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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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8 hours ago, MKnight82 said:

Nope.  Danys gonna order the dragon to burn him but he won’t be hurt cause he’s targaryn.  

ooooh NICE. What's left of Westeros gets their just King, and Jon gets to go back North, where he wants to be. 

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On 4/12/2019 at 10:30 PM, sammymvpknight said:

We’re thinking about naming our daughter Daenerys pending outcome of show. Everyone else wants to, but maybe we’re the only ones bold enough to do it. 

So where do you stand on this now? 

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8 minutes ago, NickButera said:

Anyone wondering what Varys was reading in the opening scene, the letter he burned, and what he was having the little girl do/spy on? Did he scheme one last scheme?

The little girl was spying on Dany for him. She told him Dany still hasnt eaten. And didnt have much else because shes locked herself away.

I took it as Varys was really sold on her going mad. Why he said he hoped he was wrong for sake of the realm.

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5 hours ago, thrILL! said:

War is hell and changes ppl for life but the Arya who kicked wightass, survived the dead and killed the Night King was nowhere to be found tonight. She forgot everything she learned and trained for and was just as lost as everyone else in the attack.  She never even drew her sword.  

Was she supposed to be fighting dragon fire and falling buildings?

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10 hours ago, Adrenaline_Flux said:

it's 2019

people are more concerned with being critics than actually sitting back and enjoying things

Agreed 100%.

10 hours ago, HTTRG3Dynasty said:

I honestly think I'm most pissed off at the way they butchered Varys' character.  He's the most subtle and chess-master-like dude in Westeros.   No way he goes out like that - openly defying the queen.  Smh.

I don't think they butchered him. He has openly defied plenty of kings (even says so himself). He died defying the most important one in the show, and he did it for the good of the realm. I thought they nailed his death. 

10 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:


Cleganebowl was legit as hell. And The Hound saving Arya, then throwing himself into a bunch of fire to kill his brother was such a good ending to his arc.

Varys went out for the good of the realm.

Dany burninating everything and Grey Worm being a killmongering idiot because of Missandei.

Jaime and Cersei die in each other's arms. My quip is that Jaime should have killed her to save the city, but since Dany already went full Terminator 2 already it wouldn't have made sense.

Qyburn gets murdered by his own monster. Poetic justice for all of his experiments.

Tyrion setting himself up to die by saving his brother, proving he was always willing to do anything for his family is a great end to his arc too.

Cinematography and visually it was on point - the map scene, Drogon versus the sky against Euron's fleet was a great shot, there were a ton of other ones as well. Writing was a little clunky but that's nitpicking like crazy. Music was GoT music. There was tons of tension early on in the episode.


The more I think about this episode, the more I loved it.

You pretty much summed up my feelings perfectly with this.

9 hours ago, Ragnarok said:

My one real big issue with this episode was the scorpions.  The only explanation is that Drogon was immune.  Those things ****ed up Rhaegar in 3 shots, but Drogon couldn't get touched.

Someone mentioned the angles before which I also agree with, but I feel like this was showing that Drogon is the alpha. They were all dragons, but they've always brought him up as the largest and most important dragon. It makes sense he would be able to do what he did. 

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Jon will definitely be the one to kill Dany... they didn't pass off Jon's biggest enemy, the NK, to Arya just to have Arya kill Dany too. D&D figured that Jon killing Dany would have more of an impact. Not saying I agree with it, but I am certain

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I have mixed emotions about the episode. I didn't hate it but Euron v Jaime and the Cleganebowl left me sitting there like, "Wtf, that's it?" I'm most annoyed at how easy Cersei got off. Getting killed quickly by rubble? Lame.

Edited by Art_Vandalay
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2 minutes ago, JTagg7754 said:

So people are super pissed about Jamie's character arc completely going away. I'm not sure I'm following this.... anyone feel that way that wants to explain it to me? Probably something I'm just overlooking

Jamie was a dirtbag and redeemed his honor by abandoning Cersei and coming to fight for the north in the battle of Winterfell.  He beds Brienne and seems happy.  Then for some reason decides to crap on all of that to ride to kings landing and die with Cersei (the person who’s trying to kill him).  Just seemed like a weak ending.  

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1 minute ago, JTagg7754 said:

So people are super pissed about Jamie's character arc completely going away. I'm not sure I'm following this.... anyone feel that way that wants to explain it to me? Probably something I'm just overlooking

Cause D&D totally ignored scenes like the bath one with Brienne.  People dont want to believe that hes a weak crackhead that cant keep away from the pipe for a month without relapsing. Which that episode is all he amounted to being.

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8 minutes ago, JTagg7754 said:

So people are super pissed about Jamie's character arc completely going away. I'm not sure I'm following this.... anyone feel that way that wants to explain it to me? Probably something I'm just overlooking

I always looked at it as there were 2 characters basically: Jaime Lannister and the Kingslayer. The Kingslayer was defined by his skill as a swordsman and the fact that he killed the king he was sworn to protect by stabbing him in the back. The Kingslayer was supposed to be Tywin ("I need you to be the man you were born to be"), but instead he's captured and loses everything, his good looks, his sword hand ("I was this hand", "Why would anyone want to live with no hand", "Better a clean death than a life as a cripple"), and his dignity. 

Then comes the scene with Brienne in the bathtub, which is one of the best scenes in the series. He explains what he did was ethical - he did it to save half a million innocent lives. He falls over in Brienne's arms and she yells "HELP! The Kingslayer!" and he whispers "Jaime, my name is Jaime". That was the death of the dishonorable Kingslayer and the rebirth of Jaime Lannister. His first action is to run back and save Brienne's life from that bear. He re-joins the Kingsguard and there's a scene where Joffrey taunts him with his accomplishments in the book of the great Kingsguard and he says "there is time for me to add".

They basically constantly teased that he would redeem himself, and he sort of did, by going against Cersei to fight the Night King, but then slipped back.

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11 minutes ago, JBURGE said:

Jon will definitely be the one to kill Dany... they didn't pass off Jon's biggest enemy, the NK, to Arya just to have Arya kill Dany too. D&D figured that Jon killing Dany would have more of an impact. Not saying I agree with it, but I am certain

I agree, which is why I am REALLy struggling with Arya's purpose in that episode other than to show one side of Dany's destruction. Everyone likes Arya so they used her POV to show the devastation on the ground I guess.

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