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Wrasslemafia 2- Day 10


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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

King, it appears the Legend Killer, the man who for the last three months has gone around ruining the careers of superstar HOF everywhere, has once again punted someone in the skull, after delivering a brutal RKO in the corner. This is hard to watch! The carnage! The devastation!!!!

The Age of Orton! Slaughter! Foley! Flair! Cena’s Dad! Cena himself! The viper is completely without remorse or mercy!!!

King, Taker confirms exactly this. I suppose you can’t kill the Legend that is the deadman!!!

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

The reverse girlfriend excuse, reaching deep into your scumbag of tricks.

Remember the issue we had taking her to the ER you also said I lied about?

She's in PR to see her gynocologist.

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Just now, Ragnarok said:

Remember the issue we had taking her to the ER you also said I lied about?

She's in PR to see her gynocologist.

Sounds like an ideal time for Rags to go see his ginocologist.

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just saying

On 8/8/2019 at 10:43 PM, Ragnarok said:

It's been a very very hectic few days between going to FL to see grandparents, travel back, and the girlfriend visiting.  She is asleep right now so I can actually play a bit.  


On 8/2/2019 at 6:42 AM, TheKillerNacho said:





  1. theuntouchable: Luther Sloan, Section 31 aligned. Killed Night 1.
  2. Malfatron: Elim Garak, Cardassian Union aligned; originally Outlaw aligned. Lynched Day 7.
  3. SirA1: Anjohl Tennan, Pah-Wraiths aligned; originally Dukat, Cardassian Union aligned. Lynched Day 4.
  4. bcb1213: Quark, Outlaw aligned. Survived until the game's end.
  5. Glen: Weyoun, Dominion aligned. Killed Night 3.
  6. Pickle Rick: Benjamin Sisko, Federation aligned. Survived until the game's end.
  7. Ragnarok: Enabran Tain, Cardassian Union aligned. Killed Night 6.
  8. carl_sjunior: Julian Bashir, Federation aligned. Killed Night 2.
  9. Whicker: Ezri Dax, Federation aligned; originally Jadzia Dax, Federation aligned. Survived until the game's end.
  10. Counselor: Miles O'Brien, Federation aligned. Killed Night 3.
  11. SwAg: Jake Sisko, Civilian aligned. Lynched Day 1.
  12. rackcs: Kira Nerys, Bajor aligned. Killed Night 1.
  13. pwny: Female Changeling, Dominion aligned. Killed Night 6.
  14. Forge: Gor, Dominion aligned. Lynched Day 6.
  15. kingseanjohn: Leeta, Bajor aligned. Killed Night 4.
  16. The Orca: Morn, Outlaw aligned. Survived until the game's end.
  17. Dome: Nog, Federation aligned. Killed Night 5.
  18. squire12: Odo, Bajor aligned. Killed Night 3.
  19. gopherwrestler: Winn Adami, Pah-Wraiths aligned; originally Bajor aligned. Lynched Day 5.
  20. MWil23: Rom, Bajor aligned; originally Civilian aligned. Killed Night 4.
  21. swoosh: Worf, Federation aligned. Killed Night 5.
  22. VikeManDan: Kasidy Yates, Civilian aligned. Killed Night 6.
  23. ITS_RAMMY_PLAYBOI (replaced by SwAg on Day 3): Starfleet Officer, Federation aligned. Survived until the game's end.
  24. Raves: Bajoran Citizen, Bajor aligned. Lynched Day 2.
  25. Matts4313: Damar, Cardassian Union aligned. Lynched Day 3.
  26. Tugboat: Starfleet Officer, Federation aligned. Killed Night 5.


Reserve Players:


  Reveal hidden contents


@SwAg was:

Jake Sisko
Reporter, Human


You are Jake Sisko, son of the commander of Deep Space 9, Benjamin Sisko. You've grown up quite a bit since moving to Deep Space 9, and despite being a minor, you've contributed to the success of the station in various ways. You're creative and honest - which has pushed you towards an interest in writing.

