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Whats up with Baker


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19 minutes ago, Thomas5737 said:

I'll pass on a fearless leader, he'll lead you places you shouldn't go. I'll take intelligent over fearless any day, not that we have seen supreme QB intelligence from Baker yet but I'm hoping he gets there.

Gotta hope he has a drew brees career really. Brees first two years as a starter were nothing special. Where his first year as a starter was decent and promising followed up by the worst year in his career 

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1 hour ago, candyman93 said:

I don’t care about what Bakers saying to the media.



I care about the damn turnovers.

Baker's wasn't his fault, that was on Bitonio and happened too suddenly for Baker to do anything about it. The one that should have been picked probably wasn't on Baker either and was a good throw but either OBJ ran a lazy route or it was a bad design because Gilmore shouldn't have been close to Landry either way.

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National perception is what it is and won't change until they right this thing. 99% of us know that Grossi is a surly troll that enjoys watching us fail and lose and probably wants us to. He'd be a great heal/villain in a sports movie. Major League may very well be the perfect feel good sports comedy, but if they could have worked his character into enjoying the losing portion of the movie, baiting Ricky Vaughn into flipping out on him, and Lou Brown somehow at the climax of the movie telling him that "We're going to give you guys in the media a big ole' **** burger these last 60 games" with Rachel Phelps looking on, and including his unhappy/surly expression while giving an interview on the winning streak, that would have been classic.

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@MWil23 Spot on my man...........

Since when does the media get a pass 24/7/365? They keep asking the same inane questions over and over and over again.

Media members break down into a few groups. First you have the generally good folks working as respectfully as they can to make a living. Then you have the generally clueless, whose lines of thought are what others tell them to think - but they are generally harmless. Then you have the mean spirited, arrogant, "how dare you disagree with me!" type. Guess where Grossi fits?

Remember when he got b****slapped by GGG in his introductory presser? That was great! Seems that things haven't changed for Tony. Good for Baker for storming out and refusing to worship at the altar of Grossi.

Baker has a season to salvage - starting Sunday.

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Ultimately, what's wrong with Baker is that he's not reading leverage, he's not reading the cues the defense is giving him, he's not reading the defense but instead predetermining where he's going to go with the ball pre-snap or having bad eyes.

This is one example, but there are others that Waldman and others breakdown that a lot of us have noticed all year.

I said when he was fired and have repeated it a lot since: "Ken Zampese's spends most of his coaching on training QBs eyes and how to read leverage on the defense." Zampese is known to obsess over it and drill it and develop it. He also teaches eye manipulation cues and how they should vary from formation and situation. He drills that as well. A lot of people have made the connection, but I'm telling you Zampese's departure and Baker's regression with his eyes

What worries me is that which I worried about with Baker from the beginning and that is next level Anticipation throws. Anticipation throws require that a QB be able to clearly see how a defense is presenting pre-snap and post-snap development and the ability to pull the trigger with an accurate throw to a space that the defense cannot defend but the wide receiver can make a play on the ball with  some catch space.

No matter what happens with Freddie; we have to get a new QB Coach in here asap and it has to be an elite one.


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We have taken a back step in coaching on offenseacross the board. Along with bad fundamentals, baker has been meh in the pocket, everything aside from chubb has been abd around him. 

The right side of the line, the play calling, the time it takes to get thebplay in. We dont know who baker is until he gets a decent pocket and good play calling and in the play in on time. 

He needs to model his game after brady and brees, tom does every little thing right, feet, hips arm, hand fingers, baker looks messy out there from the feet up.

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Watched every game from Baker coming out of college for a scouting report, even his Texas Tech games, and had him as the #1 QB. So clearly I'm a big fan.

His problem this season is he's simply getting confused by coverage. That confusion is stealing his poise. Without poise, his accuracy, pocket presence and decision making are regressing.

Kitchens is running a loose ship but the biggest determinant on W/Ls this year is Baker's play. And it's been pretty awful.

