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TMNT Mafia - Footclan and Friends wins

Slappy Mc

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Just now, TheKillerNacho said:

@Whicker was right about basically everything and deserves to be unanimous town MVP.

I knew I would probably get lynched a second time but he came to that decision way faster than I thought he would. Kudos to him - that was the game winning play

also his decision to not lynch me instead of Ragnarok saved the game. we win the game that day if he didnt change his mind

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1 minute ago, TheKillerNacho said:

also his decision to not lynch me instead of Ragnarok saved the game. we win the game that day if he didnt change his mind

you shouldn't have been up for the lynch that Day anyways, literally everyone in the game knew Deadpulse and Dome had to be scum

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The group gathered around to finish this once and for all. As they approached @TheKillerNacho he began vomiting up blood. With his last breath he proclaimed, "**** Blue" and crumpled to the floor.

TKN was Donatello, Ninja Turtle aligned.

With all of the turtles finally eliminated, what remains of the Footclan and Friends can celebrate in peace.


Thank you all for playing.

1. @TheKillerNacho - Lynched Day 7 - Donatello, Ninja Turtle aligned
2. @Forge - Dead N2 - Hun, Footclan and Friends aligned
3. @The Orca - Survived - Go Komodo, Footclan and Friends aligned
4. @Dome - Dead N4 - Michaelangelo, Ninja Turtle aligned
5. BCB - Modkilled Day 4 - Tatsu, Footclan and Friends aligned
6. @wolfeyestrk - Survived - The Rat King - Footclan and Friends aligned
7. @Pickle Rick - Dead N2 - Rahzar, Footclan and Friends aligned
8. @kingseanjohn - Dead N5 - Rocksteady, Footclan and Friends aligned
9. @Blue - Survived - Alopex - Footclan and Friends aligned
10. @Daboyle - Dead N4 - Baxter Stockman, Footclan and Friends aligned
11. @Deadpulse - Dead N1 - Tokka, Footclan and Friends aligned
12. @gopherwrestler - Dead N3 - Shredder, Footclan and Friends aligned
13. @JoshstraDaymus - Dead N1 - [redacted], [redacted]
14. @Ragnarok - Lynched D4 - Casey Jones, Indy aligned
15. @Scoundrel - Dead N3 - Karai, Footclan and Friends aligned
16. @11sanchez11 replaced by @Deadpulse - Dead D5 - Leonardo, Ninja Turtle aligned 
17. @Whicker - Dead N6 - Bebop, Footclan and Friends aligned
18.  @MWil23 - Lynched D2 - Raphael, Ninja Turtle aligned

Edited by Slappy Mc
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On 1/21/2023 at 2:04 PM, Slappy Mc said:

Hello Joshstradaymus,
Role: Tatsu
Alignment: Footclan and Friends (green text)
Abilities: Interogator Cop -  Each night confront one player find out their role. If your target resists your inquiry, it will be gained by force. (Force injures player and prevents a vote the following day)

Win Condition: When all threats to Footclan and Friends are eliminated.

On 1/21/2023 at 2:10 PM, Slappy Mc said:

Hello Mwil,
Role: Raphael
Alignment: Ninja Turtle Aligned (Red)
Abilities: Redirect - Every night choose a target, if they perform an action that targets someone else, it will be changed to the target of your choice.

Win Condition: When the Ninja Turtles control the vote. (Equal to or greater than 50% total players)
Discord: https://discord.gg/Kf5XwpAd

On 1/21/2023 at 1:58 PM, Slappy Mc said:

Hello KSJ,
Role: Rocksteady
Alignment: Footclan and Friends (green text)
Abilities: Mason - Know the name and identity of Bebop and share a private chatroom together.
Discord: https://discord.gg/6GV4eAJG

Win Condition: When all threats to Footclan and Friends are eliminated.

On 1/21/2023 at 2:07 PM, Slappy Mc said:

Hello Sanchez,
Role: Leonardo
Alignment: Ninja Turtle Aligned (Red)
Abilities: Passive - Investproof - Will return town aligned on any inquiry to alignment. Active - Strongman in non-consecutive nights may upgrade the mafia faction kill to a hit that cannot be blocked.

Win Condition: When the Ninja Turtles control the vote. (Equal to or greater than 50% total players)
Discord: https://discord.gg/Kf5XwpAd

On 1/21/2023 at 1:52 PM, Slappy Mc said:

Hello Dome,
Role: Michaelangelo
Alignment: Ninja Turtle Aligned (Red)
Abilities: Roleblock - Every night, visit one player to prevent them from perfoming an action.

