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Back to School Mafia - The Admins have taken over the school!


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7 minutes ago, Dome said:

I was dead before counselor even considered turning in for the night. 

The award is mine.

TBH, I've never understood the "Let's get the guy who hard claimed friendly other!!!!!!" mob mentality early in a game.

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9 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

TBH, I've never understood the "Let's get the guy who hard claimed friendly other!!!!!!" mob mentality early in a game.

I knew getting lynched was a distinct possibility when I claimed, I knew it would be a fight. I also don't take issue with lynching a friendly other at certain points in the game, but thought the way it happened and timing of it was very lazy. I tried to warn the folks that were doing it, but no use.

Unfortunately the threat of dome being a ridiculous asshat but also just blatant non-town that is somehow still alive is just not jiving with people lately.  B|xD


But I wasn't lying when I said I claimed like that to set a precedent than anything else. 

>>>>>Arguably the biggest advantage town got this game was when they didn't lynch Indy Pickle and made him mafia's problem instead. I think mafia could've won that outright that night (could be wrong) but it gave town one last shot.

Town hunts mafia, mafia hunts others. Just ask @bcb1213

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My progression on the Malf blitz:

Eating lunch proud of myself for finding 2 scum:


Me coming back from lunch




Me seeing the 3-4 scum who piled on, only to realize we lost before most of us thought/realized we were in lylo:


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Welcome back to school bcb1213! You are…

The Stoner, School-Aligned

You’re a decent kid with decent grades. All of your teachers love you for your calm and personable attitude. What they don’t know is that your calm demeanor comes from smoking copious amounts of weed. Like a lot of it. Between each class period you can take someone with you to smoke up. This will prevent them from completing their night action. You can also communicate outside of the thread with The Dealer.

Win Condition: Outlast the school threats
Night Action: Roleblock (Player X)
Communicate With: Mwil23

You had a pretty solid if unassuming game. Nailed Rags day 1 but wasn't able to build an actual case against him to get people to vote for him. This was pretty much a typical bcb game. Solid reads, solid moves but just not the most vocal person in the thread.



Welcome back to school Mwil23! You are…

The Dealer, School-Aligned

You’ve been smoking for a couple of years now and have recently decided to start dealing to earn a little extra cash on the side. FF High is the perfect place to sell but now that the school is under investigation, it’s become much harder. You need to help end this investigation quick. Between each period you can sell someone some really dank bud. This will make them forgetful and they’ll be randomly redirected.

Win Condition: Outlast the school threats
Night Action: Redirect (Player X)
Communicate With: bcb1213

You had a pretty up and down game. He had some really good moments but also plenty of head scratchers. You were mostly able to parse through bs in the thread and make ok decisions but you also were just a little too stuck on certain people and couldn't quite get over it. Also, I get what you were trying to do with all of the misdirection and stuff trying to fish for reactions but you gotta reign it in a little bit. Calculated misdirection can be useful but you were a little bit scatter shot.



Welcome back to school Nazgul! You are…

The Jock, School-Aligned

You are the prototypical school jock. You play tons of sports, you get all the ladies, and you’re dumb as a brick. It’s cool though, you’ll still get into better schools than the rest of these nerds because of your God-given talents alone. You’re a versatile player, which affords you many different abilities. Between each period you can do one of the following. You have a limited number of uses for each ability.

  • Football: Redirect (2x)
  • Basketball: Watch OR Track (2x)
  • Baseball: Flavor Investigation (1x)
  • Wrestling: Roleblock (2x)

Win Condition: Outlast the school threats
Night Action: Play (Sport) with (Player X)
Communicate With: Nobody

You had a typical Naz sort of game where you aren't very active or aggressive in thread. I was a little bit confused by some of the decisions you made with your moves. The big one was your final move of the game where you tried to do a flavor invest. If you'd used your roleblock or redirect and managed to target the killer you could've kept the game going. Even if you didn't know you were in LyLo, you still should've realized it was close and tried to stop the kill if possible. Still you're one of the more amusing posters and fun to watch play.

@The Orca


Welcome back to school The Orca! You are…

The Mean Girl, School-Aligned

You are the queen bee of FF High. Everyone loves and/or hates you because everybody knows you. You have mastered the art of putting other people down by revealing and exploiting their biggest weaknesses and insecurities. In between each period you can use your exceptional observational abilities to watch someone and see who visits them.

