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The new class of seniors file into the FF High cafeteria for the annual senior breakfast of the year. Friends hug after seeing each other for the first time since the last school year ended. New summer couples disgustingly make out in the corners. Everyone is loud and excited. At the edge of the cafeteria, watching with pride is rackcs, the principal. Last year was a good school year and this year was bound to be even better. As students finish going through the lines and are eating egg slop, rackcs turns on his microphone and starts walking between the tables.

"Good morning seniors! I'll be brief but I just wanted to take a moment to say a few things. Take a break from your delicious breakfast to give yourselves a round of applause to making it to your final year of high school!"

The crowd of students goes berserk, cheering as loud as they possibly can. Rackcs was a well liked man at FF High.

"I know that many of you are eager to get started and in the classrooms but I just wanted to take a moment to tell you all how proud I am of your accomplishments throughout your previous three years. This is a good class of seniors we've got this year and I'm excited to see what new goals you all have for this year. Enjoy this year folks, there's nothing else like it. That's all, let's have a great year everyone!"

As the crowd erupts into applause once again, rackcs beams with pride and turns around to leave the cafeteria. Suddenly there was a loud gasp as a plate of eggs comes flying across the room and slaps right onto rackcs's back before bouncing off and hitting some other poor student in the head. The student grabbed a fistful of egg and hurled it randomly into the crowd. Within seconds it was chaos and breakfast was flying everywhere.


A few short hours later, Woz walks into rackcs's office. He plops down into the chair across the desk and crosses his arms defiantly.

"I didn't even do anything!" he blurts out before rackcs even has a chance to speak, "Everyone else was throwing food so I did too. Why am I the only one here?"

Rackcs studied him patiently for a moment before speaking.

"Well Woz, a number of students stated that you were the one to throw the first plate of eggs at me which started the whole event. Is this true?"

"Hell no!"

"Woz, you know that you have a bit of a...trouble-making reputation, right?"

"So? I didn't do anything. I may do stupid stuff sometimes and get in trouble, but I wouldn't throw eggs at you Mr. Rackcs, you're cool."

Rackcs paused and looked him over again.

"I believe you."

"Wait, really? Nobody ever believes me!"

Rackcs stood up from his desk and went to open the door for Woz.

"Well I do. I trust you here."

"Oh man, that's why you're the coolest. Thanks!"

And with that Woz skipped off down the hallway.


From the other side of the hallway, the janitor watched as the boy who he heard started the food fight in the cafeteria waltzed out of rackcs's office scot-free. This was the final straw. No matter how much he cleaned and cleaned and cleaned, these damn kids always messed it up. No more though.

"It's time to truly clean up the filth of this school. The students."

Woz entered the bathroom, blissfully unaware of the janitor lurking behind him. Woz enters the stall and begins to piss all over the seat, laughing to himself as he did so. Just as he's finishing up, he feels a hand grip his neck tightly and push his head down into the toilet. Woz struggled against the person holding him down but couldn't free himself from the man's grasp. He kicked and fought but it was no use. Soon, the janitor finished his job and silently slipped out of the bathroom, leaving Woz's body drowned in the toilet.

@Woz is dead. He was The Delinquent, School-Aligned


The next day the superintendent of schools was in rackcs's office, tearing him a new one. 

"What the **** is going on in this school?! We have never had a major incident like this at FF High in 50 years and then yesterday there's a food fight?!"

Rackcs sheepishly spoke up, "...and someone was murdered..."

"Right! That too! Jesus christ rackcs you better get this school under control or we're going to have no choice but to fire you and replace you with someone who can actually do the job. Fix this mess now!"


It is now Period 1! With 20 alive and 20 voting, it's 11 to lynch!


@Slappy Mc, @theuntouchable, @MWil23, @Dome, @Malfatron, @Counselor, @Ragnarok, @bcb1213, @SwoleXmad, @Matts4313, @carl_sjunior, @SwAg, @kingseanjohn, @TheKillerNacho, @Pickle Rick, @VikeManDan, @Whicker@The Orca, @DingoLadd, @Nazgul

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