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5 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

There were a few other things, but yes for the most part it was the Biden/Bernie primary.

EDIT: And, this should have gone without saying, but just to be extra clear, my post had nothing to do with the choices people were making or politics at all. It was solely about how monumentally stupid, dangerous, and ultimately pointless it was to restrict polling places to a ridiculous level and make people stand outside for votes that don't matter as of a few hours ago.

I think the State Supreme Court race was actually the critical race that one party was trying to heavily influence...

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4 hours ago, vikesfan89 said:

I'm surprised that many still went out to vote. Too bad Bernie didn't drop out a day earlier

There was a critical state-wide race as well. Wouldn't shock me if Bernie stayed in to help draw additional voters out in support of that race.

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if you can carve out some time for a great interview, here's Jon Cohen from Science Magazine, he's been reporting on epidemics for 40 years
some really good insight and definitely worth 16 minutes of your time




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7 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

There were a few other things, but yes for the most part it was the Biden/Bernie primary.

EDIT: And, this should have gone without saying, but just to be extra clear, my post had nothing to do with the choices people were making or politics at all. It was solely about how monumentally stupid, dangerous, and ultimately pointless it was to restrict polling places to a ridiculous level and make people stand outside for votes that don't matter as of a few hours ago.

Maryland has an empty congressional seat to fill in a special election, and they even pushed voting back.  It just makes sense.  

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7 hours ago, animaltested said:

Yeah all the nonsense surrounding THE DANGERS OF vote by mail is stupid. My state has been doing it for YEARS, and its amazing. Oregon has been doing it successfully since the 1990s. Colorado also does it. In this situation its a no-brainer.

I think the dangers of voting by mall is in regards to whether or not the virus is present on the mail itself.  I'm sure they already know how long it can live on paper and plastic, so leaving the ballots in plastic bins for x number of days should solve that problem.  Have people wearing masks and gloves move and count them.  

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6 hours ago, mission27 said:

I generally agree with you, but what exactly do you want companies to do with this money?  Do you want them to keep the big piles of cash or do you want them to distribute that money to their shareholders (by buying back stock)?  I'm not sure what the other option is.

Anyway, the airlines are a very specific case.  We are asking them to continue to provide a service at a massive loss (flying planes all around the country with 1-2 passengers on board is incredibly unprofitable as you know) because our government has, probably correctly, deemed this critical infrastructure.  Without government subsidies the airlines would almost certainly decide to ground their planes and furlough everyone.  So in the case of the airlines I think the government is compensating them for providing a critical public service that they otherwise would not be compensated for, which fundamentally seems fair to me.  The airlines didn't cause COVID-19 and whether we think they are well run companies or not its not fair to expect them to continue to fly planes at a massive, potentially business crippling loss simply out of the goodness of their hearts.

Maybe it's because I rarely fly (maybe once a year, if that) and when I do, it's always out of a major airport (BWI) and oftentimes heading into the busiest (Hartsfield Jackson) so I didn't get his prior post on companies taking a loss on so many flights.  Every single flight I've been on has been just about full out of those hubs.  The issue is when you get to smaller airports.  For example, my dad and stepmom have a house in Michigan's upper peninsula.  When I've flown up there, I go into Detroit, and then I have three options- I can go to Milwaukee and it's a 4-5 hour ride, fly to Escanaba (which is an 80 minute ride from them and only has 1-2 flights in/out per day) and Marquette, which is 2.5 hours away from them.  I've never counted more than 30 people on the Escanaba flights.  Escanaba would be an easy nix for Delta in my opinion.  

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2 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

Maybe it's because I rarely fly (maybe once a year, if that) and when I do, it's always out of a major airport (BWI) and oftentimes heading into the busiest (Hartsfield Jackson) so I didn't get his prior post on companies taking a loss on so many flights.  Every single flight I've been on has been just about full out of those hubs.  The issue is when you get to smaller airports.  For example, my dad and stepmom have a house in Michigan's upper peninsula.  When I've flown up there, I go into Detroit, and then I have three options- I can go to Milwaukee and it's a 4-5 hour ride, fly to Escanaba (which is an 80 minute ride from them and only has 1-2 flights in/out per day) and Marquette, which is 2.5 hours away from them.  I've never counted more than 30 people on the Escanaba flights.  Escanaba would be an easy nix for Delta in my opinion.  

Have you flown recently though?  I cant imagine there are many people on planes rn.

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1 minute ago, mission27 said:

Have you flown recently though?  I cant imagine there are many people on planes rn.

