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The Killing (Justin) Fields


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12 hours ago, RaisinBran said:

Surprised you got that many likes. Obviously I disagree. He's had 2 turnovers in each game (could've been more with some of his poor throws and decision making) and still hasn't demonstrated the ability to read a defense and go through progressions. It's ridiculous to say that no other QB would be able to have the Bears at 2-0 right now.

I saw someone else after your post say that the Bears are calling too many screens, etc as an excuse. Ask yourself why that is? Why would a coach call so many screens? It's pretty clear the whoever calling plays doesn't trust Fields right now. When he does drop back normally it's hard to watch. He doesn't appear to have progressed at all from last year despite having a true #1 WR now. IMO if the Bears had a QB that could read a defense they wouldn't be calling so many screens.

It's still early in the season so he can certainly turn things around but he hasn't looked good at all thus far.

What QB  do you believe would be scoring 26+ ppg with this team? Pass protection is trash in the middle so few QBs would be able to make great throws while having pressure flying straight in their face. As many sacks as Fields has taken for holding the ball too long people convienently (not you specifically) ignore how many immediate sacks he evades every game.

Because they have one of the worst ranking for passblocking in pure pass sets, because Getsy is an idiot, because teams know they can attack with near reckless abandon so Getsy thinks he can make them pay for being too aggressive (but lack of vertical game means safeties can sit on intermediate routes), etc. Have you seen how many times there are two receivers in the same area? The "offensive system" is a mess. Last year Fields was one of if not the most dynamic runner but this year they have called 2 QB runs per game and rarely move the pocket. That's incompetence or cowardice by the playcaller. Fields is a project but is getting little help, trying to force him into a pure pocket passer is like putting someone with Brady/Brees-level athleticism running a triple option offense. You take away their strengths and amplify their weaknesses.

Agree 100%. I'm not so much making excuses for Fields (he absolutely needs to play better) as venting my annoyance with the moronic coaching staff. If Fields busts then move on, that was always a risk as with any prospect. But wasting two years development (Nagy and then a concentrated tanking year) and then neutering him via playcalling in his potential prove-it year is just, well... very Bears-like.


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22 hours ago, RaisinBran said:

His #1 WR right now is 33 years old, past his prime, and can't create any separation at this point of his career. He'd have DJ Moore, Mooney, and Kmet to throw to and actual weapons on offense.

If he doesn't survive somewhere it's due to his size not his abilities. He's not holding on to the football too long when people are open (Fields). I believe Bryce is doing the best he can given the situation he's in. Can the same be said of Fields?

How would Young have DJ Moore? They traded him to get Young lol

and I’m definitely referencing the size, that Bears interior is abysmal

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13 hours ago, Sugashane said:

What QB  do you believe would be scoring 26+ ppg with this team? Pass protection is trash in the middle so few QBs would be able to make great throws while having pressure flying straight in their face. As many sacks as Fields has taken for holding the ball too long people convienently (not you specifically) ignore how many immediate sacks he evades every game.

Because they have one of the worst ranking for passblocking in pure pass sets, because Getsy is an idiot, because teams know they can attack with near reckless abandon so Getsy thinks he can make them pay for being too aggressive (but lack of vertical game means safeties can sit on intermediate routes), etc. Have you seen how many times there are two receivers in the same area? The "offensive system" is a mess. Last year Fields was one of if not the most dynamic runner but this year they have called 2 QB runs per game and rarely move the pocket. That's incompetence or cowardice by the playcaller. Fields is a project but is getting little help, trying to force him into a pure pocket passer is like putting someone with Brady/Brees-level athleticism running a triple option offense. You take away their strengths and amplify their weaknesses.

Agree 100%. I'm not so much making excuses for Fields (he absolutely needs to play better) as venting my annoyance with the moronic coaching staff. If Fields busts then move on, that was always a risk as with any prospect. But wasting two years development (Nagy and then a concentrated tanking year) and then neutering him via playcalling in his potential prove-it year is just, well... very Bears-like.


I do agree that deliberately dialling back his strength is a monumentally stupid thing to do. They’re trying to force a square peg into a round hole, and it doesn’t work. Use the asset you have.

That said, he is a massive problem as well. He cannot read NFL defenses. He stares down one player waiting for his route to get open - like you would in Madden. He looks directly at open receivers and does not throw. He doesn’t know what’s happening in front of him, and he either throws to pre-determined areas or bails into trouble. I think it’s clear he’s a bust.

fortunately you have a chance to rectify this next Spring. 

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4 hours ago, Hunter2_1 said:

I do agree that deliberately dialling back his strength is a monumentally stupid thing to do. They’re trying to force a square peg into a round hole, and it doesn’t work. Use the asset you have.

That said, he is a massive problem as well. He cannot read NFL defenses. He stares down one player waiting for his route to get open - like you would in Madden. He looks directly at open receivers and does not throw. He doesn’t know what’s happening in front of him, and he either throws to pre-determined areas or bails into trouble. I think it’s clear he’s a bust.

fortunately you have a chance to rectify this next Spring. 

Agree on all points. My biggest issue is that there has been almost no development here for Fields. He actually seems to have regressed in that manner. 