You are aligned as a Civilian: While not officially affiliated with any faction, you win if and only if the Federation or Bajor wins (or the game ends due to all threats being eliminated). That means, in general, you should seek to eliminate all threats to the Federation and/or Bajor.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Thrice per game, at night, may target a player and receive a copy of their night PM, if they received one.
  • Any message you write in your PADD is broadcast to all players during the night write-up via the Federation News Service. In order for this to work, you must put some effort in to make this sound like an actual report. If you want to know of a message is acceptable, you can ask me.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • PADD: May write a message in it, or read it. Writing in the pad always appends to what is already written. When the player holding the PADD dies, the contents of the data pad is revealed to all living players.
  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.

@rackcs was:

Kira Nerys
Major, Bajoran


You are Kira Nerys, major of the Bajoran militia and liaison to the Federation on Deep Space 9. You are firey, passionate, and stubborn. Previously, you were a freedom fighter who used terrorism to drive the Cardassians off of Bajor. You were originally skeptical about inviting the Federation to Bajor, but have since changed your mind.

You are aligned with Bajor: Eliminate all threats to Bajor. At least one in your faction must be alive at the end of the game. The Federation (including Section 31) is allied with Bajor and thus not considered a threat, but you don't need them to win, either.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Twice per game, at night, you may plant a bomb outside target player's quarters. If another player visits targeted player during the night (except if that visit was part of a multiple-target action, like the Tricorder), the targeted player and all players who visited that player during that night will die (except yourself and visitors using a multiple-target action). You cannot use this ability if you used it the night before, nor can you use it the first night of the game.
  • Once per night, instead of bombing, may add a target player to your private chat. You only have one chat and all players will be added to this chat. Player's roles will not be revealed, but all players must join the chat as their FF username. DO NOT add people to the chat yourself, I will create and add people to the chat for you.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Phaser: Starts with 2 charges. Can be used on target player to 'stun' (roleblock and removes target's ability to vote the next day), which takes 1 charge or kill which takes 2.
  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.

@theuntouchable was:

Luther Sloan
Operative, Human


You are Luther Sloan, an operative for Section 31, the Federation's secret intelligence agency. You do what you believe is best to help the Federation by doing what the Federation charter explicitly forbids Federation officers to do. You are cunning, smart, and focused.

You are aligned with Section 31: You win if and only if the Federation wins, and count as Federation for this purpose. However, Federation-aligned players lose if a member of Section 31 remains alive. At least one of your faction must be alive at the end of the game.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • On even nights, may target a player to get a report on their alignment. If they are Federation-aligned, you will also find out if they are considered a crewman, or not.
  • Thrice per game, on an odd night, may target a player. If that player is a crewman (Federation-algined player who is not a member of the command staff), you successfully recruit them into Section 31, converting their alignment to the Section 31. If not, that player player is informed that Luther Sloan attempted to convert them (but not your identity).

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.

@Raves was:

Bajoran Citizen
Citizen, Bajoran

You are a Bajoran citizen currently living on Deep Space 9. A chef by trade, business is currently rough due to the Dominion War.

You are aligned with Bajor: Eliminate all threats to Bajor. At least one in your faction must be alive at the end of the game. The Federation (including Section 31) is allied with Bajor and thus not considered a threat, but you don't need them to win, either.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Once per night, target two other players to invite them to a masked private meal. Both of your targets learn the other target's role and alignment, but not their identity. You cannot use this ability two nights in a row.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • PADD: May write a message in it, or read it. Writing in the pad always appends to what is already written. When the player holding the PADD dies, the contents of the data pad is revealed to all living players.

@carl_sjunior was:

Julian Bashir
Doctor, Human


You are Julian Bashir, the station's doctor and top in your class at the Academy. Secretly, you were biologically enhanced as a youth, a secret that you were forced to keep in order to have a future in Star Fleet. You are extremely intelligent and confident nearly to the point of arrogance, but you would do anything to help your friends.

You are aligned with the Federation: Eliminate all threats to the Federation, including Section 31. At least one in your faction must be alive at the end of the game. Bajor is allied with The Federation and thus not considered a threat, but you don't need them to win, either.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Once per night, can target another player. That player is protected from all attacks that night and cannot be lynched during the next day.
  • On an even night, instead of protecting a player, you may give target player an Hypo Extractor.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Hypo-Extractor: Can be used to receive a report on target player's race. If that player is a Changeling, that information will be given immediately. Else, the report won't be granted until the night after using this item (as the blood sample must be sent to the lab). Can only be used once.
  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.

