two negative tests before Thursday he could still technically play, all be it a very unlikely case) and Lazard is out 5 days regardless of negative test because he is unvaccinated and is a close contact. So Adams is positive, Lazard is out because of the stricter rules for unvaccinated.

This is why many wondered if bottom roster guys would get cut if they were unvaccinated because it’s a automatic 5 days you are out regardless.

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