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Yo-ho yo-ho, a Pirates Life for Me! - Day 6 is now! - Night 6 starts at 6pm EST


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"YAAAARG!!! IT BE TIME WE SET SAIL!!!!" Dome yelled to his crew and began to untie the knots keeping the ship moored. 

The man began to chant their sea shanties and soon, land was just a distant memory. Singing and dancing carried on deep into the first night until a cold wind chilled the crew to their bones. 

"Yarrrg, I've felt this wind before. This is a bad omen." One of the men announced to the others. "THIS SHIP IS CURSED!"

"You've had too much rum! Surely this ship isn't cursed! Captain Dome wouldn't set sail with a full crew knowing the ship be bound for tragedy! Drop ye superstitions!"

"We're sailors! All we have is our superstitions!!"



"WE'LL TAKE IT BY FORCE IF WE MUST! The Captain MUST turn back!!!"

Captain Dome sat in his chambers, he could hear the men yelling outside. Cap couldn't have a mutiny on his hands, he barely survived the last one. He knew he had to put a stop to this before it even began. He opened the door to the main deck, and stepped outside. The men quit yelling when they saw his musket pointed in their general direction.

"You. I heard you say you wanted to go back home." Captain Dome pointed the firearm at a man near the bow. "So go."


"Yes. You can swim, right?" Cap'n asked him as he motioned towards the plank. "Walk the plank. And swim."

"But Cap, we've been sailing for hours." 

"Lucky it wasn't days. Jump or I'll blow turn you into shark bait myself."

"Cap, shouldn't there be a vote or something?"

"Well, probably. Yeah. That's a good point. From here on out there will always be a vote. But you're first."

The man begrudgingly agreed, he slowly walked to the edge of the plank and jumped.

@Woz is dead. He was a Mutineer.

Mutineer  Make up at least 50% of the ship's crew.

"HA! I KNEW IT! GOT ONE!" Captain shouted! YOU NEXT! He pointed the gun at another man.


Captain thought for a moment. "Yeah, well that's when I thought I was just making a statement. I didn't realize we had a full blown mutiny on our hands. Now jump." Captain raised his hand cannon from his belt.

The man begrudgingly agreed, he slowly walked to the edge of the plank and jumped.

@jrry32 is dead. He was Captain Dome aligned.

Captain Dome Eliminate all threats to Captain Dome

"Whoops. We'll vote from here on out." Dome blushed and climbed up into the crows nest. "ALRIGHT! CARRY ON!" He yelled down to his crew.



-Vote for who walks the plank each night. Each player gets ONE vote per day, so make it count. 

-Day phases will be for pirateering, drinking, wenching and sniffing out who's behind this mutiny. Votes may be unofficially kept by the players as a way to track where people are leaning, but they will not count. Days will usually last 18-36 hours depending on what time (IRL) they begin.

-Night phases are for casting a vote if you have yet to do so. You may talk at night. SEND IN NIGHT MOVES DURING THE NIGHT PHASE.

-Any votes cast at night will count, so only vote if you're certain that's where your vote will be for the night.

-Night phases will end when every player has voted. 

If you are the last player to vote two nights in a row, you will be modkilled. (Exceptions will be made for players who are otherwise active and haven't voted for one reason or another, players who are absent and slowing down the game without providing anything in thread will be modkilled)


66: @TheKillerNacho as Helga 

1: @Counselor as Wet Willie Willem

2: @SwAg as Swagilicious

3: @Matts4313 as Brokeback Matts

4: @rackcs as Filthy Johnson

13: @Pickle Rick as Not-the-Captain Nova

16: @The Orca as Thirsty Jack

5: @Nazgulas Neckbeard

6: @Llamalover as Tiny Peter

16: @MWil23 as Pickled Orca

7: @bcb1213 as Johnny Big Bang

8: @daboyle250 as Daboyle Two Fiddy

9:   @squire12 as Scurvylegs

10: @theuntouchableas Natalie Renée 

11: @ET80 as ET-matey

12: @Ragnarok as James Cheswick

13: @Malfatron as Victarion Greyjoy 

14: @Tugboat as Tugboat



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1 minute ago, The Orca said:


I am leading a mutiny...hope this goes to show you....roles promptly at 10 :D

Who wants to be my first mate?


Just now, Dome said:

The man begrudgingly agreed, he slowly walked to the edge of the plank and jumped.

@Woz is dead. He was a Mutineer.

Mutineer  Make up at least 50% of the ship's crew.


Got one boys...


ok... roles going out now. 

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32 minutes ago, Dome said:


-Vote for who walks the plank each night. Each player gets ONE vote per day, so make it count. 

-Day phases will be for pirateering, drinking, wenching and sniffing out who's behind this mutiny. Votes may be unofficially kept by the players as a way to track where people are leaning, but they will not count. Days will usually last 18-36 hours depending on what time (IRL) they begin.

-Night phases are for casting a vote if you have yet to do so. You may talk at night. SEND IN NIGHT MOVES DURING THE NIGHT PHASE.

-Any votes cast at night will count, so only vote if you're certain that's where your vote will be for the night.

-Night phases will end when every player has voted. 

If you are the last player to vote two nights in a row, you will be modkilled. (Exceptions will be made for players who are otherwise active and haven't voted for one reason or another, players who are absent and slowing down the game without providing anything in thread will be modkilled)


Day One is now. Votes will not be kept unless you @me to make an official vote during the day. You may keep votes unofficially and hold each other too that at night though. (HINT HINT)

Night One begins 6pm EST on Wednesday. 


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