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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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4 minutes ago, Glen said:

Well it would be counter intuitive to tax us on money given to us from taxes we previously paid.

We will be paying off the stimulus checks as well as bail outs with our collective tax dollars from the tax money taken out of our paychecks/other forms of taxation.

I believe.

Eh, I'm ok with that. 

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1 minute ago, D82 said:

Eh, I'm ok with that. 

You're gonna be paying out far more in bail out money that went to multi billion dollar corps than you would be paying out the cost of the stimulus checks. Ya know that right?

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As I've mentioned, I got furloughed from two jobs for at least three months. This has allowed for me to go on unemployment. I have a third job that I can work very sporadically. It averages about $150/day pre-taxes. Some days more, but never less. Because I worked there one day I'm not eligible for unemployment for the week, which is roughly $200 from the state then another $600 from federal.

So why in the world should I even consider working that once per week if I'm going to lose out on $650 to do so? Now if I can work 4+ days per week, then sure, I'll absolutely work. But if not, why would I? They need to fix this. Just subtract my wages from that $800ish and the state/fed saves some money.

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2 hours ago, vikesfan89 said:

I think the problem is that the government isn't big enough

I mean you can make the government big enough IMO. Whether there is a strong enough desire to do so is really the main obstacle especially since one party traditionally favors small government and letting the private sector handle things.

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2 minutes ago, kingseanjohn said:

As I've mentioned, I got furloughed from two jobs for at least three months. This has allowed for me to go on unemployment. I have a third job that I can work very sporadically. It averages about $150/day pre-taxes. Some days more, but never less. Because I worked there one day I'm not eligible for unemployment for the week, which is roughly $200 from the state then another $600 from federal.

So why in the world should I even consider working that once per week if I'm going to lose out on $650 to do so? Now if I can work 4+ days per week, then sure, I'll absolutely work. But if not, why would I? They need to fix this. Just subtract my wages from that $800ish and the state/fed saves some money.

It does depend where you are. In CA, I still get the difference in max pay. For example, if the max I get is 300 a week but I worked one day that pays me 150, I still get the remaining $150 for the week. That was 4 years ago though. I still feel that if it happened today I would still get the remaining $600 from the federal government.

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Just now, Xenos said:

It does depend where you are. In CA, I still get the difference in max pay. For example, if the max I get is 300 a week but I worked one day that pays me 150, I still get the remaining $150 for the week. That was 4 years ago though. I still feel that if it happened today I would still get the remaining $600 from the federal government.

Not in Missouri apparently

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33 minutes ago, Xenos said:

It's only a temporary measure. I don't think anyone is going to quit their job to get it. Besides the only way this passes the Senate is if reopening the economy fails spectacularly. At that point they will try something to alleviate mob protest again.

I'm not saying they will. I just don't see how this compares to what Canada is doing

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Well, my great aunt passed away due to the virus. Not unexpected but still a little surreal. There won't be a funeral or services of any type due to the lockdowns. Eventually, we may all get together for a celebration of life but who knows.

On a positive note, some of my family members are now taking it seriously. Sadly, it took the death of someone they know.

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14 minutes ago, kingseanjohn said:

Well, my great aunt passed away due to the virus. Not unexpected but still a little surreal. There won't be a funeral or services of any type due to the lockdowns. Eventually, we may all get together for a celebration of life but who knows.

On a positive note, some of my family members are now taking it seriously. Sadly, it took the death of someone they know.

Sorry to hear that brother 

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A quick note today, everyone is STRONGLY encouraged to join MoL's coronavirus mafia which will be both entertaining and educational.  Ty.  There are 2 spots remaining. 

4/18/2020 MoL Scores:

Methodology and disclaimer: MoL score is a simple metric for measuring rate of spread of the novel coronavirus within communities.  The metric was developed by mission and TLO and has not been subjected to academic peer review.  The MoL looks at a trailing average of daily new cases and compares this to trailing active cases within the community.  These rankings do not represent the opinion of anyone other than mission and TLO and should not be taken as advice of any kind.  Please note while the numbers themselves are objective calculations, smugness and Taylor Swift lyrics may factor into our commentary and decisions on tiers.  The MoL reserves the right to make changes to this methodology at any time.  Please follow all relevant governmental and/or WHO/CDC guidance.  We will defeat this virus.