@Matts4313 was:

Legate, Cardassian


You are Legate Damar. For years, you were Gul Dukat's right hand man, but after the disappearance of Dukat following the Cardassian alliance with the Dominion, you were thrust into the role of Legate. Now sick of the exploitation of the Caradassians from the Dominion, you lead a resistance to free Cardassians from their Dominion oppresors.

You are aligned with the Cardassian Union: The Cardassian Union must outnumber all other living players.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Once per night, you may target one ally. All actions used against that ally that night will fail, except visits by Winn Adami (Tricorder will still work but exclude your target). You may not target the same player with this ability two nights in a row.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Disruptor (faction): Only one member of the faction can use a factional item each night, but factional weapons are not expended on use. Kills a target player.
  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.

@Glen was:

Supervisor, Vorta


You are Weyoun, a vorta supervisor and one of the most trusted confadants of the Founders. While diplomatic and charismatic, at times your arrogance has led to mistakes. Still, you are the best tactical mind that the Dominion has in the Alpha quadrant and you are extremely loyal to the Founders.

You are aligned with the Dominion: The Dominion must outnumber all other living players.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Once per night, target two other players. All players (including allied players) visiting either of those players will instead be redirected to the other.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Phaser (faction): Only one member of the faction can use a factional item each night, but factional weapons are not expended on use. Can be used on target player to stun (roleblock and remove target's ability to vote the next day) or kill.
  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.

@Counselor was:

Miles O'Brien
Chief Petty Officer, Human


You are Miles O'Brien, Chief Petty Officer of Deep Space 9. Transferring from the Enterprise, this title doesn't do you justice, as you actually are the de-facto chief engineer of the station. When something goes wrong, as it usually does, you are always able to fix it in a timely fashion. You are a family man, and are married to Keiko O'Brien, with whom you share one daughter with, Molly.

You are aligned with the Federation: Eliminate all threats to the Federation, including Section 31. At least one in your faction must be alive at the end of the game. Bajor is allied with The Federation and thus not considered a threat, but you don't need them to win, either.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Once per night, can erect a force field around a target player. That player is roleblocked, and any other actions targeting that player will fail. You may not target the same player with this ability two nights in a row.
  • Once per night, instead of creating a force field, you can reroute target player's actions (both their role ability and an item they're using) to another target player. You can't reroute that player again this game.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • PADD: May write a message in it, or read it. Writing in the pad always appends to what is already written. When the player holding the PADD dies, the contents of the data pad is revealed to all living players.
  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.

@squire12 was:

Constable, Changeling


You are Odo, a changeling serving effectively as the head of security on Deep Space 9. Originally an unknown sample found by a Bajoran scientist, it was eventually determined you were a sentient life form after you formed your ability to shapeshift. Serving in the same role during the Cardassian occupation, you were always considered fair to Bajorans, which earned you the right to serve in the same capacity after the occupation. You recently learned that others of your kind are the founders of the Dominion, a hostile empire from the Gamma quadrant.

You are aligned with Bajor: Eliminate all threats to Bajor. At least one in your faction must be alive at the end of the game. The Federation (including Section 31) is allied with Bajor and thus not considered a threat, but you don't need them to win, either.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Once per night, can target a player to receive a report on whether or not they are a criminal (whether or not someone is a criminal is determined by their alignment; but in general a criminal is scum or 3rd party).
  • On odd nights, instead of investigating a player to see if they are a criminal, you can instead target a player to receive one of the following reports: a) a report on what items they have in their inventory, b) a report on which players that player visited and visited by during the night, c) a report on their race. You can only receive one report of the same type per game.
  • CHANGELING RACIAL ABILITY: If you targeted a player during the night with a role ability, any reports used on you that night (except a blood test or a report on your visits) will give results as if you are that targeted player.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.

@SirA1 was:

Gul, Cardassian


You are Gul Dukat, the former commander of Deep Space 9 (then Terok Nor), a role you absolutely loved. You are sneaky, deceitful, highly charismatic, and prideful. Your loyalty to the Cardassian Union isn't as great as your own ambition, which has caused you to become unpredictable at times. You orchistrated the alliance with the Dominion that later fell apart. You would love nothing better than to relive the glory of the occupation of Bajor.

