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The Orca's Horror Movie Mafia and Interactive Massacre- Evil and Unknown Win!!!!

The Orca

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Just now, Forge said:

Awesome game @squire12, @jasonwbantle @N4L @Pickle Rick.

Well played

You as well.   Sorry for any deceit and pulling the "vote with us or die" post.   I was trying to avoid that at all costs.  Just wanted you to consider what your end game was and if you had another path to victory vs joining Evil.  You might have been able to, but we would have taken you out if needed.  

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Just now, squire12 said:

You as well.   Sorry for any deceit and pulling the "vote with us or die" post.   I was trying to avoid that at all costs.  Just wanted you to consider what your end game was and if you had another path to victory vs joining Evil.  You might have been able to, but we would have taken you out if needed.  

Nope. I was just waiting for you to pull the string and let me know it was time. Ask Orca, I was waiting for the time to flip, but I never knew when because I wasn't certain on the numbers. I would have won with town happily had the game been a blow out, but the closer it got, the more likely a flip. 

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Well this has been a blast guys. I'd like to thank @SwAg @jasonwbantle @N4L @Cheesehawk @squire12 for having great performances and working well as a team throughout the game.  You all did a fantastic job of staying alive and following through on our plans to give us the victory.  

It was really a blast playing with you all and even more killing town left and right.  

@SwAg you are hands down the MVP imo.  You managed to last 3 days as outed mafia.  Town really botched the hell out of that one.  You also managed to gain so many items in the house.  The guns in the safe were what turned it around for us.  We had no shot until you grabbed them.  

@N4L for a newbie....wow you played great and behind the scenes you were on point with a lot of the moves and plans for the night.  

@jasonwbantle you started off pretty bad in the thread but you picked it up towards the end and played well. I hope you play some more. 

@Cheesehawk your sacrifice will be awarded the medal of honor.  You were gone but never forgotten.  

@squire12 great thread play and searching as well.  You managed to claim other early on and still lived to the end.  Fantastic work.

@Forge stop cross killing and it would have been over much sooner. We know you could have turned it around for town but think you chose the right side to be on for the history books.  

With how bad some things happened for us, it really is an amazing accomplishment to come out with the W.  It couldn't have happened if not for some damn fine work done by town 

@Whicker was played like a fiddle with those invests.  I nabbed touch and ksj and influenced whicker to invest them.  Framing touch was probably not needed but it felt good. Whicker also managed to vote away from his invest on swag, what twice.  Man we needed that bone headed play.  

@Nazgul you did a fantastic job of giving swag a vest n1 and then turned around and 2 full days after swag was outed you gave him another one.  Props to you for that asinine move.  

@MWil23 you got 4 lives in the game and managed to only kill 1 player n1.  My *** is solely here thhnks to you.  

@theuntouchable you were town MVP imo.  You nailed all of us d1 and really nailed it later on. You somehow survived our strongman hit so we had to frame you and get you lycnhed.  I really was gonna help you on that question in white text bc that was one of like 2 or 3 that I actually figured out.  

@Llamalover you did great missing the most important vote of the game.  With you voting I have no doubt forge takes towns side and we lose.  We appreciate it.  

@Counselor you not playing really helped.  You hurt town far more than you know.  You really should just quit the site and get counseling 

To everyone bitching about the questions....


I figured out 2 to 3 of them the same way everyone else did.  @kingseanjohn got one right that we were so far off of it was pretty funny.  @MWil23 got another one we could not figure out.  I played you all making it seem like I knew them and it really is damn funny.  I didn't want to be lycnhed so I rolled with it.  You all took it to a knew level bc you can't grasp how much we go out of our way to keeps things fair and impartial

You all play these games with some ****ed up warped bias that it really is so unfathomable that any of you can lead normal lives in the real world.  

Me and @The Orca are hands down the most ethical and unbiased hosts and players around.  We never speak to each other about the games, we never set things up for each other, and we certainly won't compromise the ethical integrity of a game we host or a game we play in.  Unlike some of you, it take a whole hell of a lot of time to create the things we do and the games others do.  You all are down right dilusional if you all even think to question either of us on any aspect of ethics regarding to playing in these games or hosting.  

I find it truly troubling the lengths some of you all go to trash people and games and if any of you all act this way in your real lives it would be highly troubling and concerning from a personal standpoint.  I really do wish you all the best and hope you all manage to get in a better place in your lives.  

In the end these are fun games to host, play and follow along with.  Some of you all need a reality check and remember that.  