"'Don't you see the starlight, starlight

Dont you dream impossible dreams"

- Taylor Swift

Today, scores are relatively stagnant, except in the great USA where things are getting much better 

Tier 1: Outbreak under control, safe to begin relaxing social distancing measures

Hong Kong: 0.5 (7 straight days of single digits cases and another day at the all-time low)

South Korea: 0.8 (another day at the all-time low for South Korea too)

Australia: 1.6 

Austria: 2.0

Czech Republic: 2.0

Switzerland: 3.2

Tier 2: New case growth is minimal suggesting social distancing is working, likely a few weeks away from breaking into tier 1

Italy: 3.2 (interestingly, Italy ticks up by 0.1 on Saturday for the third week in a row, there seems to be some pattern in the data)

Portugal: 3.4

Israel: 3.5

Netherlands: 4.3

Germany: 4.4

Denmark: 4.9

Philippines: 5.3 (a new all-time low for the Philippines!)

Spain: 5.6

USA: 5.6 (a new all-time low for the USA!)

Sweden: 6.0

Global: 6.1 (the overall average of our group has held steady for the past 3 days, suggesting some of the curve flattening benefit from social D may have maxed out, remember 5-7 is the steady state number, so I dont know how much lower this can go, especially with the Russia effect, but we'll see)

Belgium: 6.6

UK: 6.7 

Iran: 6.9* (consistently bs numbers, tbh)

Turkey: 7.6

Ireland: 8.0

Japan: 8.0 (Japan ya boomed today)

China: 8.0 (China Russia wave slowing? Slevin might know about rivers)

France: 8.3 

Canada: 9.0 (Canada dropped a bit today, Trudeau's smugness about how well they are doing still seem misplaced tbhwy)

Tier 3: Countries in this group that are showing increased MoLs have the potential to go deep into the danger zones, but countries with falling MoLs may only be a couple of days from tier 2 status and may have already peaked in gross # of new casesBrazil: 11.1

India: 13.3

Mexico: 17.6

Tier 4: Aggressive growth, still likely have not peaked in single day cases, and likely a week or two minimum from peak in deaths (however many of these countries are still slowing down)

Russia: 22.1 (not looking good tbh)

USA State Level MoLs


South Dakota crack into Tier 3!  There is now only 1 state in the union (North Dakota, which has had a mini spike) above 20 MoL.  Really something else when you consider the US AVERAGE was 28.6% less than 3 weeks ago when the MoL started this whole shenanigans and now even our worst states, the Dakotas, are below that. 


The MoL would like to thank everyone for their contributions to this important work including @ET80 @acowboys62 @dtait93 @Dome @naptownskinsfan @kingseanjohn @Malfatron @Shady Slim @malagabears @daboyle250 @vikesfan89 @ramssuperbowl99 @sdrawkcab321 @Nazgul @kingseanjohn @mistakey @TwoUpTwoDown @Xenos @Nex_Gen @FinneasGage and the others who love us so much

We'd even like to thank @pwny @Glen and others for their critical attitude because of the attention it brings to the great work MoL is doing 


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Damn, that's horrible.


Broadway star Nick Cordero will have his right leg amputated as a result of coronavirus-related complications, his wife Amanda Kloots announced on her Instagram Story Saturday.

Cordero, 41, has spent 18 days in intensive care while sick with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). “We got some difficult news yesterday,” Kloots began in her latest video update, before revealing that the blood thinners initially helping to ease some clotting in Cordero’s leg were causing issues with his blood pressure, as well as leading to internal bleeding in his intestines.

“We took him off the blood thinners, but that again was going to cause the clotting in the right leg,” Kloots shared. “So the right leg will be amputated today.”


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