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You Have 24 Hours (Final Challenge on 250).


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Poetic Justice

For this challenge, the dead come back to haunt you. 

@mission27, @Nazgul, @Dwight_Schrute, @gopherwrestler, @FinneasGage, @ET80, @Matts4313, @The Orca, @Adrenaline_Flux, @Llamalover

You can judge the living however you want.  Originality, payback, revenge, who has played the best game, worst game, whatever.  You have to rate each remaining player on a scale of 1-10.  You can use decimals.  You can provide your thoughts on your judgment.  Again, rank each player on a scale of 1-10.  1 and you want them to die, 10 and you want them to live. 

You MUST PM me your rankings for them to be official.

I will tally up the scores and the player with the lowest score is dead. 

1. @TheKillerNacho
2. @theuntouchable
3. @rackcs
4. @SwAg
5. @Pickle Rick
7. @kingseanjohn
. @bcb1213
9. @Malfatron
10. @Whicker
11. @Dome
12. @jasonwbantle
13. @Cheesehawk
14. @N4L
15. @Tk3

You may start campaigning (poetically) to stay alive.  If you campaign without the use of poetry, you will suffer penalty points docked from your total score.

The Dead have 24 hours (10:15 AM CST Friday)

Edited by Outpost31
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I swear that if you kill me

Forever I’ll haunt you,

You cannot hide from me

Walls and doors I pass on through, 

I’ll stand there at your bedside

And watch you when you screw,

I’ll whisper you my name

Nibble an ear or maybe two,

You should be so lucky

to get a finger or a few.


But I really should confess

that I haven’t got a clue,

know that ghost don’t make good lovers

every time I prove it true,

I try my very best

I push and pound until I’m blue!

Things always start out great,

but every time right on cue, 

it’s just a minute later

And I’ve left you saying “Boo!”


@mission27@Nazgul@Dwight_Schrute@gopherwrestler@FinneasGage@ET80@Matts4313@The Orca@Adrenaline_Flux@Llamalover

it really is the worst kind of haunting. Don’t subject yourself to Casper the Premature Ejaculator. 

Edited by Dome
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what else can I say? You the man, the chief. 
The paterfamilias, man in charge, prime roast beef! 
So give me a 10, you know you want to. 
then we’ll ride off together, just me and my boo. 


You’re a glutton for punishment, just like me, 

We follow the same establishment, we enjoy the D! 
so vote with your heart and give me the highest score. 
don’t rip me apart like the Lions have done before!



you, me and naz were all in the same boat, 

we follow the team that just can’t stay afloat, 

we watch them with hopes of doing more, 

constantly let down, rocked to our core, 

don’t cause me the same pain as they always do, 

vote me a 10 and we’ll be a happy crew! 


gopher! Gopher! I don’t know what else to say, 

we’ve never worked together, could today be the day? 

give me a good vote and watch me move along, 

maybe later you and I could play ping pong?


the infamous, the bold, you won Big Brother, 

just ignore the fact that your head, I tried to smother. 

you bested me and for that I say good job,

So return the favor so I can kill the rest of this mob. 


beef supreme!! How ya doin, how ya been? 
miss me yet? You’re the man girlfriend! 
give me a good vote, cause I Love you,

regardless of big brother, you’re still my boo. 


**** you. I don’t care about your vote, 

kiss my big fat ***, you nappy headed goat. 

@The Orca

extra! Extra! Read all about it. 
orca is crazy, he’s truly exquisite! 
Rank me high, and everyone else super low, 

I’ll get the bastard that gave you the final blow. 


fluxy wuxy, the man in the corner, 

always pulling strings from right outside the border,

you’re gone and I’m sad but I’m still here, 

give me a 10 and I’ll get you your favorite beer. 


i have no clue who you really are, 

You don’t say much just watch from afar, 

as you can clearly see I suck at writing a rhyme, 

but to vote me less than 10 is a heinous crime. 

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