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***SPOILERS*** Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi SPOILER Thread


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8 hours ago, Calvert28 said:

They set it up that way, and yet again it's a contradiction. Because Rey is able to match him. Both Luke and Snoke have implied he as strong as it gets in the force. Rey even said if he can be turned the whole war would go there way with the balance tipped because he is just that powerful. And yet there have been no displays of this power. No grand schemes, or powers or anything. I don't even think they taught Adam Driver how to fight with a sword. It was all just disappointing and obvious the only scenes they gave the most attention to was the beginning scene and the casino. 

This is definitely a legit gripe (about Kylo not displaying any of his powers despite repeatedly being touted as some super powerful person).

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41 minutes ago, Darth Pees said:

This is definitely a legit gripe (about Kylo not displaying any of his powers despite repeatedly being touted as some super powerful person).

Just like we were deathly afraid of Luke turning to the Darkside in Ep 4 & 5 (according to Ben & Yoda), yet we never once saw him display any darkside tendencies???

Guys, it is a tell dont show trope that is lazy, but has been a stable of this franchise for its entirety. We are told these things, and expected to accept them, and for some reason now we have a problem with it.

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I feel like the "It's salt" comment right before the final assalt on Crait was supposed to be a joke for the audience like "yeah we're doing the speeders vs walkers thing again but this time it only looks like an ice planet" but it kind of falls flat given how many other tropes were lifted directly from the original trilogy in both this one and TFA. I've just come to the conclusion that this is meant to be a retelling of the original story as much as it is a sequel trilogy. I have no idea who thought it could work that way butI just can't rationalize why else they'd pull so much directly from the originals, especially after getting dinged for it pretty hard critically after TFA.


I honestly don't want another trilogy of the Skywalker chapter. This is a universe that's supposed to have thousands of years of rich history and I'd much rather see something covering the early days of the rebellion or Jedi history or even Qui gon Jinn/young Obi Wan than having 12 films devoted to one guy and his children and grandkids. 

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49 minutes ago, StLunatic88 said:

Just like we were deathly afraid of Luke turning to the Darkside in Ep 4 & 5 (according to Ben & Yoda), yet we never once saw him display any darkside tendencies???

Guys, it is a tell dont show trope that is lazy, but has been a stable of this franchise for its entirety. We are told these things, and expected to accept them, and for some reason now we have a problem with it.

Luke's dark side tendencies were his impulsiveness and his anger. Leaning to the dark side isn't all about being evil. It's a slippery slope type thing. 

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43 minutes ago, sunnygsm said:

Luke's dark side tendencies were his impulsiveness and his anger. Leaning to the dark side isn't all about being evil. It's a slippery slope type thing. 

Yeah I'm not sure how one watches the final battle in ep VI without thinking Luke has no Dark Side qualities. He holds himself back in the end but there's a reason Palpatine is so thrilled to watch him scream and wail on Vader like that. 

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I saw the movie on Monday, and my immediate reaction was that I didn't really like the movie that much.  I didn't come in here and post about it because I wasn't really sure about why I didn't like the movie, but after some time I think I've figured out why.  I didn't like this movie because I felt like it didn't advance the story along, it just undid the entire story from Force Awakens.  Basically the Force Awakens is an entirely irrelevant movie now. 

- Snoke was set up as the mastermind behind the First Order in FA, he's killed off in TLJ with absolutely no backstory. 

- The entire Resistance is pretty much dead.  

- The entire story of Force Awakens basically revolves around the idea of finding Luke Skywalker.  In TLJ we find out that not only does Luke not want to be found, but he doesn't really end up teaching Rey anything.  

- Rey can move rocks now I guess?  Other than that she's the exact same lost girl with no understanding of the force.  

- General Hux went from a strong evil villain to a punch line.  

- Kylo Ren's character development was completely botched imo.  He's basically a power hungry brat a the start of FA, then he kills his father at the end and is supposed to report to Snoke to complete his training.  In TLJ he refuses to kill his mother and Rey, so he's basically back to just being a power hungry brat at the end.  TLJ didn't advance his character development they went backwards with it. 

To me its painfully obvious these two movies were written and directed by two different people, and apparently the second person wanted to undo practically everything the first person wrote.  

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4 minutes ago, MKnight82 said:

I saw the movie on Monday, and my immediate reaction was that I didn't really like the movie that much.  I didn't come in here and post about it because I wasn't really sure about why I didn't like the movie, but after some time I think I've figured out why.  I didn't like this movie because I felt like it didn't advance the story along, it just undid the entire story from Force Awakens.  Basically the Force Awakens is an entirely irrelevant movie now. 

- Snoke was set up as the mastermind behind the First Order in FA, he's killed off in TLJ with absolutely no backstory. 

- The entire Resistance is pretty much dead.  

