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Hot Fuzz Mafia - Game Over, Town (and Touch) has won!


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It is a dark night in Sandford, Gloucestershire and the Neighbourhood Watch Alliance has gathered to plan future events in order to ensure that they keep their reputation and maintain its “Village of the Year” status. They have already murdered several of its townspeople who have threatened Sandford’s chances of winning this prestigious award (whether it be through appalling actor or being piss drunk) and are planning to take out members of the police force who appear to have come across their plans.

At these meetings, they have a habit of wearing dark robes in order to disguise themselves in case someone sees them. After a headcount, it appears that there are some unexpected newcomers at the event who is trying to unveil their plans to the public, but that simply can’t do. One of these figures shoots another down, convinced that this is a policemen. However, when the hood was removed from the corpse, it is Daboyle, town-aligned.

Tensions are rising and the NWA is all on edge. They need to ensure their town’s reputation is safe. For the greater good.



  1. You may not directly quote (or fake a quote) your PM from me pertaining your role. You may, however, claim your character’s name and role. You may paraphrase your PM, but do not post it verbatim (don’t be cute either)
  2. Each PM is specific to each role, don’t phish at peoples PMs.
  3. Daytime will last roughly 24 hrs. Each night will be at 10 pm EST. Votes timestamped 10:01:00 and later will not count.  It must be 10:00 at the latest.
  4. Each night will last 30 minutes. You will have 30 minutes from the time I declare night to send in your moves. Any move sent at that time or later will be disregarded as a "no move" (Example for recent events. If night is at 10 pm, any move sent with a timestamp of 10:30:00 will be ok. Anything after that is not accepted.
  5. To vote for somebody, type their name out in bold. Votes must be clearly visible to me and the other players (i.e. no white text or hiding it in a quote). Official vote counts will be sporadically posted.
  6. The person with the majority of the votes at the end of "daytime" will be that day’s lynch.
  7. You may not talk during night. Once I post that night has begun, you have until 10:05 EST to finish whatever you have to say. (Posts on 10:05 will count)
  8. Once you have died, you are dead. You can make a farewell post and zombie posts during night (no game related messages). Don’t like any posts or anything.
  9. You may edit your posts within 10 minutes of making them to fix typos and such. You may not edit a post containing a vote, if you do, you will be severely punished.
  10. If there is a tie at the end of the daytime there will be a 15 minute OT period.  If still tied, all players tied will be lynched.
  11. All moves must be sent to me via PM. No chat room or thread moves are going to be accepted. 
  12. You must vote each night.  If you fail to vote for 2 nights at anytime in the game (it does not need to be consecutive), you will be modkilled.
  13. Have fun!

Order of Night Moves:

  • Pardon
  • Lynch
  • Roleblock(s) [First to last: Mafia -> Civ Special -> Other]
  • Other Move(s)
  • Civ Special Move(s)
  • Mafia Move(s)


A good chunk of the characters are seen in these videos:


Edited by daboyle250
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Sign Ups:

  1. @DingoLadd - Andy Wainwright (Roleblocker)
  2. @rackcs - Doris Thatcher (Redirector)
  3. @JoshstraDaymus - Frank Butterman (Cop)
  4. @squire12 - Reverend Phillip Shooter (Vanilla Townie
  5. @Matts4313 - Sheree Fowler (Vanilla Townie)
  6. @Counselor
  7. @wolfeyestrk - Greg Fowler (Vanilla Townie
  8. @Dome
  9. @Malfatron - Joyce Cooper (Jailkeeper)
  10. @The Orca
  11. @Pickle Rick - Unknown
  12. @Slappy Mc
  13. @gopherwrestler - James Reaper (Vanilla Townie)
  14. @MWil23 - Robin Hatcher (Tracker)
  15. @bcb1213 - Nicholas Angel (Godfather)
  16. @MD4L
  17. @ET80
  18. @theuntouchable - Met Chief Inspector (Governor)
  19. @bucsfan333
  20. @Whicker - Michael "Lurch" Armstrong (Vengeful Innocent Child)
  21. @Forge - Mary Porter (Vanilla Townie)
Edited by daboyle250
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I expect my activity to be lower starting tomorrow to the weekend. But if @rackcs has taught me anything, reading and posting are highly overrated in online word based games. 

Going for special teams player of the week here. 

Edited by Matts4313
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