You are aligned with the Cardassian Union: The Cardassian Union must outnumber all other living players.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Once per night, can charm a target player you aren't aligned with. If targeted player visits someone during the night with a role ability, whoever they visited dies. You cannot use this ability two nights in a row.
  • Once per game, can make your vote count as 3 votes during the day. The votes are immediately, silently and discretely added (although they will reflect on the next posted official vote count). Do this via PM during the day, at least one hour prior to the end of the day.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Disruptor (faction): Only one member of the faction can use a factional item each night, but factional weapons are not expended on use. Kills a target player.
  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.

But @SirA1 became:

Anjohl Tennan
Emissary of the Pah-Wraiths, Cardassian


After unlocking the Book of the Kosst Amojan with Winn Adami, you are now the Emissary of the Pah-Wraiths, posing under the name "Anjohl Tennan". Together, you will release the Pah-wraights so they can lay claim to the Celestial Temple and destroy the Prophets!

You are aligned with the Pah-Wraiths: Pah-Wraiths must outnumber all other living players.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • You instantly know the identity of Winn Adami, who is now also converted to the Pah-Wraiths alignment. A new Pah-Wraiths faction chat is also opened for all members of your alignment.
  • Each night, you target Winn Adami automatically, if she is alive. If this ability is successful, any Bajor, Outlaw, or Civilian-aligned player Winn Adami successfully visits during the night with any of her role abilities will, additionally, be converted to the Pah-Wraiths alignment.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Disruptor: Kills a target player. Can only be used once.
  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.

@kingseanjohn was:

Dabo Girl, Bajoran


You are a Leeta, a Dabo Girl working at Quark's bar. Easily one of the most profitable Dabo Girls, you are are extremely social, and dream of someday achieving better things. You have a crush on Quark's brother, Rom.

You are aligned with Bajor: Eliminate all threats to Bajor. At least one in your faction must be alive at the end of the game. The Federation (including Section 31) is allied with Bajor and thus not considered a threat, but you don't need them to win, either.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Once per night, can target one player and roleblock them. You cannot target the same player two nights in a row with this ability.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • none!

@MWil23 was:

Waiter, Ferengi


You are Rom, a waiter working at your brother Quark's bar. You are extremely clumsy, have virtually no social skills, and have no business instinct, which often leads those you interact with to assume you are stupid. This couldn't be farther from the truth, as you are actually extremely gifted in the art of engineering. Unlike your brother (and almost every other Ferengi), you are loyal and well-meaning. You are the father of the first Ferengi to join Star Fleet, Nog.

You are aligned as a Civilian: While not officially affiliated with any faction, you win if and only if the Federation or Bajor wins (or the game ends due to all threats being eliminated) . That means, in general, you should seek to eliminate all threats to the Federation and/or Bajor.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Once per night, you may target one other player. If the targeted player uses a role ability during the night (item actions do not count as role abilities), you are told how many targets that night action had. If they don't visit, they will be informed you were outside their quarters that night.
  • Once per night, instead of using the previous ability, may target a number of players equal to the amount of players targeted by the player you last used your first ability on. Their ability will be copied exactly and applied to your specified targets. You must use your first ability before using this ability again.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • PADD: May write a message in it, or read it. Writing in the pad always appends to what is already written. When the player holding the PADD dies, the contents of the data pad is revealed to all living players.
  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.

@gopherwrestler was:

Winn Adami
Kai, Bajoran


You are Kai Winn, the holy leader of Bajor. Elected Kai after the loss of Opaka, you've always resented having to share the spirtual spotlight with the Emissary of the Prophets, Ben Sisko. Despite cunningly seeking power at any cost, you do hold Bajor's best interest at heart, deep down.

You are aligned with Bajor: Eliminate all threats to Bajor. At least one in your faction must be alive at the end of the game. The Federation (including Section 31) is allied with Bajor and thus not considered a threat, but you don't need them to win, either.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Once per night, you may target another player. If that player is Bajoran (the race), your alignments will be revealed to eachother. Targetting Dukat with this ability instead converts him to a Anjohl Tennan.
  • Once per game, if Benjamin Sisko is dead, instead of attempting to reveal yourself, you may change the allegience of Bajor from the Federation to either the Cardassian Union or Dominion. Whichever faction you choose will have their win condition changed to: "Eliminate all players in the Federation and [the other faction]. At least one of the Bajor faction must be alive at the end of the game." The Federation's win condition will be updated to "The Federation must outnumber all other living players." Bajor's win condition will be updated such that it cannot win with the Federation. All players aligned with the Federation, Bajor, and your chosen faction will be informed of their new win condition.
  • If you were to die before Benjamin Sisko, he will be able to manipulate the people of Bajor as he sees fit.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • none!