Win Condition: When the Ninja Turtles control the vote. (Equal to or greater than 50% total players)
Discord: https://discord.gg/Kf5XwpAd

On 1/21/2023 at 2:02 PM, Slappy Mc said:

Hello Deadpulse,
Role: Tokka
Alignment: Footclan and Friends (green text)
Abilities: Passive watch for Rahzar. Each night will watch Rahzar and know every visitor they have.

Win Condition: When all threats to Footclan and Friends are eliminated.

On 1/21/2023 at 1:50 PM, Slappy Mc said:

Hello Forge ,
Role: Hun
Alignment: Footclan and Friends (green text)
Abilities: Tracker - Each night target one player to see who they targeted (if anyone) at night.

Win Condition: When all threats to Footclan and Friends are eliminated.
Alt WinCon: You can achieve a solo win if able to successfully track Casey Jones. Due to your rivalry with him, you will kill the player associated with Casey Jones and both of you will be removed from the game upon achieving this wincon.

On 1/21/2023 at 1:56 PM, Slappy Mc said:

Hello Pickle Rick,
Role: Rahzar
Alignment: Footclan and Friends
Abilities: Passive watch for Tokka. Each night will watch Tokka and know every visitor they have.

Win Condition: When all threats to Footclan and Friends are eliminated.

On 1/21/2023 at 1:55 PM, Slappy Mc said:

Hello Wolfeyes,
Role: The Rat King
Alignment: Footclan and Friends (green text)
Abilities: Gift Giver - Each night you give out a rat to target player. The player can choose to eat the rat to have vote count for 1.5 votes; if they deny rat to have vote count for .5 votes. 1x poison rat - Choose to send a poison rat instead of the vote manipulation rats. The rat will present the same to your targets, but if consumed will kill them immediately. If not consumed will explode and injure them preventing them from using an ability the following night.

Win Condition: When all threats to Footclan and Friends are eliminated.

On 1/21/2023 at 1:47 PM, Slappy Mc said:

Hello TheKillerNacho ,

Role: Donatello
Alignment: Ninja Turtle Aligned (Red)
Abilities: 1x Revival/1x Role Cop - Once per game after dying, can come back to life. Your role and name will be revealed. If killed during daytime (via lynch or any other means) You will be lynchproof the following day. If lynch is still attempted will die at the end of the next day. Once per game you can target one player and get their full role PM.

Win Condition: When the Ninja Turtles control the vote. (Equal to or greater than 50% total players)
Discord: https://discord.gg/Kf5XwpAd

On 1/21/2023 at 1:54 PM, Slappy Mc said:

Hello BCB,
Role: Bishop
Alignment: Unaligned
Abilities: Body Snatcher - At night can attempt to kill a target. If successful will turn into a clone of that player, joining their alignment and gaining any abilities they had. The player who you kill will automatically have their info redacted.

Win Condition: Unknown

On 1/21/2023 at 2:06 PM, Slappy Mc said:

Hello Scoundrel,
Role: Karai
Alignment: Footclan and Friends (green text)
Abilities: Angel (Protector) - Each night target one player to prevent a killing action used on them.

Win Condition: When all threats to Footclan and Friends are eliminated.

On 1/21/2023 at 2:03 PM, Slappy Mc said:

Hello Gopherwrestler,
Role: Shredder
Alignment:  Footclan and Friends (green text)
Abilities: 1x Self-Pardon 1x Jail. Cannot use self pardon and Jail in the same day/night phase. Jail prevents any moves that target your target.  

Win Condition: When all threats to Footclan and Friends are eliminated.

On 1/21/2023 at 2:05 PM, Slappy Mc said:

Hello Ragnarok,
Role: Casey Jones
Alignment: Indy (Blue text)
Abilities: Each night target one player to kill.

Win Condition: Successfully kill 3 players. Alignment does not matter. Reaching wincon does not remove you from the game nor does it end the game. (If killed/lynched after achieving wincon, will escape from the game and ride off into the sunset)


On 1/21/2023 at 2:01 PM, Slappy Mc said:

Hello Daboyle,
Role: Baxter Stockman
Alignment: Footclan and Friends (green text)
Abilities: J.O.A.T. - Starts with 1 Mouser, creates 2 additional mousers at end each day phase.
Can use mousers each night to perform abilities. Can only perform one ability per night.
Ability cop - 3 Mousers
Role cop - 4 Mousers
Doctor Protect - 3 Mousers
Double Mouser production 4 Mousers
Roleblock - 3 Mousers
Kill - 5 Mousers
Track - 2 Mousers
Watch - 2 Mousers

Win Condition: When all threats to Footclan and Friends are eliminated.

On 1/21/2023 at 1:59 PM, Slappy Mc said:

Hello Blue,
Role: Alopex
Alignment: Footclan and Friends (green text)
Abilities: Undetectable Watcher - Each night choose a player to watch. You will see who visits that player, not what they do. You will not be seen as a visitor on any reports.

