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2021 Titans Offseason Thread


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3 hours ago, dtait93 said:

Seeing how we lost to KC last year and then BAL this year is starting to make me believe that we need to transform in to a team that can pass to set up the run instead of run to set up the pass. 

We also beat a SB favorite last year in Baltimore and the Patriots, using the same recipe. We've also lost to a team who uses the same principle of running first. That's not the issue here, and we're not really ready to make such a big change in team philosophy, nor should we. 

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35 minutes ago, Andrei01 said:

We also beat a SB favorite last year in Baltimore and the Patriots, using the same recipe. We've also lost to a team who uses the same principle of running first. That's not the issue here, and we're not really ready to make such a big change in team philosophy, nor should we. 

The issue is we don’t know when to use the pass to setup the run when the run is t working, we just keep sticking to run then if we get too behind then we start pressing & out the ball in Tannehill hands. 

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1 hour ago, titans0021 said:

Fact is, there isn’t much of a choice here. Vaccaro was terrible and isn’t worth his salary and we simply have too many holes compared to available money to replace him when we already have a competent replacement on the roster.

Don’t disagree with moving on from Vaccaro

i disagree with making Hooker a starter 

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1 minute ago, deeluxx3 said:

Don’t disagree with moving on from Vaccaro

i disagree with making Hooker a starter 

Hooker is ready to be a starter man I’m sorry I know he was inconsistent but hell every player on defense was, give me Wade Philips hooker & Byard & a pass rush 

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30 minutes ago, TitanRedd said:

The issue is we don’t know when to use the pass to setup the run when the run is t working, we just keep sticking to run then if we get too behind then we start pressing & out the ball in Tannehill hands. 

So you're suggesting abandoning our core philosophy, which, again, has worked pretty well so far, occasionally. And this, again, is not necessarily a healthy thing to do. We have had explosive pass plays and we have had games where we threw not quantitatively, but qualitatively, after setting the run first. But we are a run first team at base, and there is nothing wrong with that. Not when it has been working and not when you accept who you are and are trying to build the roster to be able to function like that.

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43 minutes ago, Andrei01 said:

So you're suggesting abandoning our core philosophy, which, again, has worked pretty well so far, occasionally. And this, again, is not necessarily a healthy thing to do. We have had explosive pass plays and we have had games where we threw not quantitatively, but qualitatively, after setting the run first. But we are a run first team at base, and there is nothing wrong with that. Not when it has been working and not when you accept who you are and are trying to build the roster to be able to function like that.

There's nothing wrong with a run first team knowing when they need to pass first to take advantage of what they're given by the defense. No way we should be running Henry into 8 man boxes when we have guys like A.J. Davis and Smith along with a QB like RT.

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1 hour ago, Andrei01 said:

So you're suggesting abandoning our core philosophy, which, again, has worked pretty well so far, occasionally. And this, again, is not necessarily a healthy thing to do. We have had explosive pass plays and we have had games where we threw not quantitatively, but qualitatively, after setting the run first. But we are a run first team at base, and there is nothing wrong with that. Not when it has been working and not when you accept who you are and are trying to build the roster to be able to function like that.

No I’m not suggesting abandon our core philosophy, I’m saying sometimes we should switch it up depending on how the defense is playing us my guy, for ex yesterday, we kept constantly trying to force the run & we’re predictable. Had we threatened the pass you lighten the box therefore you help Derrick Henry get going. Switch it up some times 

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9 minutes ago, TitanSlim said:

Quick side note but you guys watching Kerry Coombs defense trying to stop Bama....yikes. 

his defense couldn't stop indiana lol. i get that people miss him as a secondary coach but i think the people wishing he was made our DC may have been a bit preemptive.

having said that, absolutely nobody can stop bama this year

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There is a lot to be depressed about going forward. I would say up until this game Titans offense has been very versatile. While true Henry was the key, it wasn't like we didn't win a lot of games this season with the passing game, and we did run a lot of 1st down and 2nd down passing plays in that game. Henry averaged just under 24 a carries a game this year and had 18 in the play off game. Tanny also completed 18 passes so over 50 percent of our plays were passing plays.

What I am saying is I like everyone else who watched this game was very disappointed in the performance of our O and I did feel like a lot of people that Smith and Vrabel did a bad job handling this game. I imagine coming in they fully expected to have better success at running. While I did see them use play action a lot to success it was also obvious that our OL was terrible at handling the DL. WE were terrible all game getting short yardage (under 3 yards), passing or running.  I put this to three things, OL - Play calling - Tanny.  Personally I am not ready to give Vrabel a bye in this loss as the coaches should have done a better job of adapting to the fact that their game plan coming in didn't work after the first qtr.  

What this means going forward is who as far as players do we need to improve. 

 OL...   this season we struggled at times dealing with injuries and while Strafford was okay I do feel we need to improve the over all depth of our OL some where in the draft.  IF we had our OL at full strength I think the Baltimore game is a different story.

DL - WE NEED HUGE help at edge rusher. Simmons Jones and co are better then good enough in the middle.   I also feel loosing Clooney hurt this year, true he still would have been a huge help in outside contain against Balt.