- The entire story of Force Awakens basically revolves around the idea of finding Luke Skywalker.  In TLJ we find out that not only does Luke not want to be found, but he doesn't really end up teaching Rey anything.  

- Rey can move rocks now I guess?  Other than that she's the exact same lost girl with no understanding of the force.  

- General Hux went from a strong evil villain to a punch line.  

- Kylo Ren's character development was completely botched imo.  He's basically a power hungry brat a the start of FA, then he kills his father at the end and is supposed to report to Snoke to complete his training.  In TLJ he refuses to kill his mother and Rey, so he's basically back to just being a power hungry brat at the end.  TLJ didn't advance his character development they went backwards with it. 

To me its painfully obvious these two movies were written and directed by two different people, and apparently the second person wanted to undo practically everything the first person wrote.  

I'd agree with a lot of this. I think what Luke does give to Rey is that he passes her the mantle of being the hope for peace, the same way that Obi-Wan passed it to him. Prior to going to find Luke, she could never have taken on the hero role for herself. Now she knows that it is up to her. (She also has the Jedi books now, correct? Even if Yoda downplayed their importance). 

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2 hours ago, Darth Pees said:

This is definitely a legit gripe (about Kylo not displaying any of his powers despite repeatedly being touted as some super powerful person).

I mean, he stopped a blaster shot in mid air, and held it there while immobilizing Poe. That’s never been seen before. That’s not exactly nothing.

As mentioned above, this franchise has a history of showing, not telling. But beyond that, what exactly are they supposed to show us? What did they show us Vader doing that was super powerful and impressive? What about the Emperor?

And how do we as an audience have context to compare what they show us? A large chunk of the people who saw this movie think Luke’s final display of Force power was weak. Except he literally physically manifested all the way across an entire galaxy, interacted with numerous people, crafted physical relics that persisted for a time, and communicated all at the same time. But this wasn’t impressive enough for people. Given the context of what we’ve seen Force users do in movies in particular, this was a mind-blowing, monumental feat!

So how can they satisfactorily show us Ren’s potential power? Because again, the point with both Rey and Ren is that they have immense potential. But that power hasn’t yet developed. I’m all for showing and not telling, but how exactly would you show that?

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1 hour ago, Cakeshoppe said:

Yeah I'm not sure how one watches the final battle in ep VI without thinking Luke has no Dark Side qualities. He holds himself back in the end but there's a reason Palpatine is so thrilled to watch him scream and wail on Vader like that. 

Thats why i said in Episodes IV & V. I said nothing about RotJ. But we dont see anything like that when Obi Wan and Yoda talk about how dangerous his Dark side could be. It s all TOLD to us, never shown to us. 

All we see is him be a petulant little child who is impatient with his training. That shows us the Dark in him? Because if thats all it took (and you are OK with it) then no one should be questioning on how worried Luke was with what he saw from Kylo...

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5 hours ago, StLunatic88 said:

It would have been the ultimate Leia moment. I wish they would have done it. Unfortunately the one thing they started with on this new trilogy was that each of the Original 3 get their "own movie" and that also seems to be hindering the story telling.

Having Luke & Leia be the two that sacrifice themselves in the same movie in order for the Resistance to live on, that would have been poetic

This was addressed by Rian Johnson:



The passing of Carrie Fisher…obviously it impacted everyone and everybody ‘s probably asking you about that. And the film’s dedicated to her.  I want to ask, just purely, creatively, was there ever a thought of changing the film after her passing? .

Sure.  I could have.  I had the discussion with Kathy [Kennedy] when we came back from New Year’s after she had passed and looked through the scenes. We decided and I feel very strongly that even though it was going to be tricky in terms of how you handle it in the next chapter, we have this last performance from her.  I couldn’t see of any way of engineering something like what you’re talking about without losing the scene with her and Luke, or the scene with her and Rey at the end, or the scene with her and Holdo.  And then we’d be manufacturing something which would be manufactured and not great.  And I just felt like those scenes are such potent goodbyes to her.  I felt like we all deserve to have them up on screen.  And it’s such a beautiful ending, the fact that she kind of gets the last word in the movie and that last word is one of hope.  We have everything we need.  I want Princess Leia to tell me that right now, you know.  So we decided to stick with what was there.



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8 minutes ago, thrILL! said:

This was addressed by Rian Johnson:

Oh I know what he said. And Im not saying they should have re-shot her ending after she passed away. I am saying I wish that they had decided that was her final act of defiance in the planning process. I get that they want her to mold Poe, and that was the plan going into Ep IX. But having the 2 moments of sacrifice, in order to save the Resistance so they can fight again another day, be both Luke & Leia... that would have been really cool. And it would have also set up the final chapter in this trilogy (and the end of the trilogy of these trilogies) about moving on, and into the new stories.

Now I hope we jump a bit of time, let the Resistance rebuild themselves a bit, and we are celebrating Leia's life after she has passed, with a reintroduction to Lando

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