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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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2 hours ago, mistakey said:

pretty sure gates is gonna build out the infrastructure and start producing like the top 7 or so candidates regardless of whether or not they work so as soon as they pass the approval we have them for society.  even if the vaccine doesnt get used gotta think these pharma companies are gonna make some cash

They will make some cash but the pharma industry in some countries is absolutely broken. We’ve all read stories about the gouging, lobbying etc.

Years ago Banting and Best sold the insulin patent for $1.00. We’ve all witnessed how their good will and humanity has been destroyed by greed.

Im hoping it doesn’t play out that way again. Sadly I expect it will.

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14 minutes ago, mission27 said:




Countries across Europe are putting in place timelines and parameters for re-opening, including places who are still at the apex of active cases and have far more cases per capita than the US

I know we are a week or two behind Europe and our testing isn't quite at Europe levels (although its far closer than some would admit).  But we need to be ready to have these conversations in the near future and it feels like there are a lot of people who don't even want to go there

Obvi having these conversations isn't the same as opening tomorrow.  May 4th is 2 weeks from now and Italy is a couple of weeks ahead of us.  So we may not be talking about starting to ease restrictions in much of the country until mid-May, which is fine.  We just have to have an adult conversation about this and come up with a plan.  Taking it day by day or week by week is unacceptable to a lot of people given the cost on their lives, which we can't minimize 


New York is going to open up by regions. The good news is- the hospital I work at is going to start elective surgeries again on May 4 at outside surgery centers. I'm expecting us to start opening Rochester in later May. Of course this needs to be done in phases and monitored along the way,

The federal government also outlined a plan for opening up in phases, which I actually wasn't opposed to. I'm not sure if any states have committed to that yet. 

Edited by WizeGuy
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I live out in the country.  3 ambulances have gone by my house in the last 2 days.  Don't remember the last time one went past before that.

Hard to think that at least one, probably all three, aren't COVID cases.

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4 hours ago, theJ said:

I live out in the country.  3 ambulances have gone by my house in the last 2 days.  Don't remember the last time one went past before that.

Hard to think that at least one, probably all three, aren't COVID cases.

Haunting isnt it?

imagine that nearly 24-7.  That was what it was like about 1 or 2 weeks ago in nyc (cant really remember time isnt a thing anymore )

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Just now, rob_shadows said:


I would imagine that smokers are still higher risk for complications if they do get the virus though right?

I think so. France is going to run a trial on the most severely ill to see if it’s of any help.

At one hospital all staff will wear a nicotine patch. 

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2 minutes ago, diehardlionfan said:

I think so. France is going to run a trial on the most severely ill to see if it’s of any help.

At one hospital all staff will wear a nicotine patch. 

Never thought I'd be glad I haven't been able to quit.... This virus is so weird.

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4/24/2020 MoL Scores:

Methodology and disclaimer: MoL score is a simple metric for measuring rate of spread of the novel coronavirus within communities.  The metric was developed by mission and TLO and has not been subjected to academic peer review.  The MoL looks at a trailing average of daily new cases and compares this to trailing active cases within the community.  These rankings do not represent the opinion of anyone other than mission and TLO and should not be taken as advice of any kind.  Please note while the numbers themselves are objective calculations, smugness and Taylor Swift lyrics may factor into our commentary and decisions on tiers.  The MoL reserves the right to make changes to this methodology at any time.  Please follow all relevant governmental and/or WHO/CDC guidance.  We will defeat this virus.

"'Cause, baby, now we've got bad blood
You know it used to be mad love
So take a look what you've done
'Cause, baby, now we've got bad blood, hey"

- Taylor Swift

Today the MoL is smug 

Tier 1: Outbreak under control, safe to begin relaxing social distancing measures

South Korea: 0.4 (South Korea hanging on to their all-time low here)

Hong Kong: 0.4 (Hong Kong back below 0.5 and tied for first!)

Australia: 0.5 (wow @Shady Slim, amazing)

China: 1.3 (the last time China was this low was April 2nd, in just the 4th installment of the MoL.  btw, this is the 26th installment of the MoL)

Austria: 1.7 

Czech Republic: 2.0 (mission hoping to be in Prague very soon, let me tell you)

Switzerland: 2.2 (slight drop here, good job)

Tier 2: New case growth is minimal suggesting social distancing is working, likely a few weeks away from breaking into tier 1

France: 2.6 (and a slight tick up for their neighbors France, but as mentioned earlier if they can hang onto sub-3 through the weekend, we'll consider moving them up)

Italy: 2.6 

Portugal: 2.7 (new all-time low)

Netherlands: 2.7

Israel: 3.3

Philippines: 3.5 (#seasonality)

Germany: 3.5

Japan: 4.1

Spain: 4.2 (unfortunately, Spain is up a bit the last couple of days with their highest single day new case count in 3 weeks. hopefully a blip)

UK: 4.5 (UK jumps ahead of the US for the first time, but caveats we've raised before still apply, they are on a similar trajectory as is Canada, albeit a few days or week behind)

USA: 4.7 (similar to Spain. actually the highest single day case count on record, which leads to a slight uptick. we are clearly at a plateau and not making much progress but its a big country and hopefully the downward phase is near. first time on record the US MoL has risen.)

Belgium: 4.8

Global: 4.8 (steady as can be)

Turkey: 5.1

Sweden: 5.2 (Sweden moving slightly up, not a ton of sign of new cases dropping but nor have we seen some big explosion, which is great)

Denmark: 5.7

Iran: 6.0* (we're gonna keep calling out this BS as long as they fudge their numbers, though we obviously wish the people of Iran the best of luck, even if their government is questionable) 

Canada: 8.2 (a slight drop today, hopefully this is a sign of things to come, the MoL love Canada maybe more than any other country outside of their own. fun fact, @TLO ancestors are from Quebec) 

India: 9.6 (great to see India jump into Tier 2, although I worry about their testing rates)

Ireland: 9.7

Tier 3: Countries in this group that are showing increased MoLs have the potential to go deep into the danger zones, but countries with falling MoLs may only be a couple of days from tier 2 status and may have already peaked in gross # of new cases

Russia: 13.1 (very encouraging slowdown in Russia over the last few days, Moscow lockdown seems to be baring some fruit, Russians are a hard people and will be just fine)

Brazil: 13.2

Singapore: 18.9 (temporary bump tbh, already slowing down and declining, MoL was correct)

Mexico: 19.6

Tier 4: Aggressive growth, still likely have not peaked in single day cases, and likely a week or two minimum from peak in deaths (however many of these countries are still slowing down)

Nothing here rn, MoL will go in search of new countries

USA State Level MoLs


Not much to see here, New York reported a bunch of new cases today which led to the overall bump in US numbers (along with normal bump that we see on Thursday-Saturday every week) but not something I'm overly concerned with given their overall trend 


The MoL would like to thank everyone for their contributions to this important work including @ET80 @acowboys62 @dtait93 @Dome @naptownskinsfan @kingseanjohn @Malfatron @Shady Slim @malagabears @daboyle250 @vikesfan89 @ramssuperbowl99 @sdrawkcab321 @Nazgul @kingseanjohn @mistakey @TwoUpTwoDown @Xenos @Nex_Gen @FinneasGage and the others who love us so much

We'd even like to thank @pwny @Glen and others for their critical attitude because of the attention it brings to the great work MoL is doing 


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The bump is probably due to the Easter holiday with some cases now presenting themselves.  We are closing in on 14 days since, and you have to include the shopping days leading up to that.  The amount of people out in my area of Maryland caused all of the grocery and membership stores to officially start limiting the number of people in the store by counting them.  

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