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It was good times for the quaint little community known as the Football's Future Forum. The regulars were all happy, and the mafia games they played were all steady, consistent, and fun. However, they were wholly unpreprared for what happened on a particular Thursday. Matts and his girl had been slaving away for months to create the perfect game, and it was time for them to show the world their greatness. Soon, "You Mafia" was born. It began innocently enough, but it soon transformed into the incredible "Josh Mafia." This game spread like a cancer throughout the Football's Future Forum, soon infecting all but the bravest of souls.

It was then one of those brave souls revealed himself to be Whicker. Mustering all of his strength, he took one big shot at the now run away game, and fortunately, was able to bring it down. He stood over his work and gave a wide smile as he saw the game got locked for the final time. As he turned to walk away, however, he heard a terrible sound behind him. He turned and looked in horror as three ghosts arose from the ashes. "No! This can't be!" Whicker shouted as the ghosts descended upon him. "Mafia games are supposed to be fun, well balanced, and most importantly, well hosted!" Those were his final words as he was soon overwhelmed by the ghosts, who were now dead set on ruining mafia on the Football's Future Forum forever. 

Whicker has been killed! He was a 1-shot vigilante aligned with the Football's Future Forum


With Whicker gone, it is now up to the rest of the mafia regulars to cleanse the forum of these evil memories...

Edited by Whicker
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All standard mafia rules apply: 

Don't communicate outside the thread about the game unless explicitly given permission by your role. 
You may edit posts, but do not edit votes.
You may talk at night. Do not reveal any information passed along via PM until the day starts.
Do not screenshot PMs or anything game related that I send to you via PM.
Please vote every day. I will tag players multiple times throughout the day if they do not vote. Failure to vote for any two days will result in replacement or modkill.
If there is a tie at deadline, there will be a 10 minute OT period between the tied players. If there is still a tie after OT, the result will be NO LYNCH.
Players may post zombie posts after death. Do not post anything game related. Please do not abuse this rule and post excessively. 




This is the town role PM:

You are aligned with the Football's Future Forum


Before the end of day 1, please select a role from the available town role list. If you do not select a role by the day 1 deadline, you will default to a Vanilla Townie.


Win Condition: You win when you have eliminated Meme Mafia from the forum


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1. Dome
2. Forge - Vanilla Townie [Football's Future Forum] - lynched Day 1
3. MWil23
4. Pickle Rick
5. Slapatron (Slappy Mc and Malfatron hydra)
6. squire12 - 1-shot Bulletproof [Football's Future Forum] - killed N1
7. TheKillerNacho - 2-shot Cop [Football's Future Forum] - lynched D2 
8. The Orca
9. gopherwrestler
10. Bcb1213
11. JoshstraDaymus - 2-shot Watcher [Football's Future Forum] - killed N1
12. kingseanjohn - 2-shot Cop [Football's Future Forum] - killed N2




Available Town Roles 


2-Shot Cop (4) – Twice during the game, at night, choose a player. You will learn that player's alignment. You will receive results in the form of "aligned with the forum," "aligned with Meme Mafia," or "No Results"

Jack-of-All-Trades (3) – You may use one of the following abilities each night. Each move can only be used once:

  • Once during the game, at night, choose a player. You will learn which player(s), if any, that player visited that night. You will receive results in the form of "X visited Y" or "No Results"

  • Once during the game, at night, choose a player. You will learn which player(s), if any, that visited that player that night. You will receive results in the form of "X and Y visited Z" or "No Results"

  • Once during the game, at night, choose a player. That player will be protected from killing actions that night. You may NOT choose yourself. You will receive results in the form of "You successfully visited X" or "You failed to visit X." You will not be told if you successfully protected against a kill. 

2-shot Watcher (2) – Twice during the game, at night, choose a player. You will learn which player(s), if any, that visited that player that night. You will receive results in the form of "X and Y visited Z" or "No Results"

Odd night Tracker (2) – Each odd night, choose a player. You will learn which player(s), if any, that player visited that night. You will receive results in the form of "X visited Y" or "No Results"

2-shot Doctor (2) – Twice during the game, at night, choose a player. That player will be protected from killing actions that night. You may NOT choose yourself. "You successfully visited X" or "You failed to visit X." You will not be told if you successfully protected against a kill. 

