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Monster Village Mafia - The Village is destroyed, Werewolves win!


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10 hours ago, Daniel said:

This caught my attention pretty early.  Blue was the second vote for Josh early on.  As many have pointed out in cases against KSJ, the first lynch push was obviously not going to happen.  I had to be explained this whole joke, and the reason I asked was because I do actually think it likely that one of the early votes on Josh (minus the original) were scum, if they're scum players like Blue who know not to be totally inactive.  This is a classic Blue scum move: do a lynch vote early on to appear active and trying, not be the first to initiate it so as not to draw attention to yourself.

This was me asking for info on the whole Josh meta joke thing, because I figured there was something in there to mine for scum, I just needed context, and finding the game would give me said context.

The reason I asked this one was because I was already looking, specifically, at Blue.  He didn't play in that game.  The answers I got seem to have been that it isn't totally everywhere.  More points in Blue's direction, but nothing too solid yet.

There are a lot of these.  Blue spent the first part of Day 1 mostly lurking.  Ironically enough, him liking so many of my posts during that phase clued me in that he was around, just not posting.  Which is kind of weird, if Blue is by himself.  When he did post, he didn't push people, he didn't really investigate cases, he just made comments on what everyone else was doing that were extremely general, which is another scum move on his part.  You can't single out too many people, or you draw their attention.

Nothing wrong with this, at first.  It's a logical argument, except he doesn't actually change his vote to push it.  Just voices the opinion.

Here is just a few posts later, in response to Malf or Matts (I didn't write down which one).  For someone who advocated lynching one of them, he seems to be backing off like crazy.

This is a few minutes after.  After telling one of them he's not lynching them (and he wasn't), he again posits that they're scum without actually taking a position by voting.

And here he advocates yet another position.  No lynching.  This is really, really, suspiciously indecisive for someone who isn't an incompetent player.  Especially in such a short time.

Now he's shifting his advocacy to Pickle, who was picking up steam at the time.

Just a reminder that Blue advocated a no lynch just before this.  Again, this whole time, his vote is still on Josh.

This is in response to bcb.  Near the end of the day, after already stating (correctly) that making cases against anyone that isn't Matts, Malf, Pickle, or squire is a waste of time and likely to lead to a mislynch, he soft attacks bcb.

Here, he finally actually changes his vote.  Pickle was picking up steam at this point, and Blue's vote IIRC put him past Matts/Malf in the voting.  Blue was ok piling onto a lynch, in fact, he didn't care which one it was, he just waited to see which way the wind would blow while advocating softly for every position, without going all in on any one position until it became pretty clear that Pickle was going to be lynched.  He even expressed his desire not to be the deciding vote.  It's been a while since I played with Blue, but I don't remember him ever actually being this indecisive when there was as much info as we had at this point.

When I asked him about the flavor, it was a test.  Vampire alignment is clearly not aligned with whatever the other is, since the other killer killed Orca.  I knew what the flavor looked like, there's no reason to actually ask about flavor, unless you're looking for a reaction.  The werewolf thing seems pretty obvious to me when we already have a list of classic monsters and we have something fast moving tearing people to shreds.  I just wanted to see if Blue would deflect away again.  And he did.
Anyone who saw my question would know which one I was talking about since it's explicit in the writeup that Dracula killed one.  This is Blue continuing to try looking active while not actually contributing.  It's the best way to keep a low profile: don't be inactive, but don't post too much or too substantively.  Here, he wouldn't even just say "yeah, that sounds like a werewolf, what's your point?" as any townie would.  He dodges naming them because it's his faction.

Blue is our werewolf yall.

Good God this is awful. The game where Josh was sole scum was discussed extensively during sign-up for this one. Not my fault you didn't bother reading anything before the start of the game.

How exactly do you figure me liking posts is "lurking" when you got notifications every time I liked one of your posts? Seems like a dumb thing to do if you're trying to "lie low." Good thing @bigbadbuff isn't in this game, I bet you'd turn into ******* Charlie Day trying to figure out the deeper meaning behind why I was liking all his posts (RIP poor @squire12's big brain).

I've never been one to throw my vote around, alignment be damned, and you know it. In this game especially, when it's X to lynch and not a lynch of the person with the most votes at end of Day, I don't want to contribute to a sudden pile-on (like, y'know, exactly what happened with Matts and Pickle). If Josh had racked up any more votes earlier in the Day, I would have moved off him, because as funny as it would have been, I don't want to lynch someone on Day 1 based on an obvious joke.