Win Condition: Outlast the school threats
Night Action: Watch (Player X)
Communicate With: Nobody

Orca this was quite the game from you. You did a pretty solid job with your watches even if you didn't really catch much. You targeted scum three times out of your five moves. However your thread play was pretty bad. You just got so stuck on who you thought was scum that you didn't pay attention to the evidence. Although you were far from the only one guilty of this, you seemed to do it the most in this game. Particularly the post where you claimed that there's no way that many people could have evidence that cleared people when that's exactly how it was. At the end of the game when the numbers are low and there are a number of power roles left that's how it gets. It seemed to me at least that you were convinced that you already knew who scum was and dismissed that evidence because it didn't back up your scum reads. For thread play, you get Co-LVP. Your wild and outlandish conspiracy theories were amusing but also very crazy so for those you get Co-JVP.



Welcome back to school Whicker! You are…

The Goth, School-Aligned

Your soul is tortured and consumed by darkness. Nobody understands you. You hate FF High and you hate everyone there. At least that’s what you say. Secretly you like most of your classmates. And you especially like the principal. He’s never treated you differently for being goth. Now that the School Board is investigating him, you’ve decided maybe you should care about things and help out. Luckily you are one with the shadows. Between each period you can stalk someone silently and see who they visit.

Win Condition: Outlast the school threats
Night Action: Track (Player X)
Communicate With: Nobody

You played a solid game, especially compared with the rest of town. Your targets were solid even though you never caught anyone. From what I remember you had some of the better town reads but just didn't push hard enough or people didn't listen enough so it ended up not helping much.



Welcome back to school Malfatron! You are…

The Slacker, School-Aligned

You may have some modicum of natural ability but you’ve squandered it greatly and are basically a burnout loser. Some teachers try to see the talent hidden within you but it never works. It’s your senior year and you are starting to have some regrets about wasting your time in high school. You want to start turning things around. Each period you will be assigned a task. If you complete that task, you will receive an ability that you can use to help the school.

  • Period 1: Tell everyone you’re giving up and refuse to scumhunt. You may not scumhunt day 1. (Redirect)
  • Period 2: At least every other post, reference how you’re smarter than everyone else. (Roleblock)
  • Period 3: Suck up to the principal (me) at least 5 times in thread. (Track or watch)
  • Period 4: You must very boldly proclaim that you are the Class Clown. (Investigation)
  • Period 5: You must counter-claim all character claims from other players. (Vig)

Win Condition: Outlast the school threats
Night Action: (Ability) (Player X)
Communicate With: Nobody

It felt like this game you just never got going. Your moves kept getting blocked and in thread you never really went after people like I thought you might. Pretty meh game and honestly I felt like town could've used some of your strong leadership. Grantedyou were at a disadvantage all game with Swag's fake cult invest on you. It's probably not fair to ask for you to be a leader every game and it shouldn't/doesn't have to always be you. Town was definitely lacking a leader this game though and you are certainly one suited to fill the void.



Welcome back to school kingseanjohn! You are…

The Hall Monitor, School-Aligned

You are the hero of the hallways! The savior of the school! The protector of pupils! Most high schools don’t have or need hall monitors but you insisted. You’re forever grateful to The Principal for giving you the badge. Between each period you can safely guide someone through the hallways. Nobody else will be able to target them.

Win Condition: Outlast the school threats
Night Action: Protect (Player X)
Communicate With: Nobody

I know you weren't around too much as you warned pre-game. That being said you were pretty much the only person to accurately nail the scum group at the end. Sure they were blatantly obvious scum at that point but still most players were wrong so you get some credit for it. Where I'm going to ding you big time is your night actions. You are simply not one of the people who mafia is going to target early game and so using the protect on yourself was wasteful of a very powerful role. Throughout the whole game only one person ever targeted you period. Protector is one of the most powerful roles that town has and with it essentially being wasted every night that is a tough obstacle to overcome. Mixed bag for you but based on night actions you get Co-LVP.