@swoosh was:

Lt. Commander, Klingon


You are Worf, son of Mogh. You were raised by humans after your parents died in the Battle of Kitomer. Eventually you joined Star Fleet and the Enterprise, but you have recently decided to serve aboard Deep Space 9. You have an honorable moral code.

You are aligned with the Federation: Eliminate all threats to the Federation, including Section 31. At least one in your faction must be alive at the end of the game. Bajor is allied with The Federation and thus not considered a threat, but you don't need them to win, either.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Thrice per game, at night, can give a phaser to another target player.
  • On even nights, instead of giving someone a Phaser, can get a report on whether target player's alignment is Federation, or not.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Phaser: Starts with 2 charges. Can be used on target player to 'stun' (roleblock and removes target's ability to vote the next day), which takes 1 charge or kill which takes 2.
  • Bat'leth: Can be used on target player to disarm (target loses all items in inventory until the end of the next night) or kill. If being used to kill, there is a 50% chance the bat'leth is broken during the attack. If attempting to kill someone who is holding a weapon, the kill fails and the attacker is revealed to the target. The bat'leth's kill can bypass energy vests.
  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.

@Dome was:

Ensign, Ferengi


You are Nog, son of Rom and nephew of Quark. While you were originally a deviant youth, watching the misery of your father in his pursuit of wealth has driven you to instead to look for a better life for yourself in Star Fleet. Having officially graduated from the Academy due to a written recommendation from Sisko, you are now a loyal Star Fleet officer. You may be inexperienced, but you have embraced putting your unique skillset to use.

You are aligned with the Federation: Eliminate all threats to the Federation, including Section 31. At least one in your faction must be alive at the end of the game. Bajor is allied with The Federation and thus not considered a threat, but you don't need them to win, either.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Once per night, can steal a random item that player is holding (if a player is using an item that night, it will always be that item instead of it being random). This effect occurs before most other night actions, and thus, negates the target's attempted use of the item that night. Factional items are converted to their generic version, and the target receives another at the end of the next night, and that factional item cannot be stolen again from that player.
  • Despite being a named character, you are considered a generic crewman for any effects determined by that.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.

@Tugboat was:

Starfleet Officer
Crewman, Andorian

You are an Andorian Starfleet Officer serving aboard Deep Space 9. You served as a tactical officer in your previous post, and was extremely competant in that position.

You are aligned with the Federation: Eliminate all threats to the Federation, including Section 31. At least one in your faction must be alive at the end of the game. Bajor is allied with The Federation and thus not considered a threat, but you don't need them to win, either.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Once per night, can target a player and learn all players that player visited during the night. You cannot use this ability two nights in a row.
  • Once per night, instead of using the previous ability, can target a player and learn all players who visited that player. You cannot use this ability two nights in a row.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Phaser (1 charge): Can be used on target player to 'stun' (roleblock and removes target's ability to vote the next day), which takes 1 charge.
  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.

@Forge was:

Thot, Breen


You are Gor, a thot in the Breen Confederacy. Seeing an opportunity to conquer the Federation, Romulan Empire, and Klingon Empire, you allied yourself with the Dominion. You as well as your comrades have ruthless efficiency and have helped turn the tide of the war against the Federation after it seemed the Federation had the upper hand with the mining of the wormhole.

You are aligned with the Dominion: The Dominion must outnumber all other living players.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Once per night, may visit a target player. That player is roleblocked. Additionally, any player voting that player during the next day can't change their vote for the rest of the day (when trying to switch a vote off, their vote will remain highlighted in blue). You cannot target the same player with this ability two nights in a row. You may choose to disable the vote-freezing effect of this ability at your discretion; if you don't specify, it will be assumed on so please make it clear if you want to disable it.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Disruptor (faction): Only one member of the faction can use a factional item each night, but factional weapons are not expended on use. Kills a target player.
  • Energy Vest: Protects a player from a single attack. Does not protect the wearer from bat'leth attacks or being lynched. When used, if you have another Energy Vest in your inventory, one is randomly put on.
  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.

