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Wuhan Coronavirus Thread


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2 hours ago, SlevinKelevra said:

you do understand that bacteria are not viruses....

oh wait, you don't.

yes and no on that one.
Many people use the term "anti-bacterial" as a catch-all phrase for any of the hand sanitizers.
The ones with alcohol in them ( see below) will kill both bacteria and viruses, I think the same is true for the ones that are just soap.
IF they are specifically listed as anti-bacterial, with Triclosan or other ingredients-  then those will not impact the viruses as you noted


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3 minutes ago, winitall said:

China tried to cover it up until they literally couldn’t due to trying to quarantine an entire city. 

Yes they did. They don't want panic in the streets and they don't want a panic on Wall Street.
Its also to save face and show they are handling it well, even though they are not. The shut down in China reduced fossil fuel consumption by 25 %
That's a pretty significant impact

I'll also note that about 80 % of the active ingredients in pharmaceuticals are made in China, so there's a chance for some spot shortages of certain meds.

If China comes clean about the size of the problem, then there are concerns that people will hoard food/meds, making the situation even worse
There are significant economic concerns for everybody and that's why they try to limit the hysteria and under- report the infections so they can get out in front of this problem

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8 hours ago, Dome said:

I can’t tell if this is is supposed to be satire or not.

but if washing our hands and carrying anti-bacterial soap is all it takes to be “fine” then it’s a really good thing we didn’t do something absurdly drastic like shut down our borders.

When you think about it this whole thing started because the Coronavirus opened it's borders.

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If you are interested in reading more on the topic of Coronavirus, check out twitter feed for Science Magazine writer Jon Cohen
He's well-connected and on top of the latest from the CDC, World Health Org etc


The initial route of transmission was from animal -> humans and in that case, its a little easier to handle. "Don't eat bats or pangolins"
Then we learned it can be transmitted from infected human -> human and that raises the stakes significantly
Now there are reports of transmission where the patient was not in China, didn't travel anywhere and didn't come in contact with a known-infected person
IF that's true, then it ramps up another notch -  but all of this is difficult to confirm at this point in time

And there are issues with the test itself, so that leads to under-reporting too because the CDC is backlogged and the testing kits they shipped to the state labs had problems and couldn't be used for confirmation. So right now, the US cases are under- reported too

So much is still unknown, but as more info comes out -  the situation has gotten a little bit more concerning. You saw how Wall Street reacted today
But there's still no reason to freak out about it yet

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I just heard some idiot on tv saying masks won’t help. The reason being that if you don’t wash your hands you’ll still get it. Like people who are cautious enough to wear masks don’t also wash their hands. You think they’re just out in the streets letting strangers lick their hands? And they get mad when we don’t just blindly believe “experts”

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42 minutes ago, DontTazeMeBro said:

I just heard some idiot on tv saying masks won’t help. The reason being that if you don’t wash your hands you’ll still get it. Like people who are cautious enough to wear masks don’t also wash their hands. You think they’re just out in the streets letting strangers lick their hands? And they get mad when we don’t just blindly believe “experts”

Licking strangers hands is really weird. I prefer to lick door knobs.

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51 minutes ago, DontTazeMeBro said:

I just heard some idiot on tv saying masks won’t help

They won't help if they are the wrong kind of mask or poorly fitted. When you breathe in, the air will take the path of least resistance, so if there are openings where the mask meets your face, the air just flows through the opening and not through the material in the mask.
They're not useless, but they are also not idiot-proof.

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