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Mental Mafia - Town and Josh Win!!!

Slappy Mc

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10 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Nah, Pickle I think is clearly MVP, then you, then Malf, then Swag

It appears your brother disagrees.

15 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

Lmao.  I'm the ONLY one that has been pounding the table saying its nacho.  

You guys are dead set the last one is the orca.  If its nacho you all will be bowing before me.  If its orca I'll be the one bowing 

Grovel at my feet, plebeian. 



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6 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:
7 minutes ago, The Orca said:

So much...so freaking much. Like you dont even know. I had a plan since day 3 and I was close (almost no shots but so freaking close)

You might as well just elaborate

I dont understand Orca's need to be so coy this game. Is he starving for attention?

Reminds me of the pretty girl who plays hard to get, then gets mad when you hook up with her friend. 

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3 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

I dont understand Orca's need to be so coy this game. Is he starving for attention?

Reminds me of the pretty girl who plays hard to get, then gets mad when you hook up with her friend. 

Cause I do...got a problem with it, you should complain to the host xD

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The sirens have multiplied and you all hear the sounds of choppers flying over head. Even though you are all nuts you know that you all have to be on the same page when it comes to telling your stories. You gather to develop your plan, but one of you keeps goofing off and not following the plan. You all decide it's time for him to go. You all take him to the Head of the Wards office, break out the window, shout something indiscernible to the police, and throw @The Orca out. His screams can be heard for miles. Someone says, "I grabbed his bracelet." It read:

The Orca, Bipolar, was Red Aligned.

You all rejoiced. This was it. The final scum member was caught. You patted each other on the back and walked down the corridor one last time. 

You approach the entrance and unlatch the doors. The spotlight from the police peers through the cracks as you all open the door with your arms raised. You all walk out smiling and trying to explain your situation. But you all didn't plan what this might look like.

(Perspective change)

The police have gotten all the back-up they need. What they know: a bunch of medically impaired people are held up in this hospital and they know the staff and most of the patients have been murdered. They watched as a window was broke and a patient thrown out. Then you all come out, shouting gibberish and covered in blood.

Unclear of what to do the Chief of Police tells the crew to stand down. The weapons are being lowered and someone's finger slips. A bullet flies and implants itself in @squire12's head. You all freak out and start to run. The police have no choice they unload on the lot of you. @Matts4313, @Malfatron, @Pickle Rick, @rackcs, @TheKillerNacho, @NS922 all drop dead.

The Hospital is cleansed.

Squire, Binge Eating Disorder, was Green Aligned.

Matts 2.0, Paranoid Schizophrenic, was Green Aligned.

Malfatron, The Good Doctor, was Green Aligned.

Pickle Rick, PTSD, was Green Aligned.

Rackcs, Bipolar, was Green Aligned.

TheKillerNacho, Depression, was Green Aligned.

NS922, Binge Eating Disorder, was Green Aligned.

The screen fades to back....





Then @Nazgul's eyes open. What a crazy dream. He knows that his dreams are never just that. He exits his room and there is no blood or death. The Orderly are all alive and everyone he just watched die is still here. He quickly runs to the Head of the Wards office to explain what he just saw. He beats on the door as the Oath to Recovery is being broadcast over the PA. The HOTW opens the door and tells him, "You know you aren't supposed to come here anymore..."

The dream is explained and the HOTW shuts off the PA. He explains that it was all a dream and that Naz needed to calm down. He escorted him back to his cell and gave him a sedative to help him relax. He then proceeded to tie his sheet around his neck and suspend him from the lights in the room. 

@Nazgul is dead. He was the Oracle, Blue aligned. 

The Head of the Ward instructs all the orderly to round up the patients, protocol Black54tango is in effect. All patients must receive lobotomies. You all piled into the operating rooms and received your treatment. You have no knowledge of what was to come, you cant even remember who you are. The Head of the Ward saved one of you from a lobotomy though. You have all been given syringes with lethal injections in them. Find the person who doesn't have a lobotomy and win the game. 

To perform an injection all you need to do is post a bolded name in the thread. The order of the posts will determine who is left and once the unlobotomized player is killed I will announce the winner. 

@MWil23, @Counselor, @daboyle250, @TheKillerNacho@bcb1213@Pickle Rick, @Forge, @theuntouchable, @Malfatron, @squire12, @Dome, @ET80, @Raves, @SwAg, @gopherwrestler, @The Orca, @JoshstraDaymus, @rackcs, @Matts4313, @NS922@Hockey5djh



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