@VikeManDan was:

Kasidy Yates
Captain, Human


You are Kasidy Yates, a freighter captain whose job constantly brought you to the station. Introduced to Ben Sisko by his son, Jake, you quickly formed a romance with him. You are still extremely independent, however, and your job captaining freigthers has created potential conflict of interests between you and dating the station's commander.

You are aligned as a Civilian: While not officially affiliated with any faction, you win if and only if the Federation or Bajor wins (or the game ends due to all threats being eliminated) . That means, in general, you should seek to eliminate all threats to the Federation and/or Bajor.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • On odd nights, can target one other player. Targeted player and yourself receives a random item (phaser, disruptor, energy vest, bat'leth, tricorder, or hypo-extractor). You both receive the same item.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • PADD: May write a message in it, or read it. Writing in the pad always append
@Ragnarok was:

Enabran Tain
Head Operative, Cardassian


You are Enabran Tain, previously the head operative of the Obsidian Order, the Cardassian Union's intelligence network. You attempted to destroy the Dominion Founder's home planet and paid the price when that ended in failure. Now you seek to help free your people from Dominion occupation.

You are aligned with the Cardassian Union: The Cardassian Union must outnumber all other living players.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • On even nights, may target a player to get a copy of their Role PM.
  • Once per game, while using your combadge, you may make it appear as if it is sent by another player. Please make the fact you're using this ability clear, and who you want to be the fake sender, when you use the combadge.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Disruptor (faction): Only one member of the faction can use a factional item each night, but factional weapons are not expended on use. Kills a target player.
  • Tricorder: Unlike other items, you cannot use a tricorder on the same night you use a night ability. To use, target other 3 other players. 2 other targets are chosen randomly (you are told who the 2 are). You receive a report containing a list of distinct alignments among the five players. Has 2 charges. When the number of other players in the game is 5 or less, the tricorder targets all other players.
  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.

@pwny was:

Female Changeling
Founder, Changeling


You are one of the Founders of the Dominion, often taking the form of a female when interacting with solids. With the Federation minefield cutting you off from your home quadrant, you effectively became the leader of all Dominion activity in the Alpha Quadrant. Your primary objective is to reunite Odo with the Great Link, but also aid the Dominion in defeating all threats to the Great Link in the Alpha quadrant. You are capable of great cruelty, as you hold very little regard to the value of solid lifeforms.

You are aligned with the Dominion: The Dominion must outnumber all other living players.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Once per night, can target a player. You will be informed of all night abilities that player has. Additionally, the following night, this ability is replaced with the targeted player's night abilities (your two passive abilities below remain).
  • The first time you visit Odo or Odo visits you with any ability or item will roleblock both of you that night (canceling the effect of your ability and item), and you both will be unable to vote the following day.
  • CHANGELING RACIAL ABILITY: If you targeted a player during the night with a role ability, any reports used on you that night (except a blood test or a report on your visits) will give results as if you are that targeted player.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Phaser (faction): Only one member of the faction can use a factional item each night, but factional weapons are not expended on use. Can be used on target player to stun (roleblock and remove target's ability to vote the next day) or kill.

@Malfatron was:

Elim Garak
Tailor, Cardassian


You are Elim Garak, the last Cardassian remaining on the station following the Cardassian occupation of Bajor. You work as a tailor on the promenade, forced to stay on the station after a past transgression against the head of the Obsidian Order. As a former operative, you are observant and sneaky, and still hold some loyalties towards the Cardassians. Your isolation as well as the hatred towards you from Bajorans living on the station has made you extremely lonely.

You are aligned as an Outlaw: You must survive until the game's end.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • On odd nights, you can target a player to learn what their title is (A character's title is listed on the second line of their role PM. For example, your title is "Tailor").
  • Once per game, at night, instead of investigating the title of someone, you can target a player to receive a report on one random player who shares an alignment with that player.
  • You receive a copy of all messages sent via combadge each night. The sender is not revealed to you, but the recipient of the message is.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Energy Vest: Protects a player from a single attack. Does not protect the wearer from bat'leth attacks or being lynched. When used, if you have another Energy Vest in your inventory, one is randomly put on.
  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.