Of course they are all likely empty except for "essential" travel, which at this point is basically medical professionals and people traveling for sick/dying family members.  I took his post to mean this was a long time coming 

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1 hour ago, mission27 said:

State level MoLs being tabulated

I must tell you there are some concerning numbers in here

Expect Fauci and Birx to mention these issues in particular perhaps South Dakota, Rhode Island, and Delaware

Can't speak for the other two, but Delaware had a mass influx of people from out of state who were escaping restrictions and came into the state and just started doing their normal routine and not social distancing.  A lot of Delaware are vacation homes for the summer, so it really didn't surprise me.  They were at a stay at home direction shortly after Maryland did ours if I recall correctly. 

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9 hours ago, animaltested said:

Yeah all the nonsense surrounding THE DANGERS OF vote by mail is stupid. My state has been doing it for YEARS, and its amazing. Oregon has been doing it successfully since the 1990s. Colorado also does it. In this situation its a no-brainer.

superb take; a lot of demographics such as the elderly, physically disabled and those who can't get time off work would benefit massively from widespread early voting and vote by mail schemes and this pandemic and the subsequent bungling of these elections from a safety perspective has astounded me; the fact that vulnerable demographics have to quite literally put their life on the line to exercise their democratic right is just shocking

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4/8/2020 MoL Scores:

"And on a Wednesday, in a cafe,  I watched it begin again." - Taylor Swift

Today our global index hits single digits and a new country leap frogs the China.  LFG!!!

Tier 1: Outbreak under control, safe to begin relaxing social distancing measures

South Korea: 1.7

Australia: 2.5 (no denying @Shady Slim has defeated the Corona with the help of MoL and #seasonality, as the MoL predicted, tbf)

China: 2.8 (so a couple days of slightly bigger numbers + natural increase in MoLs from low active case count, don't think its a huge concern yet, but lets watch it)

Tier 2: New case growth is minimal suggesting social distancing is working, likely a few weeks away from breaking into tier 1

Austria: 3.0 (getting there)

Hong Kong: 3.5 (same here)

Italy: 4.6 (new cases slightly higher than yesterday, but overall MoL continues to inch down... waiting for the next big leap... they are near the apex)

Switzerland: 5.2

Israel: 5.7 

Philippines: 6.0 (#seasonality)

Germany: 6.8

Portugal: 6.8

Netherlands: 6.9

Iran: 7.1* (the numbers are just too smooth, MoL doesn't really trust them tbh)

Spain: 7.5 (like Italy a slight uptick today in new cases, but still overall reduction in the MoLs, very good progress thankfully)

Sweden: 8.2 (MoL holding steady, doesn't seem like an explosion YET)

Ireland: 8.4

Global: 9.4 (the world is category 2 now!  it was category 4 just 10 days ago.  great news!)

Tier 3: Countries in this group that are showing increased MoLs have the potential to go deep into the danger zones, but countries with falling MoLs may only be a couple of days from tier 2 status and may have already peaked in gross # of new cases

France: 10.0 (like the MoL predicted they plummet today, not sure how long they stay here though, depending on noisy data they could be back with the rest of Europe in Tier 2 very soon or heading back up)

Belgium: 10.4 

USA: 12.0 (free falling)

UK: 13.1

Canada: 14.2 (lagging a bit today compared to USA and UK, maybe due to delayed impact of the MoL tbh)

Japan: 14.7 (dropping again, a short lockdown if they do in fact do it should put this out of its misery)

Brazil: 15.2 (really not a ton you can get from these numbers yet)

Turkey: 17.3 (clearly slowing down)

Tier 4: Aggressive growth, still likely have not peaked in single day cases, and likely a week or two minimum from peak in deaths (however many of these countries are still slowing down)

India: 18.7 (even India is falling... when you're worst country is where Spain was a week ago, though, you know you're in pretty good shape)

USA State Level MoLs


A few things are a little concerning here, primarily South Dakota and Rhode Island are **** shows (though few people) and and the DC area isn't slowing down the way we'd like to see it slow down.


The MoL would like to thank everyone for their contributions to this important work including @ET80 @acowboys62 @dtait93 @Dome @naptownskinsfan @kingseanjohn @Malfatron @Shady Slim @malagabears @daboyle250 @vikesfan89 @ramssuperbowl99 @sdrawkcab321 @Nazgul @kingseanjohn and the others who love us so much

We'd even like to thank @pwny @Glen for their critical attitude because of the attention it brings to the great work MoL is doing 

I would tag Webby as well, who makes this all possible, but I do not want to get banned



Edited by mission27
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