Welcome back to school TheKillerNacho! You are…

The Nerd, School-Aligned

You have worked hard these past four years and it’s looking very likely that you will earn Valedictorian. You couldn’t have done it without the amazing mentorship of The Principal. He was equal parts encouraging and strict and always made sure you put in your best effort. Now that the School Board is looking into the school, you are determined to protect him at all costs. In between each period you will use your harmless nerdiness to sneak your way into the records room and investigate somebody.

Win Condition: Outlast the school threats
Night Action: Investigate (Player X)
Communicate With: Nobody

Unfortunately Nacho you were not long for this world. Carl's baffling play led to your untimely demise. Town probably would have done better with you around for one because of your usually solid play but also because you had THE town role. If you had struck gold with one of your invests and whittled scum's numbers a bit this would have been a very different game I think. Solid play while you were around but didn't get to do much unfortunately.



Welcome back to school carl_sjunior! You are…

The Quiet Kid, School-Aligned

You have been relentlessly bullied just about every single day at FF High. You’re sick of it. You’re donning your trench coat, lacing up your boats, and you’re going to teach everyone a lesson. Between each period you are going to go to the janitor’s closet where you’ve stashed your gun and you’re going to try to summon the courage to do the deed. If anyone targets you, you will kill them. If you kill someone there is a chance that you kill yourself to avoid the consequences of your actions.

Win Condition: Outlast the school threats
Night Action: None
Communicate With: Nobody

I was very, very confused by your play in this game. Usually a PGO wants to avoid town targeting them but you seemed to paint a target on your back early by claiming to be the janitor's son. I just didn't get that at all. That's going to encourage town to target you while scum probably didn't care. I'm honestly surprised more town didn't target you.



Welcome back to school SwoleXmad! You are…

The Rich Kid, School-Aligned

Your daddy is rich. Your mommy is rich. They’re divorced and married to your rich stepparents. Life is going to be very easy for you. Money is not an object to you and so you spend with abandon. During each period, send me someone’s name and you will pay them to complete their role for a second time that night.

Win Condition: Outlast the school threats
Day Action: Motivate (Player X)
Communicate With: Nobody

The lynch on you day 1 was a lazy one. There was no real case, people just hopped on the wagon because the wagon was there. You didn't get a chance to do anything this game but I hope you play again.



Welcome back to school Matts4313! You are…

The Attention Whore, School-Aligned

There is so much drama at FF High and you are determined to be at the center of all of it. Two girls stop being friends? You’re there to secretly befriend both and talk **** about them behind each other’s backs. A couple breaks up? You’re there to spread multiple different rumors about why. And this School Board investigation? God you are so here for it. Twice during the game between class periods you may use a Nexus ability. When doing so, there are three equally likely possibilities: all scum target you, all players in the game target you, or the entire phase is cancelled altogether.

Win Condition: Outlast the school threats
Night Action: Nexus
Communicate With: Nobody

This was the last role I created because I was out of ideas and needed to get to 20. Tbh it was slightly OP. Scum essentially was unable to do anything the first two nights other than stuff that targeted you night 2. Good use of your moves that worked out well.



Welcome back to school Dome! You are…

The Prankster, Goof-Aligned

You are hilarious and everyone loves the amazing pranks you pull. Or at least you think they do. Secretly everyone hates it and finds you annoying. That won’t stop you though! In between each period you get to choose one player and give them a posting restriction of your choice. You can make them only post in a certain color, a large font, bold, italics, in French, etc. You can not tell them what to say, only how their message is presented. Your WC can be achieved after your death/suspension. Have fun.

Win Condition: All living players must have a posting restriction
Night Action: Make (Player X) (Post Restriction)
Communicate With: Nobody

I can't even begin to describe how dissapointed I was with Dome's lynch. One reason is that I desperately wanted people to have hilarious post restrictions. Two is that it was lazy and part of town's downfall. Instead of actually scum hunting they just settled for you. This allowed scum to lazily focus on you as well, making it easier for them to hide in the shadows. Claimed indy's get lynched eventually, that's fine. But to laser focus on indy's when there are bigger fish to fry just makes things easy for scum. Hopefully a lesson learned.