@bcb1213 was:

Bartender, Ferengi


You are Quark, the devious bartender operating Quark's Bar on Deep Space 9. You have good lobes for business - being able to turn a tidy prophet through multiple regime changes taking place on the station. While completely greedy and self-absorbed, you have grown to like and even become friends with many currently living on the station, and have even helped them from time to time.

You are aligned as an Outlaw: You must survive until the game's end.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Once per night, can give a drink to a target player and receive all reports that player received throughout the game. The target will be informed of the drink.
  • You receive a report on which players visit you each night.
  • You are able to survive the first lynch attempt made against you via smooth talk and bribery. The fact you bribed your way out will be revealed and the player who has the 2nd most votes will be lynched instead (if 2nd place is tied, an overtime period will be added, even if there was already an overtime prior).

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Disruptor: Kills a target player. Can only be used once.

@Pickle Rick was:

Benjamin Sisko
Captain, Human


You are Benjamin Sisko, commander of Deep Space 9. Having discovered the wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant and the entities living within, you are now considered the Emissary of the Bajoran Prophets, a title you somewhat resent as a Federation officer. However, this has given you great influence with the Bajorans and may help your goal to bring Bajor into the Federation. You are quick, thoughtful, and resourceful.

You are aligned with the Federation: Eliminate all threats to the Federation, including Section 31. At least one in your faction must be alive at the end of the game. Bajor is allied with The Federation and thus not considered a threat, but you don't need them to win, either.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Once per night, you may visit two other players and receive a report about whether or not they share the same alignment.
  • Once per game, can override a lynch to another player. Do this via PM before the day is actually hammered. 
  • Once per game, if Winn Adami is dead, instead of comparing alignments, may officially admit Bajor into the Federation. Doing so will convert all living Bajor-aligned players into either Federation or Civilian-aligned players (depending on their role). All Federation and Bajor players will be informed of this change. 
  • If you were to die before Winn Adami, she will be able to manipulate the people of Bajor as she sees fit.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Phaser: Starts with 2 charges. Can be used on target player to 'stun' (roleblock and removes target's ability to vote the next day), which takes 1 charge or kill which takes 2.
  • Hypo-Extractor: Can be used to receive a report on target player's race. If that player is a Changeling, that information will be given immediately. Else, the report won't be granted until the night after using this item (as the blood sample needs to be examined in the lab). Can only be used once.
  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.

@Whicker was:

Jadzia Dax
Lt. Commander, Trill


You are Jadzia Dax, a joined Trill serving on Deep Space 9. As a joined Trill, you are connected to several previous lives via your symbiant, Dax. Your last host, Curzon Dax, was a good friend of your commander, Ben Sisko. You are not only an extremely capable officer, but also very charismatic, easily being able to socialize with most on board the station.

You are aligned with the Federation: Eliminate all threats to the Federation, including Section 31. At least one in your faction must be alive at the end of the game. Bajor is allied with The Federation and thus not considered a threat, but you don't need them to win, either.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Once per night, can compare the DNA of two target players (can target self) to receive a report on whether or not they are the same race. In the case of hybrids, if at least one of the species match, the result will be yes.
  • Once per game, at night, instead of comparing DNA, can get a report on the race of another target player. If the player is a hybrid, only receive one of that player's races (at random).
  • If you are killed in any way, you will be immediately revived, with your role transformed into Ezri Dax. To everyone else, it will appear that you simply survived the lynch or kill.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Bat'leth: Can be used on target player to disarm (target loses all items in inventory until the end of the next night) or kill. If being used to kill, there is a 50% chance the bat'leth is broken during the attack. If attempting to kill someone who is holding a weapon, the kill fails and the attacker is revealed to the target. The bat'leth's kill can bypass energy vests.
  • Tricorder: Unlike other items, you cannot use a tricorder on the same night you use a night ability. To use, target other 3 other players. 2 other targets are chosen randomly (you are told who the 2 are). You receive a report containing a list of distinct alignments among the five players. Has 2 charges. When the number of other players in the game is 5 or less, the tricorder targets all other players.
  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.

But @Whicker became:

Ezri Dax
Lieutenant Jr. Grade, Trill


With with the death of Jadzia, You are now Ezri Dax. The only eligible host that could be found to save Dax was a counselor named Ezri. Ill prepared to be joined and unsure of yourself, you want to prove your worth to your friend Ben Sisko.

