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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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4 hours ago, Mega Ron said:

It might not be covid.

Could be more people than normal are getting killed by bears.

Or maybe the serial killers are using the opportunity to pad their stats with some garbage time kills.

Watch this be the story for the upcoming season of Dexter. 

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11 hours ago, Mega Ron said:

It might not be covid.

Could be more people than normal are getting killed by bears.

Or maybe the serial killers are using the opportunity to pad their stats with some garbage time kills.

Pad their stats! That got me.

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The virus is finally actually hitting here, for real, and everyone's just derping around like idiots.  When the first wave hit, there were like single digit number of cases here, because remoteness.  Now it's rippled out to remote places as it climbs in Canada in general...and nobody wants to do the things to slow the spread anymore.  Plus, schools are all back in action and spreading the heck out of the virus and stuff.  


Everything is great.

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13 hours ago, dwaye50327 said:

I think the annoying part is going to the grocery story and having to sneeze or cough for unrelated Covid issues, allerigies, etc. And everyone stares at you like you got the plague, "like, Karen, mind your own business, i got my mask on and i'm about 27 feet away from you, you'll be fine"

It was so weird, going to the stores wearing a mask, and you could feel that weird judgment, like Karen was looking at you as though you were only wearing a mask because you had the virus or something.  


Things have started to shift though.



But it's still a real struggle, as we enter winter here, where the constant below zero temps and dry air of constantly running heaters makes people sniffle and cough all the time, every time, every year.  Covid gonna run rampant, because nobody is ever gonna know who is just normal coughing, and who is covid coughing.

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2 hours ago, TVScout said:

CDC expands definition of who is a ‘close contact’ of an individual with covid-19

The new guidance is likely to have the biggest impact on schools, workplaces and other group settings since more people are likely to be considered at risk.


Now they tell me.

I was actually wondering if the 15 minutes was consecutive or not

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Not free:

What those studies on mouthwash and coronaviruses actually mean


Contrary to some of the recent buzz around mouthwash, a daily gargle is probably not going to protect you from the novel coronavirus. Instead, experts say new research has “promising” implications for the potential of mouthwash to help infected individuals reduce their risk of spreading the deadly virus.  

A team in Germany found that when several products, including Listerine, were applied to strains of the novel coronavirus for 30 seconds, they “significantly reduced viral infectivity to undetectable levels,” according to a study published in July in the Journal of Infectious Diseases.

Researchers at Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine recently released similar findings, reporting that Listerine and Listerine-like products could inactivate more than 99.9 percent of a virus similar to the one that causes covid-19 with just 30 seconds of exposure. In a study published in the Journal of Medical Virology, the scientists wrote that their results suggest mouthwash could potentially decrease the risk of transmission of the novel coronavirus and “provide an additional level of protection.”


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I have no words to express how completely inept our handling of this has been. We’re 7 months deep and still can’t get this under control. 

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20 minutes ago, SwAg said:

37% of Americans consider our response to be at least “excellent,” with 9% of respondents indicating it was without fault.

Where do they find these people?

Olive Garden. 


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12 hours ago, SwAg said:

37% of Americans consider our response to be at least “excellent,” with 9% of respondents indicating it was without fault.

Where do they find these people?

That’s surprisingly low considering almost half of Americans are complete morons.

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