LB - the last area of need.   I am not ready to blame the coaches for Long not making the field earlier.. we have no idea how he was in practice but yes it would have been nice to have his playmaking all year and we will have that going forward. I like Brown and if affordable he is good fit. Evans I put in the bust catagory- he just it too one dimensional to fit it we could afford him as a situational player then fine but a regular starter..   Landry is also limited a good rusher but he also makes too many mistakes including a big one on that huge Jackson TD to end the half.   Thus we need a more ever down playmaker in our LB core, some one more like Wagner in Seattle would be perfect.

CB/safety - I am fine in general with what we have in CB and Safety, though injury was huge this year. IF Butler is affordable that is. We still suffer depth here and need to add especially if Butler is not affordable. 

WR - CD was a huge oddity this year. He had a comeback in my mind this year but him not being part of the Baltimore game was huge. so. in the most critical game of the year we only had one regular starting quality WR on the field to supplement AJ>   We needed more support for Tanny in this game.   Batson made a lot of plays this season in a off role not as a secondary receiver. WE needed some one of CD level or Humphries at least or in this game and we didn't.  This might have caused some of the issues of our passing difficulties as well. BUT THIS needs to be FIXED.   CD if cheap should be brought back but we need a upgrade of Humphries as well. 

TE - Pity the OL failure removed our best playmaking TE in Juno..   we are great at TE so long as Juno can be used in the passing game..   

kicking..  we are good here ...

so... what we need to address in the first 3 rounds and FA in my mind is..

Edge - LB - OL - Safety/CB - WR

the other rounds just depth of roster...   AND YES major fail that we got practically zero help this year from first 3 rounds and FA....  that is something that is inexcusable and can not happen again and generally  leads to franchise major decline and has an effect for years. 

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I meant to add this to my previous post about the salary cap.   

It frustrates me when I hear all the dome and gloom about revenue and lowering salary cap.   The only way salary cap would be lowered is if the NFL showed that they couldn't play a regular 16 game schedule and playoffs.   They managed to do that this year with relative ease and I think going forward there is little doubt that things while not getting better will not get worse so expect 16 - 17 game season and playoffs going forward with preseason. 

Doing the math if you figure each game next year will have 50,000 less fans in the stands means each team will loose about 20 million in revenue. Yikes that seems a lot of money...    but.... look at the other side of the problem.

HOW will people see football now...  umm TV...  currently it is the TV revenue and merchandise that accounts for the cap being where it is not people in stands. Merchandise is only going to increase and those 50,000 fans not in the stands means a immediate increase in TV money. Doing the math of that (Direct TV charges over 300 for its NFL ticket), those fans will pay to watch their team play every day. That means that there will be a almost 1 billion increase in sales of being able to watch NFL on TV ( I expect about 150,000 fans per team).   which would lead to around  25 million per team if  divided directly. Of course that's not how it works but there also is increase in add revenue that will come with the increase of watching on TV.  All that will lead to a increase in the contract for the NFL which I think would be above that 25 mil per team. Which would lead to the continued increase in the cap, not a decrease. Especially as we added two play off games and will add another regular season game soon. 

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Thoughts on Von Miller?  Word in Denver is he will be asked to restructure and the talking heads on radio are floating numbers like $9M to $13M.  I think they're a little more down on his value than I am.  Even after missing this year, I'd happily give him what we gave Clowney this year.  He's had FAR FAR more success than Clowney.

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God the more I watched this game vs the Ravens the more I just see the need for more people on defense that want to grind and get physical and pop people. I don't know if it's us turning into an offensive minded team that we lost sight of who we are but damn. We got absolutely manhandled. I don't know how that game was even close. They went straight bully mode on us. We need some meat up front that can push for negative plays on early downs.

It's time to move on from Vaccaro, dude was getting embarrassed in that game. The Lamar Jackson run and him just getting plowed by Dobbins.

I am worried about Byard also. He is another player that just looks soft out there. On top of that he struggles to stay with anyone of relevance in coverage. I also saw him make multiple terrible instinctive decisions all year. We can't even hang our hat on what was one of our best defensive players.

Simmons disappeared but I am willing to give him a pass bc literally all the pressure is on him.

We need to bring in multiple people. I am worried that defense is borderline is full rebuild mode, we need so many pieces to make it good enough to get us on a super bowl run. I believe we need a top 10 d to make this team work.

We need a complete culture change on defense. If we do not flip the script in this off-season, I will just not have the highest of expectations. No one has showed they can be a leader out there also. It is time for a lot of changes at alot of positions. Bring in some tough guys who want to grind. We need character on that side of the ball. It just isn't there.

Edited by twotonebluenation
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1 hour ago, titanrick said:

Thoughts on Von Miller?  Word in Denver is he will be asked to restructure and the talking heads on radio are floating numbers like $9M to $13M.  I think they're a little more down on his value than I am.  Even after missing this year, I'd happily give him what we gave Clowney this year.  He's had FAR FAR more success than Clowney.

Yes! He is a leader type we need. We need someone with a resume. He is exactly the thing we are missing. He will also grind. Hard. Has great work ethic. He gives us the leadership Clowney couldn't.

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