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21 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

"It's often mistaken as allergies"

Could we be getting close to this becoming something we just have to live with? 

I posed this question earlier and feel like this supports that. Of course, as time progresses, other variants will arise that may contradict the theory. With winter coming up, it should become more severe but that's time to vaccinate more people also. We know other coronavirus exist and are basically colds. Can't we assume this will eventually get there as well? It seems like we could but I'm not an expert

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40 minutes ago, Xenos said:

Last year, Sturgis was a super spreader event. And this year with no masks or proof of vaccination…

Bill Murray Well Its Groundhog Day Again GIF

Sounds like a good time.

This is the best way to reach herd immunity and always has been. Vaccinate those most vunerable and let the others spread it. I said this at the start before vaccines but it was lockdown vunerable and spread it elsewhere.. Would have been done with this long ago and the more people push vaccines on those who don't want it the longer it will take. So 3 years were just over halfway there and it will still be here mutating but we will treat it like a superflu with 100-150K deaths per year. I've go to school to be a nurse but being I won't get vaccinated I doubt the school will let me in and the hospital won't hire me. I already work in healthcare and will excel in another field or in healthcare outside of areas that force their will upon others. SEE YA LATER CALI!!! Not until I RECALL NEWSOM FIRST! So glad I flew to Florida Memorial Day week to see if I would like it there...HELL YA!!! STURGIS or Bust

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1 hour ago, Xenos said:

Last year, Sturgis was a super spreader event. And this year with no masks or proof of vaccination…

Bill Murray Well Its Groundhog Day Again GIF

The vaccinated people have actually been massive super spreaders as well. Probably the main spreaders of the virus currently. This is because most people vaccinated don’t wear a mask and think they can’t spread the virus. When in fact, they contract the virus and multiple studies have proved they carry the same exact viral load as the unvaccinated, just no symptoms. 

It’s not a coincidence the cases started going up as soon as the vaccinated were allowed not to mask. 

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24 minutes ago, BayRaider said:

The vaccinated people have actually been massive super spreaders as well. Probably the main spreaders of the virus currently. This is because most people vaccinated don’t wear a mask and think they can’t spread the virus. When in fact, they contract the virus and multiple studies have proved they carry the same exact viral load as the unvaccinated, just no symptoms. 

It’s not a coincidence the cases started going up as soon as the vaccinated were allowed not to mask. 

Yeah, this is some really backwards logic here. Do you actually have proof that this is the case or are you just making bad assumptions again?

Edit: do you notice that the states with the lowest vaccination rates also have the highest Covid cases?

Edited by Xenos
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20 minutes ago, BayRaider said:

It’s not a coincidence the cases started going up as soon as the vaccinated were allowed not to mask. 

It’s almost like the people who have decided they don’t care about their fellow man enough to get a shot also don’t care enough about their fellow man to follow the honor system and continue to wear masks. 

Unless you honestly think that the states with low vaccination numbers are somehow the ones seeing a spike because of the low percentage of vaxxed people spreading the virus.

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Well. At the beginning of the thing we knew to avoid the sickly looking people who were coughing a lot. And people with symptoms knew to get tested and quarantine. But now  we don’t know who to avoid and people don’t know they have it because vaccinated people are getting it with little to no symptoms. 

 I also don’t really understand how you achieve herd immunity with a vaccine that doesn’t make you immune. And iirc correctly a year ago people were shouted down for even talking about herd immunity.

And today I just heard about a study from 2015 about vaccines that don’t kill viruses causes worse strains of the virus.

Also I asked this a few days ago but can someone explain Antibody Dependent Enhancement?

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1 hour ago, DontTazeMeBro said:

Well. At the beginning of the thing we knew to avoid the sickly looking people who were coughing a lot. And people with symptoms knew to get tested and quarantine. But now  we don’t know who to avoid and people don’t know they have it because vaccinated people are getting it with little to no symptoms. 

 I also don’t really understand how you achieve herd immunity with a vaccine that doesn’t make you immune. And iirc correctly a year ago people were shouted down for even talking about herd immunity.

And today I just heard about a study from 2015 about vaccines that don’t kill viruses causes worse strains of the virus.

Also I asked this a few days ago but can someone explain Antibody Dependent Enhancement?

A few things:

1) People who are unvaccinated and asymptomatic can also spread the disease easily.

2) We know that even against the Delta variant, people who are vaccinated are still less likely to be infected. Therefore, they are less likely to spread the disease than unvaccinated people.

3) If you’re that worried about the vaccinated giving you the virus, then get vaccinated yourself.

4) Herd immunity can be achieved even if a vaccine does not make you completely immune. Because you know, there’s no vaccine that’s 100% effective. It’s a threshold you can reach if a large enough percentage of the population gets vaccinated. That threshold unfortunately gets raised the more contagious something is. Throwing out hypothetical numbers but let’s say you only need 65% of the population for the original strain. It gets raised to 75% for Alpha. Now maybe 85% for Delta.

5) You know what for a fact causes a worse strain of the virus? More and more of the unvaccinated getting infected with Covid. Hence why we’re seeing more variants pop up.

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4 hours ago, BayRaider said:

The vaccinated people have actually been massive super spreaders as well. Probably the main spreaders of the virus currently. This is because most people vaccinated don’t wear a mask and think they can’t spread the virus. When in fact, they contract the virus and multiple studies have proved they carry the same exact viral load as the unvaccinated, just no symptoms. 

It’s not a coincidence the cases started going up as soon as the vaccinated were allowed not to mask. 

This is such nonsense. You don't understand the facts.

No, vaccinated people are not super spreaders. The breakthrough rate of vaccinated people getting the infection (and thus able to transmit it) is well below 1%.

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1 hour ago, DontTazeMeBro said:

Well. At the beginning of the thing we knew to avoid the sickly looking people who were coughing a lot. And people with symptoms knew to get tested and quarantine. But now  we don’t know who to avoid and people don’t know they have it because vaccinated people are getting it with little to no symptoms. 

You do realize there's a solution to this that is working right? I haven't had to worry about avoiding anyone (any more than usual) for a couple months now. 

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1 hour ago, ET80 said:
4 hours ago, BayRaider said:

The vaccinated people have actually been massive super spreaders as well. Probably the main spreaders of the virus currently.

Dave Chapelle GIF by MOODMAN

*Insert triggering intensifies gif as I continue my endless ranting about what's coming down upon me/us after getting my vaccine, purely for selfish reasons

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