Win Condition: When all threats to Footclan and Friends are eliminated.

On 1/21/2023 at 2:09 PM, Slappy Mc said:

Hello Whicker,
Role: Bebop
Alignment: Footclan and Friends (green text)
Abilities: Mason - Know the name and identity of Rocksteady and share a private chatroom together.

Win Condition: When all threats to Footclan and Friends are eliminated.
Discord: https://discord.gg/6GV4eAJG

On 1/21/2023 at 1:51 PM, Slappy Mc said:

Hello ,
Role: Go Komodo
Alignment: Footclan and Friends (green text)
Abilities: Nonconsecutive PGO - In non-consecutive nights transform to a Komodo Dragon named King Komodo and if you are targeted with a deadly move, you will take the attacker down. While in dragon form will return King Komodo on investigations. If successful on a mafia member, can transform each night. If successful on a town member, transforms permanently to King Komodo and lose alignment with town.

Win Condition: When all threats to Footclan and Friends are eliminated.



Hidden Mechanics:

- Baxter Stockman cannot kill Shredder with mousers - Move will fail

-If the Rat King kills with poison rat, he could change alignment depending on his victims alignment.

  • Town he becomes aligned with the Ninja Turtles. (Normal Henchman)
  • Independent, he becomes Indy that kills via rat swarm each night. (3 Total kills to achieve wincon)
  • Mafia nothing happens.

- Karai can become mafia if she protects Leonardo from a killing move.



Role: Karai
Alignment: Ninja Turtles (Red)
Abilities: Framer - Target a player at night. Any investigative result on that player will be tampered with to an unfavorable result. (If targeting mafia, will result in a Town alignment)

Win Condition: When the Ninja Turtles control the vote. (Equal to or greater than 50% total players)


Go Komodo can become King Komodo, Indy aligned if town is killed by him.


Role: King Komodo
Alignment: Indy (orange)
Abilities: PGO - Every night you go on high alert. Any moves that target you will result in the move owner's death.

Win Condition: Survive to the end of the game. Doesn't matter which alignment wins, as long as you are alive.

- If Shredder successfully jails Leonardo, he will execute him the same night.

- Casey Jones will become 1x deathproof if he successfully kills his arch rival Hun.

- If Casey Jones targets Raphael for death, his move will fail, as Raphael is Casey Jones's best friend.

- If Bishop targets Donatello he will successfully kill him, but instead of him taking his role, he will be converted to mafia. His new role will be Venus de Milo.


Role: Venus de Milo
Alignment: Ninja Turtles (Red)
Abilities: Substitute - Will take the place of any turtle who's life is threatened by a killing move. Venus will die in their place.

Win Condition: When the Ninja Turtles control the vote. (Equal to or greater than 50% total players)

- If Leonardo performs the kill that results in Shredders death, he will be given a 1x day kill.

- If Alopex is jailed by Shredder, will become survival based Indy.



Role: Alopex
Alignment: Indy (yellow)
Abilities: Unkillable from night moves. Can only be lynched.

Win Condition: Survive to the end of the game. Doesn't matter who wins, as long as you are alive, you share the victory.



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1 minute ago, Blue said:

you shouldn't have been up for the lynch that Day anyways, literally everyone in the game knew Deadpulse and Dome had to be scum

i was actually more than willing to sacrifice one of them, i was just going for it all on that day lol

we werent going to actually rb ragnarok (although i was mulling it over). at least I was thinking he might've been converted by April and had his interests realigned to ours anyway.

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2 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:



Hidden Mechanics:

- Baxter Stockman cannot kill Shredder with mousers - Move will fail

-If the Rat King kills with poison rat, he could change alignment depending on his victims alignment.

  • Town he becomes aligned with the Ninja Turtles. (Normal Henchman)
  • Independent, he becomes Indy that kills via rat swarm each night. (3 Total kills to achieve wincon)
  • Mafia nothing happens.

- Karai can become mafia if she protects Leonardo from a killing move.

Go Komodo can become King Komodo, Indy aligned if town is killed by him.

- If Shredder successfully jails Leonardo, he will execute him the same night.

- Casey Jones will become 1x deathproof if he successfully kills his arch rival Hun.

- If Casey Jones targets Raphael for death, his move will fail, as Raphael is Casey Jones's best friend.

- If Bishop targets Donatello he will successfully kill him, but instead of him taking his role, he will be converted to mafia. His new role will be Venus de Milo.

- If Leonardo performs the kill that results in Shredders death, he will be given a 1x day kill.

- If Alopex is jailed by Shredder, will become survival based Indy.


I applaud the attention to detail you put into this game and the clear passion you have for its theme. I'm sincerely sorry it didn't work out the way you wanted.

I already said this before in several places, but I sinserely hope you return to host some day.

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