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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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2 hours ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

I did the math of the money my wife and I are saving by working from home and have been using about 1/2 that money for liquor. I've got a hell of a cabinet overflowing right now. Once this is over, we're having friends over we haven't seen in months bc we don't go anywhere. I'm hoping it's over during winter so we can't do a block party here but god forbid this goes into spring next year, I'll entertain that thought lol.  You being in Cali.... that doesn't matter lol. Ohio is definitely a different story. Just hoping for this calendar year although that seems aggressive

I've become a huge alcoholic during this pandemic. That reminds me, time for another drink.

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6 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Well, school just got pushed back a week for me. Dominos are starting to fall. 

Another domino for you here?

The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the nation's second-largest teachers union, said it will back members to go on strike because of unsafe working conditions in schools due to the coronavirus pandemic.


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8 hours ago, naptownskinsfan said:

I just met a good friend of mine to go golfing today.  Outside of our immediate families, work and one other friend each, we haven't been in contact with anyone else in person for any extended period of time.  

I don't even think an outdoor cookout with some friends would be a bad thing, but right now, I am not risking it.  Last year, I did a summer cookout and Thanksgiving meal with my management team that works under me, and I thought about doing it again but there just isn't any way to do it even outside with the number of people, and that's before adding married/engaged guests.  And I would be comfortable with very few people coming over right now to begin with.  

I hang out with people who have similar boundaries as me in that they're taking the virus seriously and aren't out there doing their thing as if a pandemic wasn't ongoing. 

Saturday night I may be having a bonfire with a couple that I've only seen once since the start of this pandemic. I generally keep everything outside, but I have allowed another couple to come into my townhouse to watch a movie. We stayed like 10 ft apart, haha. 

I'm personally living my life with very strict boundaries. I'll go out to an outdoor bar, but I keep everyone I can 6 feet away from me, and wear a mask whenever I move around. I do this every where. It also helps that my community is curb stomping this virus at the moment. We're down to .9% positive (running 7 day average), and just posted one of our lowest numbers in over a month at .4% yesterday. We have about 40 people hospitalized, 5 (ish) people in ICU care, and go days without a death. This is in a county of 740,000 people. The joys of living in an area that actually took this virus seriously. If I were in AZ, FL, etc...I'd be a hermit again.

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12 hours ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:


People seem very encouraged by this potential vaccine.

Wish we could find more in the way of treatments but good news is good news

Didn't realize this was for the same Moderna vaccine they're in phase 3 w/ now. They never challenge tested primates, only mice. These results only further the thought that this will succeed in phase 3 trials. More reasons to be optimistic, the better.

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9 hours ago, Kirill said:

I've become a huge alcoholic during this pandemic. That reminds me, time for another drink.

I've been using certain substances way more than I should during the pandemic as well.  Had to stop yesterday, since I'm actually going to work regularly again, and it's made me a little scatterbrained.

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I feel like others have already posted about this and it’s just now being detailed on NPR. But here it is for anyone who hadn’t seen it before:



Most people who get sick with COVID-19 produce antibodies in their blood that seem to protect them from reinfection. A study is now underway to see whether an infusion of those antibodies can protect someone who has been exposed to the virus and is at high risk of infection.



He's also involved in a second study that looks at whether plasma will prevent serious illness in people who are infected but not sick. He says if both of these strategies work, they could help a lot of people, even in the absence of a vaccine.

"That would give people a lot of confidence, I think, to go back to school, go back to work," he says, "because if somebody gets sick it's not a tragedy --because we can protect them and protect those around them."

These studies are among a growing number of experiments involving convalescent plasma, both as preventive measures and as treatments for COVID-19.


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1 hour ago, Daniel said:

I've been using certain substances way more than I should during the pandemic as well.  Had to stop yesterday, since I'm actually going to work regularly again, and it's made me a little scatterbrained.

Real meth heads don’t flaunt their meth use. 

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56 minutes ago, Xenos said:

I feel like others have already posted about this and it’s just now being detailed on NPR. But here it is for anyone who hadn’t seen it before:




I always thought the reason they were drawing plasma from people was for this reason that they could harvest it and give it to people who aren't sick and make them immune. That's just me being scientifically illiterate yet again. I'm going to stop posting more b/c I just feel so dumb every time I talk about this lol. Kind of like, "hey man, these things kicked the virus' ***, have some, it will protect you" but I guess it's more complex than that.

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My wife and I finally booked something for ourselves. We've been so insanely sheltered during this. My dad and stepmom are super high risk. Her mom and her bf are super high risk and we still have dinner w/ them, outside, from time to time so we don't want our selfish reasons to be why they get sick. We were going to drive to Vermont to see the leaf changing b/c she's wanted to do that forever but not a great idea b/c everyone will be there. Found a VRBO cabin in Red River Gorge in Kentucky that is literally next to nothing that has views for miles in the middle of the forest so we booked it for October. At least we have something to look forward to now.

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1 minute ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

I always thought the reason they were drawing plasma from people was for this reason that they could harvest it and give it to people who aren't sick and make them immune. That's just me being scientifically illiterate yet again. I'm going to stop posting more b/c I just feel so dumb every time I talk about this lol. Kind of like, "hey man, these things kicked the virus' ***, have some, it will protect you" but I guess it's more complex than that.

No, keep posting. The only time it gets dumb is if someone goes full witch doctor lol. We’re all trying to learn. Heck I thought I knew everything about investments until I started perusing the investment thread. Never knew how great HSAs were until reading @ramssuperbowl99 take on it and doing more research myself.

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2 minutes ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

My wife and I finally booked something for ourselves. We've been so insanely sheltered during this. My dad and stepmom are super high risk. Her mom and her bf are super high risk and we still have dinner w/ them, outside, from time to time so we don't want our selfish reasons to be why they get sick. We were going to drive to Vermont to see the leaf changing b/c she's wanted to do that forever but not a great idea b/c everyone will be there. Found a VRBO cabin in Red River Gorge in Kentucky that is literally next to nothing that has views for miles in the middle of the forest so we booked it for October. At least we have something to look forward to now.

The RRG is a nice area, enjoy!

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3 minutes ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

My wife and I finally booked something for ourselves. We've been so insanely sheltered during this. My dad and stepmom are super high risk. Her mom and her bf are super high risk and we still have dinner w/ them, outside, from time to time so we don't want our selfish reasons to be why they get sick. We were going to drive to Vermont to see the leaf changing b/c she's wanted to do that forever but not a great idea b/c everyone will be there. Found a VRBO cabin in Red River Gorge in Kentucky that is literally next to nothing that has views for miles in the middle of the forest so we booked it for October. At least we have something to look forward to now.

Good for you guys 😊

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5 minutes ago, Xenos said:

No, keep posting. The only time it gets dumb is if someone goes full witch doctor lol. We’re all trying to learn. Heck I thought I knew everything about investments until I started perusing the investment thread. Never knew how great HSAs were until reading @ramssuperbowl99 take on it and doing more research myself.

Most absurd tax scam ever. I love HSAs so much.

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