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TNF: Steelers at Browns


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Just now, jrry32 said:

I don't think whooping of the butts is an accurate description. Maybe a bonking on the head with a helmet.

Which raises the question, would you rather have your butt whooped or your head bonked with a helmet?

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2 minutes ago, Troy Brown said:

It looked like Garrett added extra to the sack but I'd have to look at a gif or something 

He had him waist-wrapped from behind and, to me at least, I believe the play was being blown dead there and Garrett still decided to wrestle him to the ground and then spent some extra time on top of Rudolph.

Rudolph, very likely, said something and ran off at the mouth while Garrett was on top of him (I won't speculate, but I can think of at least one thing that would likely set someone like Garrett off like a powder keg - I'm sure other people can imagine what that is and we don't need to discuss it here).  Garrett flat out assaulted Rudolph in what ensued and he's lucky to not have police outside the locker room waiting for him with handcuffs for assault with a deadly weapon charges, regardless of whether Rudolph was gravely injured or not.  Excessive emotion is no defense where the law is concerned.  It's definitely possible that Mason was "asking for it," but there's no justification that he was asking to be justifiably assaulted with a weapon.  This is akin to a guy trying to pick a fight he shouldn't and the guy he's picking a fight with pulling out a knife and stabbing him or picking up a brick and smashing him upside the head.

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1 minute ago, dante9876 said:

Yall got to cut the crap. Rudolph started twice. You dont get to be a victim after you start a fight. Garrett is an idiot. But please teach your love ones that of you start some crap you domt get to determine the other person retaliation. Garrett is a moron. Mason was dumb and isnt a victim. Let's not go overboard on this. 


Garrett season might be done. Pouncey 2 or 3 games. Mason fined. Everybody move on. 

Perfectly stated. No one is defending Garrett but everyone else needs to stop acting like Rudolph was all innocent in this. I get being upset but trying to take out on another person and expecting that person to just be fine with it is idiotic. 

Garrett is most likely done for the season, Rudolph needs to be fined and Pouncy should also definitely get suspended a game or two as well

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1 minute ago, MookieMonstah said:

I’m really not even sure how to respond to this. Jesus.

We are all animals, we all enjoy controlled violence and occassionally uncontrolled violence that isnt fatal or damaging. I agree if Rudolph got his head busted open and went down, id be responding different.

No one in their right mind is excusing Myles. That was scary and bush league af. 

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3 minutes ago, dante9876 said:

Yall got to cut the crap. Rudolph started twice. You dont get to be a victim after you start a fight. Garrett is an idiot. But please teach your love ones that of you start some crap you domt get to determine the other person retaliation. Garrett is a moron. Mason was dumb and isnt a victim. Let's not go overboard on this. 


Garrett season might be done. Pouncey 2 or 3 games. Mason fined. Everybody move on. 

Trash post

Garrett could have killed him. What the hell did you see justify Rudolph getting hit there?

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6 minutes ago, MookieMonstah said:

It’s a stupid thing to joke about anyway? Adrenaline is legit, and I bet Rudolph has another concussion. Garrett is lucky he didn’t seriously injure him.

Garrett's lucky he wasn't playing 15 years ago.  Some of those "old school" OL from even just back in the 90's would have felt fully justified in breaking his arm or leg in the scrum for assaulting their QB in the manner Garrett did.

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Just now, Bearerofnews said:

We are all animals, we all enjoy controlled violence and occassionally uncontrolled violence that isnt fatal or damaging. I agree if Rudolph got his head busted open and went down, id be responding different.

No one in their right mind is excusing Myles. That was scary and bush league af. 

Yeah I enjoy an MMA fight when both parties agreed. I don’t enjoy watching someone hit a man in the head with a helmet because he can’t control his emotions. 

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1 minute ago, KFP7 said:

Which raises the question, would you rather have your butt whooped or your head bonked with a helmet?

Butt whooped. 

1 minute ago, MookieMonstah said:

lol jrry wants to be the cool funny guy on the site so bad...

I actually feel bad 

It's okay, pal. I'll still be your friend.

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