1-shot Bulletproof (1) – You will survive the first killing action that targets you. You will be informed privately if/when your bulletproof is used. It will not be reflected in the write-up.

Non-Consecutive Commuter (1) – At night, you may choose to leave the forum. If you do so, any actions targeting you, including all kills (including strongman), will fail. You may not commute on consecutive nights. You will not be told if anyone attempted a visit on you. 

Motion Detector (1) – Each night, choose a player. You will learn how many moves in total were used by or on that player. You will receive the results in the form of "X moves were used on or by player Y" or "No Results"

Vanilla Townie (0) – You have no moves. Just your vote.




Available Scum Roles


1-shot Strongman (9) – Once during the game, at night, choose a player. You will attempt to kill that player. This kill is not affected by any protective roles.

Godfather (7) – If investigated, you will return “aligned with the forum.”

Ninja (5) – Any actions you perform will not show up on watcher/tracker reports.

Roleblocker (5) – Each night, choose a player. That player will be roleblocked for that night.

Framer (4) – Each night, choose a player. If that player is investigated that night, they will return “aligned with Meme Mafia”

Rolecop (2) – Each night, choose a player. You will learn that player's role.

Mafia Goon (0) – You have no moves outside of factional hit and factional chat.



Each town player should let me know via PM which role they'd like to take before the Day 1 deadline. Multiple town players can select the same role. The number next to each role represents the amount of "Mutation Points" that the scum team will receive during Night 1. 

On night 1, the scum players will then use their Mutation Points to select their abilities. The number next the role represents the cost of each ability. Each ability can be given to more than one player provided costs are met. 

On the start of day 2, I will announce to town how many Mutation Points the scum team received in total.

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Start of Day 1


Vote Count

2 KSJ – Mwil, Josh
3 Forge – Nacho, Pickle, Slapatron
1 Gopher – MWil
1 MWil – Dome
1 Nacho – Orca
2 Pickle – KSJ, Squire
1 Dome – Forge
1 Bcb – Gopher


It was a slow day on the Football's Future Forum. The mafia regulars collected their preferred equipment and sat idly around. It seemed as though they didn't quite realize the threat that the Ghosts of Meme Mafia posed.

At the end of the day, the forum seemed split on where the Ghosts could have gone. Eventually, the settled on Forge, who, it turned out, was just your every day regular forum Forge.


@Forge was killed! He was a Vanilla Townie aligned with Football's Future Forum


The Ghosts had been waiting for this opportunity. The forum's activity was low, and they had yet to fully understand the threat of The Ghosts.

Their first target was one of the more popular players on the forum. He had been the inspiration behind their very existence, and it only seemed fitting that he would be the one to fall to them first.


@JoshstraDaymus was killed! He was 2-shot Watcher aligned with Football's Future Forum


The Ghosts were not yet done, as their first killing only gave them a small taste of the corruption they were now spreading throughout the regulars. Their next target was one of their smarter enemies. This man had dared try to assemble the forum to work together against these monstrosities, but it in the end, it only led to his untimely fate.


@squire12 was killed! He was 1-shot Bulletproof aligned with Football's Future Forum



The Ghosts received 17 Mutation Points

Start of Day 2


Vote Count

6 Nacho – Slapatron, Dome, Mwil, Bcb, Orca, Pickle
2 Pickle – KSJ, Gopher
1 Dome – Nacho

@TheKillerNacho will be the lynch


With some of their peers dead, the regulars were finally ready to begin their search and take The Ghosts seriously. It started out rough, with many of them squabbling about how powerful The Ghosts seemed to be, until something truly crazy happened. Whicker's ghost, assumed long gone, appeared and made an ominous post that had come straight from Meme Mafia.

It was now beyond clear the true danger and level of corruption the regulars faced. They began sharing some of their info, eventually coming to the conclusion that TheKillerNacho had been infected by The Ghosts this whole time. However, to their horror, it turned out to be regular old Nacho after all.

TheKillerNacho has been killed! He was 2-shot Cop aligned with the Football's Future Forum


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