Last year I said Poles should completely abandon the defense and stack the offense as much as possible. But instead he let the OL sit on the backburner and drafted Brisker and Gordon (who I liked, but picked others above them in my own draft). He let the top 3 WRs be Mooney, ESB, and Pettis. So I'm afraid they have basically David Carr'd Fields. He doesn't feel he can trust his OL (after last year I completely get it too) and now that he has WRs that can get open he is looking to run. Add in that the IOL is still trash and Getsy refusing to move the pocket and he is sitting in a pocket with pressure constantly coming up the middle. 

I'm a fan of the teardown, I know Poles was aiming to get a high draft pick (and got the 1.1 so major bonus there) but if the entire staff isn't wiped out then IDK what to say about the franchise. At this point I want Warren involved heavily in the coaching hires or for him to just say thanks and pick his own GM. Let THOSE guys pick the next QB, don't keep the stupid new Bears tradition of having a QB picked high then replacing the coach for that QBs second year. 

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Go with me on this.  Fields wise.

Back in the day, it was obvious that Trubisky wasn't very good.  But, he had spurts of being adequate to good and he had very good mobility.  I always through the Bears should put in the Llamar Jackson offense.  Kaepernick offense.  Quick RPO's, designed runs, quick play action with multiple things that the QB can do, but all dependent on his legs.

I think Fields could do well in an offense like that.  And if he gets hurt?  So what?  

At this point and time, Fields needs something new.  Could be a new city.  Could be a new city while riding pine and actually learning.  But if he is to stay in Chicago, running a different style offense makes sense.

...except for how the team has been built and how the offense has been installed.  And...if your real goal is to secure Caleb Williams and a premier EDGE or corner?  Then you just keep playing Fields in this scheme for as long as you can.

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21 minutes ago, vegas492 said:

Go with me on this.  Fields wise.

Back in the day, it was obvious that Trubisky wasn't very good.  But, he had spurts of being adequate to good and he had very good mobility.  I always through the Bears should put in the Llamar Jackson offense.  Kaepernick offense.  Quick RPO's, designed runs, quick play action with multiple things that the QB can do, but all dependent on his legs.

I think Fields could do well in an offense like that.  And if he gets hurt?  So what?  

At this point and time, Fields needs something new.  Could be a new city.  Could be a new city while riding pine and actually learning.  But if he is to stay in Chicago, running a different style offense makes sense.

...except for how the team has been built and how the offense has been installed.  And...if your real goal is to secure Caleb Williams and a premier EDGE or corner?  Then you just keep playing Fields in this scheme for as long as you can.

Bears fans have been with you on this since he was drafted. The limited success Tru had he was able to move around and he showed he could make the deep throw, but his legs helped a mediocre offensive line. So when you see a guy that throws a better deep ball and has significantly better legs you would say "Hey lets use this tp pressure the defense and help the weak OL!" But not Nagy and Getsy.

Nagy said the offense would be adjusted to work around Fields' strengths. But when he took over for Dalton the offense didn't change. Almost nothing but straight drops, 5 man protections, etc. 

Then Getsy comes in and talks about how everything will revolve around the QB. Using his strengths (failed), protecting the QB (failed like a ****), etc. We talked about having a 3-4-5 year plan on progressing him as a passer, even using a pitch count of sorts since running was the one thing the team was set up to do well. Then when they condense and bring safeties up you move the QB to change the launch point and pressure deep. Seemed like common sense to run the Lamar/Kaep offense and it took until midseason for Getsy to start it, then for this season to scrap it entirely. Eberflus just is seemingly along for the ride. 

Trade away what you can. If you can get a 4th or 5th for Fields then do it, MIA makes a ton of sense. Tua has health concerns from the concussions, their back up situation isn't great, and McDaniel gets a head start to getting Fields integrated into the system in case Tua misses a few games. McDaniels also isn't a clown, he would be able to adjust and scheme around Fields' strengths. If you can get a 6th for EJax or anyone who isn't being looked at as a potential starter for 2024 then take the late picks. Tank, secure Williams, and then get either MHJ or Fashanu. 

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My, and many others, biggest criticism about Fields is that he did not play fast enough. I wonder if that is what the problem is as a pro and if it's fixable. I would give him by mid-season to see if things get better. Otherwise, I think it might be best to bench him and trade him in the offseason. I could see him going to the Patriots or the Rams.

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2 hours ago, Mdpackfan22 said:

Fields should come to Green Bay and sit behind Love. Clements is a QB whisper and potentially only person that could possibly fix Fields.

Damn. I forgot Clements was back in Green Bay. He was on my short list when Pace ended up hiring John Fox. Probably the most over-qualified QB coach in the league. Great move on MLF and Gute in getting him to come back. 

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2 hours ago, Mdpackfan22 said:

Fields should come to Green Bay and sit behind Love. Clements is a QB whisper and potentially only person that could possibly fix Fields.

I am dying to see Fields in a offense with a good OC/play caller who can read above a 3rd grade level. What the current Bears coaching staff is doing to him right now is malpractice. They are in the middle of ruining a talented kids career because of pure coaching and roster construction incompetence--just like they did with Trubisky and just like they will do with Williams.

I hope some team comes and saves him before he is mentally zapped for good.

Selfishly, I would love to see what a offensive brain like Sean Payton could do with him if Russ isnt long for Denver.

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On 9/18/2023 at 2:21 PM, HoboRocket said:

I have no idea why people were wanting to build around him in the off-season when he was just as terrible last year! He just put up okay fantasy numbers from running the ball.

Because too many people equate fantasy football results to real football

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