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MemberOff 2018 (we are now the final!! FINAL RESULT ON P88!! congrats to our golden member)

Shady Slim

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the results are in for heat two

jrry 12

rams 10

vike 10

caribou 8

forge 7

bk 7

irish 5

acgott 1

i have no idea who cariboulou is but he’s saved me from making a tiebreakers decision that i really would struggle with and so i thank him... we lose a single seed, as well as one of @FinneasGage‘s top ten (who else is in this list? stay tuned to find out), in quite a death group... commiserations to the eliminated, again, it’s still quite the achievement to get nominated with the strength of the forum... top 64!!

on to the third heat




@Venom Sife





for what it’s worth we have to wait for like heat six for champion of the people jasonwbantle comes to the fore

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38 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Voting for @LETSGOBROWNIES because he's too humble to vote for himself.

Voting for FF death penalty king @RuskieTitan.

Voting for @Adrenaline_Flux because he voted for himself so apparently he needs all the votes he can get.

Voting for @pwny because he has to deal with webby all the time tbh.


@LETSGOBROWNIES because he's full of himself.

@RuskieTitan because not voting for him will impact my HoF chances.

@Adrenaline_Flux because I once sent him to fight @fretgod99 and he did. 

@pwny because Rhode Island.

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