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Dome's Saloon and House of Maidens - Duel Six- Duel Voting deadline is 10pm EST on Monday


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2 hours ago, Dome said:
  1. @Matts4313 as Christopher Lloyd as Professor Plum.
  2. @Counselor as Quick Draw Macaw
  3. @MWil23 as Blondie 
  4. @KOTN-93 Waylon "Ashtray" Andrews
  5. @Hockey5djh as Jim
  6. @Malfatron as Gary King
  7. @theuntouchable as Butch "The Untouchable" Alonzo.
  8. @ET80 as Eagle Thunder, Chief of the Slapahoes.
  9. @bcb1213 as John Marston
  10. @rackcs as Ashton Beauregard III
  11. @Woz as Wulf
  12. @James as Pierre McGillicuddy
  13. @squire12 as Art Vandelay
  14. @Forge as the Frito Bandito 
  15. @The Orca as Dead Eye Bilbo
  16. @Pickle Rick as Cannon Bell
  17. @SwAg as ?????


Last callllllll!!!!!!!! 

If any of your friends, enemies or frenemies aren’t on this list you have about 3 hours to get them in here.

Mfw Dome posts this 2 hours ago


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A bare chested man in a leather duster walked in and saw two bodies on the floor. Tucked under his coat was a big ******* gun.

"Uhhhhh. Hi. Can I sign up?" The man sounded like a sad frog. "My name is VonDoom McDoom. I'm from, uhhhhhhhhhh.......... uh....... um. Is this where I sign up?"

He signed the blood splattered pages and took a seat at the poker table.

Welcome, @TheKillerNacho


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