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2 minutes ago, Forge said:

Nope. I was just waiting for you to pull the string and let me know it was time. Ask Orca, I was waiting for the time to flip, but I never knew when because I wasn't certain on the numbers. I would have won with town happily had the game been a blow out, but the closer it got, the more likely a flip. 

KSJ getting his question made it a more pressing situation.  If you forced OT and it stayed there, it would have been a 50/50 random lynch between myself and Mwil.  That could have been a big turning point.    I tried not to just come out and say here is the deal and force you to vote with us, but rather try to point out the number game.  You being a poker player would look at the odds of how each team stood at that point.  

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On 10/27/2019 at 5:43 PM, The Orca said:

The group were waiting to hear from The Orca about the nights lynch, but nobody could find him. It was as if he vanished into thin air. 

A loud siren and blinding light paralyzed the remaining guests. The ground shocked everyone until they evacuated their bowels all over the floor in a mess or pure filth. Some minion orcas came out and jumped @Llamalover and stabbed him repeatedly for fun

@Llamalover is Dead, he was Krampus, Good Aligned

Once finished with a Llama, the group turned their sights to the most incompetent of them all @Counselor. They each took turns with axes, chainsaws, knives, and an evil looking hand with finger knives, just annihilating his body.

@Counselor is Dead, he was Friday the 13th, Creepy Aligned

Not quite finished the hoard of minion orcas peer over and see @kingseanjohn who is being eaten by a dog like creature. They point and laugh. 

@kingseanjohn is Dead, he was The Conjuring, Creepy Aligned


The lights, siren, and shocks subsided and everyone left looked around. They saw the minion Orcas ushering them to the back door screaming run!!! 

The last remaining players have escaped the house with their lives.

@Pickle Rick The Thing, Evil Aligned

@squire12 Saw, Evil Aligned

@jasonwbantle Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Evil Aligned

@N4L Leatherface, Evil Aligned

@Forge Unknown Aligned (Blue Text)

@SwAg and @Cheesehawk enjoy the victory in spirit


Both Evil Aligned and Unknown Aligned have won the game!!!!!!


I am here to answer all questions and will be revealing the setup, roles, game mechanics and interactive mechanics shortly. Along with game awards. 

Thank you so much for everyone who participated. I look forward to feedback once you all get the entire setup.

@Counselor you shouldnt talk with your mouth full of ****

Bad Counselor

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1 minute ago, Pickle Rick said:

Forge stop cross killing and it would have been over much sooner. We know you could have turned it around for town but think you chose the right side to be on for the history book

Lol dude, it was amazing. I literally got nothing out of any of my moves this game because I kept crossing over with others. Was super annoying

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1st person deathproof(hidden), faction kill

A Nightmare on Elm Street

12. Swag @SwAg

2 Shot Ninja kill


19. Squire @squire12

Play a game for vote

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

22. Jason @jasonwbantle



26. Cheese @Cheesehawk

2 shot kill delayed (strongman) if they accept

The Thing

13. Pickle @Pickle Rick

Godfather, 3 shot frame


28. N4L @N4L

2 shot protect


Unknown Aligned


1st person deathproof(hidden)-Unknown and Creepy

Tremors (Survivor)

1. Forge @Forge

Mime, use next night




Dawn of the Dead

Nacho 2


The Conjuring

7. KSJ @kingseanjohn






1st person deathproof(hidden)

The Birds

00. Slappy @Slappy Mc


Pet Sematary

10. Matts @Matts4313


The Shining

27. ET @ET80

Revive to 1 shot Bulletproof


17. Daboyle @daboyle250


The Purge

8. Naz @Nazgul

6 vests (3 real and 1 fake- hidden, 2 exploding-hidden)


9. Mwil @MWil23

Vig/1 shot bulletproof


4. Whicker @Whicker

Alignment invest

Paranormal Activity

20. Touch @theuntouchable

Monster Animal Invest


14. Racks @rackcs

Jail Sewer


Racks 2

PGO (Scare away)


6. Dome @Dome

Double vote

The Exorcist

5. Bcb @bcb1213

Partial Backup-Jailer


2. Malf @Malfatron


Child's Play

24. ww @wwhickok



15. Llama @Llamalover


The Cabin in the Woods

11. Nacho @TheKillerNacho


Friday The 13th

18. Counselor @Counselor


The Pyramid

23. VMD @VikeManDan



16. llama 2

2 shot commuter

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