Is it just coaching? Find a better QB coach or QB guru HC and he's back to 25+ TDs a year?

Doubt it. History says QBs that start out strong than nose dive don't recover. As mediocre as this coaching staff may be, they're surely seeing the same things as Waldman and others and have been trying to coach him up since week 1. 

To my knowledge there haven't been any QBs that started out strong as rookies, then sucked the following season, then came back to playing strong. 

Brees really looked shaky his first 2 yrs, despite ok rookie stats, and got benched for the criminally underrated Doug Flutie, before he started looking like a HOFer yr 3. ...Coinciding with Antonio Gates also emerging as a HOF talent and finally giving Schottenhiemer a legit receiving talent to counter the other HOFer, LT.

Sam Bradford might come the closest to starting strong, stumbling, then coming back strong. But he dealt with a new OC and an injury in year 2.

I still maintain the closest comparison to what's going on with him is RG3. Most feel the injury changed him but that really wasn't it. He recovered well enough year 2 but played so bad the staff sat him and used his health as an excuse.

IOW, Dorsey would be wise to try and find a legit someone to compete with Baker this off-season.

Edited by BrownLeader
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5 hours ago, BrownLeader said:

Watched every game from Baker coming out of college for a scouting report, even his Texas Tech games, and had him as the #1 QB. So clearly I'm a big fan.

His problem this season is he's simply getting confused by coverage. That confusion is stealing his poise. Without poise, his accuracy, pocket presence and decision making are regressing.

Kitchen's is running a loose ship but the biggest determinant on W/Ls this year is Baker's play. And it's been pretty awful.

Is it just coaching? Find a better QB coach or QB guru HC and he's back to 25+ TDs a year?

Doubt it. History says QBs that start out strong than nose dive don't recover. As mediocre as this coaching staff may be, they're surely seeing the same things as Waldman and others and have been trying to coach him up since week 1. 

To my knowledge there haven't been any QBs that started out strong as rookies, then sucked the following season, then came back to playing strong. 

Brees really looked shaky his first 2 yrs, despite ok rookie stats, and got benched for the criminally underrated Doug Flutie, before he started looking like a HOFer yr 3. ...Coinciding with Antonio Gates also emerging as a HOF talent and finally giving Schottenhiemer a legit receiving talent to counter the other HOFer, LT.

Sam Bradford might come the closest to starting strong, stumbling, then coming back strong. But he dealt with a new OC and an injury in year 2.

I still maintain the closest comparison to what's going on with him is RG3. Most feel the injury changed him but that really wasn't it. He recovered well enough year 2 but played so bad the staff sat him and used his health as an excuse.

IOW, Dorsey would be wise to try and find a legit someone to compete with Baker this off-season.

I think there's a lot of truth to this. Baker is clearly being confused by defensive looks. It also doesn't help that we are constantly getting to the LOS with the clock winding down, which gives him less time to diagnose what the defense is doing.

I'm not crazy about the comparison to RG3. It could turn out to be true, but RG3's rookie year success was largely dependent on the fact that he was a huge threat to run but he had a strong arm that kept defenses honest. I don't recall him making so many accurate tight window throws like Baker made so often last year. We've seen how well Baker can play - he excelled at moving within and out of the pocket last year, threw with pinpoint accuracy, threw a good deep ball, etc. I agree that a lot of his problems this year stem from him being confused by defenses and, like you said, that results in him losing his poise. We've seen many times where he's been high on his throws and he just seems less comfortable in the pocket than he was last year.

Hopefully this offseason we find him a better QB coach and Baker puts a lot of work in the film room. I think he's smart enough to read defenses - he just needs to put in the work.

As for bringing in competition for Baker - who could we bring in? We'll ride or die with Baker next year. If he doesn't improve next year, then we may start looking for his replacement. But he's got about a year and a half before I think we consider doing that.

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