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Civilization Mafia II - Game Over! Civilization wins!


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Game Mechanics/Rules (please read carefully!!!!)


All standard mafia rules apply. Bold the name to vote. Do not talk communicate outside the thread unless specifically allowed by your role. Don't screenshot PMs. Follow all site rules. I reserve the right to punish an individual or team if there is a violation of any commonplace rule.

If there is a tie at deadline, there will be a 15 minute OT period. All votes will reset and only the tied players will be available to vote. If there is still a tie after OT, the result will be NO LYNCH.

I will not be providing a starting ratio for this game, but there will only be Civilization (town) and Barbarians (mafia). There will not be any alignment conversions of any kind.

Every player in this game will start as vanilla town/goon with no moves or abilities, other than a mafia factional chat and kill. The Wonder that you choose to construct = your role for this game. Unless otherwise noted, all Wonders are available to be constructed by either Civilization or Barbarians. By default, players will only be allowed to construct one Wonder. Players, may, however, use all abilities available to them in any night. A mafia player, for example, may perform a factional kill and use a Wonder ability. There is no way to destroy or replace your Wonder, so choose carefully.

The build order in this game will be determined randomly. There will be an even distribution of town and mafia, with mafia having the lowest priority among them. For example, in a 21 person game with 3 mafia, the order will be 6 town > mafia > 6 town > mafia > 6 town > mafia, but the order of specific players will be random.

During each day, each player will send me a PM designating which Wonder they'd like to build. If you are choosing to not build a Wonder, I strongly prefer you send me a “no build” PM. If multiple players choose to build the same Wonder, the one who is highest on the build order will receive that role. If you send me a “no build” PM, then you are moved to the top of the list. In the cases of multiple players, those players will remain in their original order. For example, if there are 5 players in order A-E and A, C, and E all choose to build the same Wonder and B, D choose no build, then A will successfully build the Wonder and the new build order will be B, D, C, E, A.

You MAY use the ability of a Wonder that was built the same day. If you miss one night's worth of actions, I will not wait on you on following nights. You may send moves in advance with a prioritized list. You MAY talk at night.

You must make vote every day. Failure to do so the first time will result in a penalty. If you have already built a Wonder, you will be roleblocked that night. If you have not built a Wonder, you will be moved to the bottom of the build order. Failure to meet participation requirements two days will result in your death. These do not have to be consecutive days.

I reserve the right to modify these rules at any time. You will notified if this happens.


This is the town role PM:

Welcome to Civilization Mafia, ______

You are Civilization Aligned (town)

You have no moves yet, just your vote.

You win when all non-Civilization aligned players have been eliminated from the game.

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69. Kevin as played by Dome - Civilization aligned [The Colossus] - killed N2
2. The Orca
3. MWil23 - Civilization aligned [Statue of Zeus] - lynched D2
4. Pickle Rick - Civilization aligned [Notre Dame] - killed N4
5. Forge
6. SwAg - killed N2
7. TheKillerNacho - Civilization aligned [No Wonder] - killed N3
8. Tk3
9. Bcb1213 - Barbarian aligned [Petra] - lynched D4
10. kingseanjohn - Replaced by gopherwrester - 
11. Carl_sjunior - Barbarian aligned [Terracotta Army] - lynched D3
12. Raves 
13. Squire12 - Barbarian aligned [Great Zimbabwe] - lynched D5
14. Rackcs - Civilization aligned [No Wonder] - killed N1
15. Matts4313
16. gopherwrestler - Civilization aligned [No Wonder] - lynched D1
17. JoshstraDaymus - Replaced by Rackcs - 

Edited by Whicker
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Start of Ancient Era


Vote Count

3 Pickle – Nacho, KSJ, Mwil
5 Gopher – Raves, Tk3, Kevin, Orca, Pickle
3 Orca – Matts, Forge, Rack
1 KSJ – Squire
1 No Lynch – Carl
1 Swag – Gopher
1 Mwil – Swag
1 Tk3 – Bcb
1 Matts - Josh



@gopherwrestler will be the lynch.


@gopherwrestler was lynched! He was Civilization aligned [No Wonder]


@rackcs has been killed! He was Civilization Aligned [No Wonder]

On N1, Rackcs did not attempt to build a Wonder. 

Start of Classical Era


Joshstradaymus has asked to be replaced because he was selected for jury duty.


Rackcs has replaced Joshstradaymus


Vote Count

4 Pickle – KSJ, Mwil, Forge, Swag
4 Mwil – Orca, Carl, Squire, Pickle
2 KSJ – Raves, Rackcs
1 Orca – Matts
2 Rackcs – Dome, Nacho
1 Nacho – Bcb




There is a tie between MWil and Pickle. There will be a 15 minute OT starting from this post. All votes are reset. You can only vote for MWil or Pickle. A tie after OT will result in NO LYNCH.


4 MWil - Pickle, Squire, Orca, Bcb
3 - Pickle - MWil, Forge, KSJ

@MWil23 will be the lynch


The barbarians have chosen "present" for the resolution. 


MWil was lynched! He was Civilization aligned [Statue of Zeus]


On Day 2, there were successful constructions of Petra, Terracotta Army, and The Colossus.


@Dome was killed! He was Civilization aligned [The Colossus] 

@SwAg was killed! He may continue posting in thread. He may NOT be voted for. He may NOT be the target of any abilities. 

Start of Medieval Era


Vote Count

5 Carl – Squire, Orca, Nacho, Pickle, Rack
3 Orca – Matts, Carl, Bcb
1 Raves - Raves
1 Nacho – Forge
1 Pickle – Gopher
1 Squire - Tk3


@carl_sjunior will be the lynch. You have until 9:15 to finalize build requests


@carl_sjunior has been lynched! He was Barbarian aligned [Terracotta Army]

On day 3 there were successful constructions of Chichen Itza, The Hagia Sophia, Notre Dame, and The Great Wall

Start of Renaissance Era


Vote Count

3 Squire –Gopher, Tk3
4 Bcb – Orca, Pickle, Squire, Forge
3 Matts – Raves, Bcb, Rack
1 Orca – Matts


@bcb1213 will be the lynch



@bcb1213 was lynched! He was Barbarian aligned [Petra]

On Day 4 there were successful constructions of Red Fort and The Great Zimbabwe


@Pickle Rick was killed! He was Civilization aligned [Notre Dame]

Start of Industrial Era


Vote Count

3 Squire – Forge, Tk3, Orca
3 Orca – Matts [locked] Rackcs, Squire
1 Raves – Raves
1 Tk3 - Gopher



There is a tie between The Orca and Squire. There will be a 15 minute OT period starting from this post. You may only vote for Orca or Squire. A tie at the end of OT will result in no lynch


4 Squire - Raves, Orca, Forge, Tk3
3 Orca - Matts [locked], Rack, Squire


@squire12 was lynched! He was Barbarian aligned [Great Zimbabwe]


@Forge was killed! He was Civilization aligned [Red Fort]

Start of Modern Era

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I don't feel like this game was done justice by either players or the host last time. I've tweaked a few things and I think it'll be a lot of fun this time around. I'd like to get around 21-22 but this works with any number. You may now sign up. 

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