You are aligned with the Federation: Eliminate all threats to the Federation, including Section 31. At least one in your faction must be alive at the end of the game. Bajor is allied with The Federation and thus not considered a threat, but you don't need them to win, either.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Once per night, you may visit a target player. That player cannot be converted during the night. Additionally, if they are Outlaw aligned, you permanently change their alignment to Civilian.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • PADD: May write a message in it, or read it. Writing in the pad always appends to what is already written. When the player holding the PADD dies, the contents of the data pad is revealed to all living players.
  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.

@The Orca was:

Courier, Lurian


You are Morn, a talkative "courier" who has become a permanent resident aboard Deep Space 9. You actually earned your wealth through a spectacular bank heist. Now, you mostly spend most of your time at Quark's, and have grown to have a strong relationship with him, as well as others, on board the station.

You are aligned as an Outlaw: You must survive until the game's end.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • You begin the game knowing the identity of Quark, who is also Outlaw aligned (however, Quark isn't aware of your identity).
  • Once per night, you must visit one other target player. That night, any visits made against that player is redirected to you instead. Additionally, the target player will be informed you visited them, bothering them with a long drunken conversation. If you specify no one or visited anyone other than Quark the previous night, you must visit Quark instead of being able to choose.
  • If Quark is ever killed, you lose your previous ability, effectively becoming vanilla.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Energy Vest: Protects a player from a single attack. Does not protect the wearer from bat'leth attacks or being lynched. When used, if you have another Energy Vest in your inventory, one is randomly put on.
  • Energy Vest: Protects a player from a single attack. Does not protect the wearer from bat'leth attacks or being lynched. When used, if you have another Energy Vest in your inventory, one is randomly put on.

(Yes, you start with two energy vests.)

@ITS_RAMMY_PLAYBOI (later replaced by SwAg) was:

Starfleet Officer
Crewman, Vulcan

You are a Vulcan Starfleet Officer serving on Deep Space 9. Prior to joining Deep Space 9, you proved yourself a valuable security officer for years aboard your previous ship.

You are aligned with the Federation: Eliminate all threats to the Federation, including Section 31. At least one in your faction must be alive at the end of the game. Bajor is allied with The Federation and thus not considered a threat, but you don't need them to win, either.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Once per night, you can get a report on all items that a target player is holding. You cannot use this ability two nights in a row.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Phaser (1 charge): Can be used on target player to 'stun' (roleblock and removes target's ability to vote the next day), which takes 1 charge.
  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.


Hidden abilities that successfully triggered during the game are highlighted in green, while those that did not are red.

Benjamin Sisko - Fatherly Rage: When Jake Sisko dies, if Ben Sisko targets the killer of Jake with any of her actions, that player is killed.
Kira Nerys - Federation Loyalist: If Bajor changes alliegence, Kira changes her alignment to Federation and gains the ability to revert the change if Winn Adami is killed.
Jadzia Dax - A Klingon Wedding: If Jadzia Dax targets Worf with her bat'leth, their identities and alignments are revealed to eachother. Additionally, neither player suffers a chance of the bat'leth breaking when using the item.
Rom - Inherit the Bar: If Quark dies, Rom inherits the bar and receives all messages Quark received throughout the game from his first ability. Additionally, Rom's title is changed to "Bartender".

Rom - Love Birds: If Rom were to target Leeta with his ability, a private chat is created between the two. This also converts Rom into Bajor alignment.
Kasidy Yates - A Woman's Scorn: If you target the killer of Ben Sisko with your ability, you give them a sabotaged item, instead. Your copy will be normal.

Leeta - Love Birds: If Leeta were to target Rom with her ability, a private chat is created between the two. This also converts Rom to Bajor alignment.
Dukat - Smooth Tongued Devil: If Dukat were to charm Winn Adami, Winn Adami is redirected to Dukat the following night.
Enabran Tain - Long Lost Son: If a) Tain is the last Cardassian Union member left or b) Tain visits and receives Elim Garak's Role PM or c) Dukat gets converted to the Pah-Wraiths, Tain gains the following ability: Once per night (instead of getting a copy of someone's Role PM), you may target a player. If targeted player is Elim Garak and is currently of the Outlaw alignment, you convert his alignment to the Cardassian Union. Successfully doing this grants him a factional disruptor.




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