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Steelers/Titans game Rescheduled to Week 7; Steelers/Ravens to Week 8


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On 9/30/2020 at 10:31 AM, titans0021 said:

Will never understand why the league didn’t throw in a couple league-wide or conference specific bye weeks in October/November to give teams two really easy reschedule dates.

Just going to bump this since it remains my biggest complaint. League worth billions heading into the season with a plan of being reactive instead of proactive was stupid three months ago and is stupid now.

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The NFL should have had extra bye weeks built into this season so they can move games like this around and not hurt other teams. It is so obvious that this should be the case, I can’t believe it didn’t happen. If we get anymore outbreaks like this.... the season could be in jeopardy.  

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1 minute ago, titans0021 said:

Just going to bump this since it remains my biggest complaint. League worth billions heading into the season with a plan of being reactive instead of proactive was stupid three months ago and is stupid now.

It seems like they are now considering adding another week to the season for this which is kind of goofy to me, but the smartest play. I mean, this would mean some teams would potentially have byes before their first playoff game and some won't.

They can get away with rescheduling this game because of luck. They got three team's schedules to work out, even if it screws over the Steelers in a few ways. This isn't a scenario you can count on in the future and as others have said, if this happens after bye weeks are left you are definitely screwed.

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With my above blaming of the NFL out of the way, I absolutely feel for the Steelers here. Being punished for something entirely out of control puts them at a competitive disadvantage.

But to pass some of the blame back to the NFL, the fact that the league tried to force the game through despite any reasonable human being knowing there would be more positive tests was so dumb. Had they made the common sense move Tuesday, you could’ve at least given the Pittsburgh players something resembling a real bye week.

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23 minutes ago, TitanLegend said:

Not an ideal way, no, but a far better option than what is currently being exercised.

But how is forcing a team to forfeit a better option?  

It isn't like the Titans purposely got infected with the virus, which seems to be the implication.  Unless there is any proof that the Titans did anything irresponsible outside of what teams and players have been advised to do, then I'm not sure why people are making it seem like this couldn't have happened to literally any team.  And not only that, it sets a terrible precedent.  If you force the Titans to forfeit this game, then it means you have to do the same to teams later in the season.  And how would you feel about divisions being decided by whichever team got sick first?  What about if the Chiefs have an outbreak a week before the Super Bowl, should they be forced to forfeit too because it would be unfair to the other team as they weren't the ones to get sick?


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Wouldn't Baltimore Washington have to go to Week 8? Or is there a more convoluted way? If they can't do that, then the Pro Bowl is gone.

If there is another outbreak the SB moves back one week to make up, and then you're looking at teams having 2-3 extra bye weeks for most unaffected team. What a mess.

Edited by WheatieMan
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30 minutes ago, iknowcool said:

But how is forcing a team to forfeit a better option?  

It isn't like the Titans purposely got infected with the virus, which seems to be the implication.  Unless there is any proof that the Titans did anything irresponsible outside of what teams and players have been advised to do, then I'm not sure why people are making it seem like this couldn't have happened to literally any team.  And not only that, it sets a terrible precedent.  If you force the Titans to forfeit this game, then it means you have to do the same to teams later in the season.  And how would you feel about divisions being decided by whichever team got sick first?  What about if the Chiefs have an outbreak a week before the Super Bowl, should they be forced to forfeit too because it would be unfair to the other team as they weren't the ones to get sick?


yep. there's some news coming out that indicates that the outbreak could possibly have started with a random guy we signed to our practice squad on the 21st, despite the team following all the requisite protocols re: quarantining and testing a new signing etc etc. the nfl's procedures were never airtight with this sort of stuff, and they were never going to be. it's likely going to be impossible to know exactly whether that was the reason, whether our OLB coach was out partying without a mask, or whether someone's kid brought it home from school. i know the nfl and sports people in general like to moralize around "responsibility" narratives, but this could have been any team and in all likelihood won't be the only one.

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1 hour ago, iknowcool said:

What about if the Chiefs have an outbreak a week before the Super Bowl, should they be forced to forfeit too because it would be unfair to the other team as they weren't the ones to get sick?

The Super Bowl could likely be pushed back. Mid-season is a whole different animal. Without the built in weeks for makeup games, it's far more difficult to push everything to the right. The playoffs have that slight advantage with less moving parts and no teams set in stone yet.

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3 hours ago, BayRaider said:

Yeah the NFL is to blame here. They had no plan. I felt they were just kind of wishing for the best... and with no COVID yet 3 weeks in, which was a splendid job compared to MLB and NBA, it seemed like their logic was working.... oh how wrong they were. 

Although while we blame the NFL, it is kinda lame that one Titan player probably ruined this for everybody. You aren’t getting COVID if you constantly wear a mask and wash your hands anytime after you touch anything. Either he skipped those two rules, or was hanging out with people outside of work with no masks. 

So I still blame the NFL 100%, but whoever that Titan player is probably is irresponsible and sucks. 

You’re assuming it was a player. There’s no way to know who patient zero was. Player, staff, food delivery person, etc.

You can definitely get COVID-19 if you do all those things. Your chances are just reduced of contracting it. Especially considering most of the masks Coaches are wearing or players are wearing in press conferences aren’t of the N95 variety. They’re designed to reduce the spread, not designed to effectively insulate you from outside exposure.

2 hours ago, AZ_Eaglesfan said:

The NFL should have had extra bye weeks built into this season so they can move games like this around and not hurt other teams. It is so obvious that this should be the case, I can’t believe it didn’t happen. If we get anymore outbreaks like this.... the season could be in jeopardy.  

While I understand the practical benefits of extra bye weeks built in, I think fans also have to understand that the longer the season goes, the higher the chance for potential exposures. What’s more the additional bye weeks provided would give more opportunity for the irresponsible players to pull a Lou Williams and hit up strip clubs or go to Halloween parties, etc. that place them in exposure experiences and thus come back and infect the rest of the team.

The bye weeks are going to really be when teams need to watch out. If the NFL was truly serious about completing the season, bubble locations and an adjusted schedule would have been instituted, but that didn’t happen. Adding bye weeks makes more sense as something you discuss as a potentially fall back for later in the season, if necessary... but not something you institute off the bat.

If the only way to complete a season is to add bye weeks, then it makes sense. But additional bye weeks aren’t making things any less fair if one team has 2 bye weeks but another has a situation similar to the Steelers and get (potentially) no bye weeks because of their opponents having outbreaks.

So I believe the best course of action without a bubble while maintaining with the same 16 game schedule, was to keep everything business as usual, with procedures in place based on the threat level of the exposures.

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It's weird to me how the NFL can be so cutthroat greedy, but didn't take the time to provide contingencies to mitigate the damage done by COVID-19, so that their money flow wouldn't be halted in it's tracks. Out of all the sports leagues in America they had the most time to plan, but just decided to pretend this would all go away. 

The NFL is just like that nonchalant rich dude in Titanic that is oblivious to the ship sinking. 

 Goodell: "COVID-19??? Bah, it'll be fine. BUT WE WOULD LIKE A BRANDY!!!"


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