Welcome back to school DingoLadd! You are…

The ****, STD-Aligned

Your body is ******* smoking! You use it to your advantage too. It’s 2019, there’s nothing wrong with a girl healthily exploring her sexuality. Unfortunately you are not healthy. You have more STD’s than you can count. That won’t stop you from getting yours though. Between each period you will choose someone to **** and infect them. This will cause their number of votes needed to drop by 2 for the next period. They will not know this happened.

Win Condition: Have at least two players suspended with lowered vote counts
Night Action: **** (Player X)
Communicate With: Nobody

You did a pretty good job of staying under the radar. Your night 1 target in swag I didn't think was great because I don't think he's likely to get lynched day 1 but the Counselor one was good. 

@Pickle Rick


Welcome back to school Pickle Rick! You are…

The Wannabe, Loser-Aligned

You moved to town last year and joined FF High partway through the year. You made no friends and most people barely know you exist. You so desperately want to be cool and popular. In between each period you will aggressively approach people and try to be their friend. This will cause them to be late to class, resulting in them losing their ability to vote the next day. If the person you targeted is cool, you will be told what comes next.

Win Condition: Become popular
Night Action: Befriend (Player X)
Communicate With: Nobody

Your role was kind of a shot in the dark type role where you just had to guess right unless it became a claim fest. You did a good job of staying under the radar while still participating. You almost had the win there at the end until Naz ****ed you. Also, if you had found a popular kid you would've actually killed them off and converted to town. However, you would count as two town for purposes of game numbers due to your popularity. You also would've already kept your win. So Naz redirecting you kinda saved the day a bit for town since you would've killed Orca and then been killed yourself, costing town two lives instead of one indy.



Welcome back to school Counselor! You are…

The Janitor, Clean-Aligned

You are a crotchety old fart and you’ve worked at FF High for many, many years. The kids have always treated you like **** and you have always resented them for that. Now the kids are having food fights on the first day of school? You’ve had it. You are going to cleanse this school of the real filth: the students. In between each period you can choose someone to kill.

Win Condition: Kill at least 4 students
Night Action: Kill (Player X)
Communicate With: Nobody

If I'd known the game was going to finish so quickly I probably would've made your WC to kill 3 students but oh well. I thought you did well this game at staying under the radar, which is important for indy's. If it weren't for an unfortunate redirect I think you could've potentially still completed your WC. I will say that I really, really liked your scum knowledge gambit. If you had convinced them to go for Rags (who I think also was getting significant votes that day) he would've flipped scum and you would've been golden. I really liked your game.



Welcome back to school SwAg! You are…

The Theater Kid, School-Aligned

You have a special talent for the theater. Drama! Acting! It’s what you’ve always dreamed of. You like to make up characters based on people at your school. This requires extensive research. Between each period you can study a player and you will learn their ability. In between the next class period you can choose to study someone else or use the ability you studied between the previous periods. Once during the game you may choose to permanently steal that person’s ability as long as they are currently alive and you studied their ability already.

Win Condition: Outlast the school threats
Night Action: Study (Player X)/Use (Player X)’s ability
Communicate With: Nobody

Well everyone already knows this role so you get Jackass of the Game. As a note for everyone else, Swag messaged me right after dying with a scum list of Rags, Touch, VMD, and Whicker or Orca aka 3/4 of the scum team. He said that Malf just bothered him so that's why he went after Malf. For that you get Co-JVP. It was a dumb thing to do as town but worked out when you were scum.



Welcome back to school Ragnarok! You are…

The Teacher’s Pet, Admin-Aligned

You are a senior here at FF High and desperately trying to become the Valedictorian. Right now you’re in second place though and you’ll do anything to move up to that next spot. The Vice Principal has recently approached you with an arrangement. You help him get rid of the Principal by making the school look bad and he’ll fudge some numbers and make you Valedictorian. Right now you have no active ability. You will appear as School-Aligned to anyone who investigates you though.

Win Condition: Admins must outnumber the rest of the school
Night Action: None…yet
Communicate With: Slappy MC, theuntouchable, VikeManDan

Hidden: If another scummate had died you would have taken over their role. However you would've only had a 50% chance of success with them.



