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Raiders DE Carl Nassib announces he's gay


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I've decided to open this topic up.  After discussing it with some members and mods, I feel this is something that members should be allowed to discuss, even though it's not football related.    

Any inappropriate or insensitive comments will be removed and members banned.    The mods and I will do our best to keep this open.  Please help us by reporting any problems to @TheKillerNacho and @ET80 and do not engage with members who cause problems.

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This is a great step to allow many nfl players to be who they are. Hopefully, this will inspire others to come out as well.

In 2021, having the freedom to be who you are is very important. Representation in the nfl (which has a very heteronormative history) is very important

Now many people will say "I dont care what happens in their bedroom, can they play?"

Thats the wrong way to look at it. That feels like you just dont want to hear about it and just want to put your head in the sand and pretend homosexuality doesnt exist in the game you like to watch.

Hopefully, we can soon get to a day where it truly isnt news when it happens. We arent there now though, and kudos to Nassib for stepping up and doing a very difficult thing. But its really good to see the support rolling in for him

 And the hating or dismissive people....those people dont matter



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Already feels like the atmosphere is better in the 7 years since Michael Sam announced he was gay. If at that time, it was a current player that said he was gay, it would have been a much bigger/unnecessary circus by the media. Great that Carl made the video. I get the feeling that players in today's lockerooms legit aren't bothered one way or the other. Perhaps some older coaches or owner rah-rah/"be a man" yahoos. It's good for folks outside of the football landscape that sometimes just needs an icon to look up to. Still a lot of dirtbags making every single a day a challenge for others. Anyway, too bad Jerry Smith couldn't live in more accepting times. 

Edited by TecmoSuperJoe
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Happy for dude. Really like how he said representation matters and that he found his voice. 

Can't imagine how difficult keeping who you are from everyone must be.

Really hope no one on this site, in the locker room or around the league judges him. This takes a ton of courage.

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48 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

Now many people will say "I dont care what happens in their bedroom, can they play?"

Thats the wrong way to look at it. That feels like you just dont want to hear about it and just want to put your head in the sand and pretend homosexuality doesnt exist in the game you like to watch.

Thats an odd assumption. Not being interested in someones sexuality =/= dismissive or purposely wanting to ignore it. It could be just a true statement that can be taken at face value. Which is a much more progressive stance than the one you are labeling people. As Nassib himself said - he is excited about the day it is no longer news. For some people, that day has already come. Its not news and its no big deal to them individually. 

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Okay. He's gay....and....

This isn't football related, but look, I've lived through the 80s and 90s and it was very different then and imagine it was very hard for gays and lesbians to really come out of the closet and fell comfortable with it. I grew up with a friend who was a lesbian (RIP) and I had my feelings about it at the time.  But this is 2021 and if anyone finds ANY issue with it then it's not that person who needs to change....it's you.

Adapt with the times.


Edited by JAF-N72EX
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It's quite telling that he's the first guy on an active roster that says it. Yeah, it's 2021 and in a normal environment this type of statements wouldn't have to be made. Sadly it's not the case for the NFL, and that's why this statement is so important. Let's hope that in 2031 gay NFL athletes won't feel the need to get out of the chest things that shouldn't have been kept in the first place. I'm happy for him.

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40 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Not being interested in someones sexuality =/= dismissive

That is literally what being dismissive means, as in, the dictionary definition… “indicating a lack of interest”


So yeah, you are being dismissive of something that is a huge deal to a lot of people. 

If the best you can be is dismissive, best just bite your tongue. 

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Yeh, reading the "who cares, stop making a big deal of it" reaction on twitter is painful.

If you can't see what a huge deal this is then you're ignorant; plain and simple. Statistics make it abundantly clear that there is absolutely no way there is only 1 gay player in the NFL. With Nassib coming out, it opens the door for others to potentially be comfortable to be themselves and live their life how they want to.

It's incredibly brave. 

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What I’m about to say here should not be considered insensitive by any means and should be part of the discussion.  

What about the players on the team who are openly uncomfortable with having somebody like that on the team?  

I feel like they are now in a position in which they are forced to conform to that even though they know that they are deeply uncomfortable with a homosexual being on the team, and fear of being thrown out of the league if they dare speak their concerns to NFL ownership.  

This is not about whether or not it is right that he is gay or if he and his kind deserve employment rights, because those are entirely different discussions.  

But football is a contact sport and I’m  just thinking about the other players on the team and the other players in the league as a whole.  

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