The fact that you think taking my time to consider my options, especially at the end of the Day phase, is scummy...I can't even. Thinking is scummy now, seriously? I have no info beyond my role PM and the OP. Why in God's name would any Townie just jump on a lynch train, both of which were within a handful of votes of being lynched, without thinking through what the best decision was? Jesus.

I never advocated No Lynch. I simply presented it as an option while trying to sort out what the best move was. To try and equivocate that to Matts, who was directly CCing Pickle, is absurd. Matts and Malf had significantly more information than I did about the situation--I know what I would have done in their situation, and it sure as **** wasn't back down. The fact that they had the most info out of anyone but weren't pushing the pedal to the floor over it was sketchy as hell and any Townie worth their salt should be skeptical of blindly following that. If not for new information from the Night 1 writeup making it unlikely (but not impossible) Malf and Matts are scum based on the factional name, I would likely be pushing them today.

How is questioning Bcb in any way, shape, or form scummy? Just because it was a waste to lynch anyone D1 except the four (you left out Squire) people I named doesn't mean we should stop questioning people--especially someone who shows up late, during an OT lynch vote, who also happens to be the only person to not vote during the Day phase. But no, hey, let's all just tunnel on a handful of players and ignore the rest of the game. That's a pro-Town move, right? Oh wait no it's not, it's an excuse to not engage in other discussion around other players and a common tactic scum use to pretend to scumhunt when they're really not.

Pickle was not, to my remembrance, being "piled on" when I voted for him. He was tied up with Matts. It was 4 for Matts and 5 for Rick when I switched my vote, with the expectation that Orca would flip to Matts to save his brother; went up to 5 for Matts minutes later with Counselor and Pickle flipping to him off of Squire; then Dome, Squire, and Forge all flipped to Pickle at the deadline. Frankly, I think you would have found any vote I made in this situation scummy because it looks like you just decided I was scum and tried to fit my play to match that conclusion.

I didn't deflect at all. You're giving people on this forum way too much credit if you think they actually read the flavor. I know for a fact many of them just look to see who is dead. I could go on some more about what a garbage case this is, but I just can't be bothered to care any more about it given:

2 hours ago, Daniel said:

If you're looking for me to tell you I have investigation results or saw him kill someone, sorry.

No ****. Neither you nor anyone else does because I'm a Villager. The only way I can even think of that would cause somebody to think I'm scum based on an ability is if I got framed. Given I was actually level-headed D1 and willing to give Malf and Matts the benefit of the doubt, it wouldn't surprise me if scum wanted to try to cast doubt on one of the stronger late-game Town players, especially if they could draw out a Cop claim in the process with one protector dead and Malf/Matts almost certainly not going to protect anyone but themselves.

Now if you'll excuse me, you've wasted enough of my time having to respond to your crappy "read" that appears based on nothing more than a tingly sensation in your balls. I'm going back to the vote counts, see if anything stands out, then post my scum list. At least I know I have a chance of winning now since scum will hopefully leave me around as a potential mislynch.

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14 hours ago, rackcs said:

Vote Count

Joshstradaymus - 1 - Nazgul

Nazgul - 1 - kingseanjohn

Matts4313 - 3 - daboyle, SwAg, Counselor

Pickle Rick - 8 - Joshstradaymus, Mwil23, ET80, Malfatron, Blue, Dome, squire12, Forge

Squire12 - 4 - Daniel, The Orca, Matts4313, Pickle Rick

With 8 votes, Pickle Rick is the kill! Start sending those night moves! Writeup incoming...

So, just to be clear, @ET80 put his move in on Matts, and was just told in return BCB? So what am I missing here @Malfatron

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1 minute ago, Malfatron said:

et made move on josh!

got back bcb!

et80 track josh to bcb!

et80 tracker!

bcb was blocked!

josh blocked bcb!

but why?? what was he afraid of?

@bcb1213 who you accuse of being monster day 1??

Maybe monsters feared you!!


How does ET know he is a tracker if he never read his PM?

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4 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

...but Josh wasn't third though...Matts was.

I never specified a time, I think. Josh was 3rd at the time I remembered my plan, so he was the choice.

You're getting caught up in a strange part of that dynamic.

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5 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

et made move on josh!

got back bcb!

et80 track josh to bcb!

et80 tracker!

bcb was blocked!

josh blocked bcb!

but why?? what was he afraid of?

@bcb1213 who you accuse of being monster day 1??

Maybe monsters feared you!!


Only person I went after at all really was squire.  Mwil was obv drawing my attention lol 

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1 minute ago, ET80 said:

I never specified a time, I think. Josh was 3rd at the time I remembered my plan, so he was the choice.

