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TACT XVIII: Zeke's Whacky Weekend Adventures


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2 hours ago, resilient part 2 said:
2 hours ago, DaBoys said:

It's all about WHEN you eat, good sir. Not necessarily what you eat or even how much. Shut things down at 6 PM. Nothing else goes in after 6 except for water. If you wait to eat breakfast at 10 the next morning you will have fasted 16 hours, and did most of it in your sleep.  Eat what you want, but try to keep it clean. Remember that the cleaner/leaner the food is, the more of it you can eat.


Just shut things down at 6.  If you can stop consuming at 6 and then wait till noon the next day to start eating then you have an 18 hour fast. It won't really matter what you eat from noon to 6 at that point. You'll start dropping weight like melted butter.


Don't kill yourself but remember your body slows it's ability to process foods as the day goes on. Eating after 6pm pretty much guarantees the pounds are staying.  

I don't go to bed till about 12-1am. That would be a good idea, except for the "impossible part" 

The bold made me LOL. 

If I throw a SB party like planned, I am so F*cked.

IF it makes you feel in better, I disagree entirely with what he said. Well not entirely, but a lot of it. 

Losing weight is very simple. Its a math equation. You probably need about 2500 calories a day to stay whatever you weigh right now. Thats a total guess, but its an okay starting spot assuming you are average proportions. 

2500 calories

Every day you go below that number, your body will burn fat (eating less, or using calories working out)

Every day you go above that number, your body will store fat (drinking beer, watching football)

And the scale *DOES NOT* tell you fat, it tells you weight. The mirror tells you fat. 

And another thing, if you eat/drink certain things your body will retain water. Which is why your body weight can change like 10#s from morning to night time. So again, dont watch the scale. Watch your calories and watch your mirror. And eat clean, that parts true. 

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4 minutes ago, resilient part 2 said:

thanks I will try both Daboy's and your advise. I am also not a big beer drinker, but when I get in the mood, AGGGHHH!!!

No prob. Just remember, each pound of fat has 3500 calories. So to burn off 1# of fat you need to be at a 500 calorie deficit every day for a week. But again, thats a pound of fat. Your scale might not change at all if you added 1 pound of muscle. But you will look, feel, and be more healthy. And thats really the point. 

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It's probably 6 of one and a half dozen of the other. If you don't want to count calories the 6 PM thing is a good rule. You can only eat so many calories in 1 sitting before you're full and 6 comes around pretty quick. Most people get really hungy later at night. As the body gets tired it wants either sleep or more energy to keep going so it craves both. Eating large breakfasts medium lunchs and light dinners is the way to go. Give your body time to use that energy before you put it to bed. Sadly, most Americans do the exact opposite. They are running late in the morning so they grab a bagel or snack bar, or don't eat at all. Then they are hungry so they over eat at lunch which makes them lethargic. Then they may go home or a restaurant for a big family dinner right before bed. 

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Well boys, I'm going to miss you all. I said a while back that if the Eagles win the 'bowl, Im out. And I am sticking to it. Ive had a blast the last ~15 (?) years I have been posting here with you all. I have considered you all buddies and some of you have actually become real life friends (especially those that I text/know on facebook). I am not going to tag anyone from this forum as I know I will leave someone out. Just know that if you spent any amount of time posting with me, I will miss the camaraderie, the debates and the endless trash talk. It's been a daily part of my routine for a really long time. If any of you ever want to touch base, my info is pretty well known (Get in touch for Fantasy Football next year!!). If you ever see this name on any social media/gaming/etc, its me. Say hi. 

@Kiltman @ianlewis16 => I'll let you disseminate the information to the Eagles posters. Tell them congrats. As friends I know they are experiencing immense joy tonight. Savor it. Many fans never see one in their life, so the magnitude of the victory should be enjoyed. I will miss you bunch of whackos as well. As a Cowboys fan, I hate you all.

B60 Ill see you in the post FF.com afterlife soon. #gainz

@EliteTexan80 @iPwn @The LBC @bucsfan333 @MathMan => My Mod/TAST bros. Ill miss following all the wonky adventures of that subforum. Not to mention destroying you all in mafia. Its been an awesome run. Tell the homies there I'll miss them and to check in sometime, im not that hard to find. 

@domepatrol91 - feel free to sign me up for the next game. Without me being here to play, you scrubs might actually be able to lynch me :D.

And with that, I leave you with this:




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Well guys, I’ve decided I’m going to officially take the offseason off.  I don’t even know if I’ll watch the draft.  And with the Raiders moving to Las Vegas soon enough, I don’t know how much more Jerry Jones bumbling I can take.  If the cowboys don’t contend in 2018, I will probably have reached my limit.

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