Welcome back to school VikeManDan! You are…

The Coach, Admin-Aligned

You’ve been working at FF High for many years now. You’re the classic combo: football coach and social studies teacher. You like teaching but you’re mainly here for the football. Recently the principal has been talking about putting an increased focus on academics and not putting as much emphasis on football and other sports. Well you can’t have that, now can you? You’ve joined with others against this terrible principal and you’re determined to take him by tanking the school’s reputation. Between each period you can put someone in detention, preventing them from completing their night action.

Win Condition: Admins must outnumber the rest of the school
Night Action: Put (Player X) in detention
Communicate With: Slappy MC, theuntouchable, Ragnarok

@Slappy Mc


Welcome back to school Slappy MC! You are…

The Vice Principal, Admin-Aligned

You are the second in command here at FF High but that is not good enough for you. You need to be on top. You have found other like-minded individuals who are against the principal for one reason or another and have decided to tank the school in order to get him fired. He suspects nothing however, which is great because it allows you to hold some influence over him. One time during the game, you may use that influence to get a player unsuspended. You may not revive dead players. You may only unsuspend a suspended player. That player becomes Admin-Aligned and joins your team.

Win Condition: Admins must outnumber the rest of the school
Night Action: Unsuspend (Player X)
Communicate With: theuntouchable, VikeManDan, Ragnarok



Welcome back to school theuntouchable! You are…

The Counselor, Admin-Aligned

You are a fresh face at FF High. You genuinely want to help the students at the school and help them reach goals higher than they could’ve ever imagined! But that principal? Oh how you hate that principal. Maybe it was just his smug, stupid face. Or maybe it was his ugly, butthead face. Who knows? For whatever reason you just hate the guy and want nothing more than to take him down. You’ve joined forces with others to make the school bad and get him sent packing. Between each period you may alter the school files to frame someone. You can make someone appear as Admin-Aligned or you can make them appear as School-Aligned.

Win Condition: Admins must outnumber the rest of the school
Night Action: Frame (Player X)
Communicate With: Slappy MC, VikeManDan, Ragnarok

Honestly most scum writeups are going to be the same so this is an all-around recap for the original four. You guys did the minimum and slipped through the cracks. Rags, you had a little bit of heat on you at one point but did a solid job of shaking it off. You guys worked really well as a scum team and made smart decisions as a whole. The only one I question was hitting Pickle near the end as the claimed indy. Killing a townie would've brought that ratio closer. I know you guys said you were worried about him winning outright but Rags at least should've known that that's not typically how indy's worked on WF. Great games all around though. Touch, I'm throwing Game MVP your way because the game largely came down to your potential lynch on the last day. Things could've continued without you and scum might still have won but you surviving that helped immensely when it came to the clean sweep. I thought you showed some strong ability weaseling your way out of that one.

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@rackcs...great game!!! I had a lot of fun!


You had a pretty up and down game. He had some really good moments but also plenty of head scratchers. You were mostly able to parse through bs in the thread and make ok decisions but you also were just a little too stuck on certain people and couldn't quite get over it.

In my defense:

1. I was trying to cause chaos. Apparently that's bad to do as town...but I stand by my decision, giving me reads on Pickle, Counselor, and Touch. Unfortunately, it led to my certainty of Town Orca being scum

2. To be fair, I wanted Touch gone a full day or two before the Malf blitz

3. Catching Counselor may have been the worst thing that I could have done. I went from trying to push Rags to catching him...and apparently he was trying to hit the scum VP that night, so my redirect was accidentally anti town.

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30 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

@rackcs...great game!!! I had a lot of fun!

In my defense:

1. I was trying to cause chaos. Apparently that's bad to do as town...but I stand by my decision, giving me reads on Pickle, Counselor, and Touch. Unfortunately, it led to my certainty of Town Orca being scum

2. To be fair, I wanted Touch gone a full day or two before the Malf blitz

3. Catching Counselor may have been the worst thing that I could have done. I went from trying to push Rags to catching him...and apparently he was trying to hit the scum VP that night, so my redirect was accidentally anti town.

I added a bit more to your writeup specifically addressing the chaos you were creating

28 minutes ago, kingseanjohn said:

Without a clear or someone I felt strongly civ about, I wasn’t going to risk protecting mafia. 

Fair enough but I think it's better to take a risk on someone who is likely to be hit who you think is town even if you have no strong reads. Like I said to Orca though, it is subjective.

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