You're getting caught up in a strange part of that dynamic.

You said "ends up", not "at the time" though. How's that strange?

18 minutes ago, ET80 said:

So - still don't know what my role is, but I followed on my "use my move on whoever ends up 3rd in voting" and turned in a move to Joshtra. *All I got back was a PM saying bcb.

* I have a very specific protocol on sending/receiving PMs for a game without checking my role. It involves sending a 2nd PM to the host, listed as "move PM". Through there, I submit moves and check responses.

To me, "ends up" is a finality, as opposed to "whoever is third". Granted, you did apologize to @JoshstraDaymus in thread at the time, so I'm prone to believe you for now, but I'm still hung up on that.

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26 minutes ago, MWil23 said:


I refuse to believe that he's capable of being that inherently antitown and cryptic as town.

To the contrary, I don't think Squire would be so nonchalant about getting votes if he was non-Town (unless he's godfather, in which case lol). I'm still going through votes but Orca sitting on Squire for so long makes me think Squire isn't part of the Vampire faction at the very least.

18 minutes ago, ET80 said:

Say bruh... I got a Cat 4 'cane bearing down on me. I gotta get my booze, water and shotgun shells, and also picked up a Popeyes Spicy Chicken Sandwich. I don't know if my dystopian water-based future will have those beautiful sandwiches, so I had to get it while I could.

So - still don't know what my role is, but I followed on my "use my move on whoever ends up 3rd in voting" and turned in a move to Joshtra. *All I got back was a PM saying bcb.

* I have a very specific protocol on sending/receiving PMs for a game without checking my role. It involves sending a 2nd PM to the host, listed as "move PM". Through there, I submit moves and check responses.

I didn't understand the response... so my initial reaction is to kill it. Bcb and Josh are linked in some way, possibly bad.

@MWil23, pls read.


11 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

@JoshstraDaymus blocked bcb!!

et80 seeeeen it!!


1 minute ago, Counselor said:

How does ET know he is a tracker if he never read his PM?

Based on how ET described things, he does appear to be a tracker. If you believe Bcb (I don't), then that would make Josh a roleblocker. @bcb1213, you get any flavor from your Night PM or just "your ability failed"?

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On 8/23/2020 at 9:01 PM, rackcs said:

Welcome one, welcome all to the beautiful seaside village of Whitmire! A village in the fantasy land of Mastria, Whitmire is home to a charming cast of lovable characters. It's a perfect place to leave, a simple town with simple folk. Everyone loves Whitmire!

This game is now Quaint Seaside Village Mafia. We all just need a break from the hustle and bustle of modern times and could use a nice vacation in the most wonderful town to ever live.

I'm not going to be on long enough to start the game tonight so I'll start it up tomorrow at some point. Signups will remain open until that point.

@Blue @MWil23 @SwAg @Dome @Counselor @Forge @Malfatron @JoshstraDaymus @bcb1213 @Daboyle @Matts4313 @Daniel @Nazgul @The Orca @Pickle Rick


On 8/23/2020 at 9:10 PM, Malfatron said:

Joshs favorite game




On 8/23/2020 at 9:16 PM, JoshstraDaymus said:


@wolfeyestrk and @Slappy Mc COME RIGHT YOUR WRONGS TO ME


On 8/23/2020 at 9:18 PM, JoshstraDaymus said:

Hey Josh! You’re the only scum/cult in the game. Everyone else has some semblance of a role, and if you try to recruit someone they may just die, and you can’t recruit them. But don’t worry! If you get lynched, you can live on a 50/50 shot, maybe. Only once though.


On 8/23/2020 at 9:19 PM, JoshstraDaymus said:

But wait! If you, by SOME MIRACLE can recruit 5 people, you can kill all of them off and be the sole winner. BUT GOOD LUCK RECRUITING 5 PEOPLE


On 8/23/2020 at 9:22 PM, Malfatron said:

night 1:

malf invests josh

rack watches malf

Well.....the only way out of this is if josh coverts malf....

josh tries to convert malf but kills him.

Good luck on day 2!

It's almost like the votes on Josh were hard to figure out the reasoning

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Vote Count

Malfatron - 2 - Forge, Counselor

Blue - 1 - Daniel

Joshstradaymus - 1 - ET80

kingseanjohn - 1 - Malfatron

Daniel - 1 - Nazgul

Mwil23 - 1 - bcb1213

Squire12 - 1 - Mwil23

It's 8 to kill! Deadline is 10:00 PM EST.

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