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First player voted out of Survivor: Six Islands

"Ya boom Cwood"

That's enough votes.  @CWood21, Tribe Smug has spoken. 

You will now go to Redemption Island, where you will have to fight to remain in the game.  You may PM anybody in the game for as long as you are on Redemption Island. 


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Cwood is now on Redemption Island.  He has a choice between the following games:

Paper, Rock, Scissors.  You will select 20 paper, rock, scissors rolls.  Cannot have all the same choices for all 20 turns.  First to three (or whoever wins the most rounds) remains.  
Coin flip.  
Pick a number between 1 and 100.  Player with closest number wins.  I will randomize the number in Chatty AFTER both players have picked their number.  
Running Blind (I will provide the exact same series of one word clues to each of you.  There will be five PEOPLE, PLACES OR THINGS for each of you to guess).

He has until the next player goes to Redemption Island to decide his game and complete his game.  If the next player arrives before he picks and completes his game, the next player remains and Cwood is eliminated from the game for good. 

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You’re all camping out on Challenge Island tonight.  

@mission27, @Shady Slim, @swoosh, @EliteTexan80, @MookieMonster, @Dwight_Schrute

@jfinley88, @MathMan, @utley4568, @theuntouchable, @Adrenaline_Flux, @Hockey5djh,

@Whicker, @Ragnarok, @gopherwrestler, @TedLavie, @SirA1, @iPwn

@domepatrol91, @LetTheBallFly, @Famous Jameis, @Tyty, @SovereignNazgul, @stallyns

For this challenge, the Immunity Idol will be placed in one location for 24 hours.  Whichever tribe touches the idol the most over those 24 hours wins Immunity.  The catch?  If you try touching the idol at the same hour as anybody else, even a player on your own tribe, you are eliminated from the competition and you score no points for your team.  If there is a tie in the number of touches, the tribe with the least amount of players remaining loses and must go to Tribal Council.  You may choose to not go to touch the Idol.  You must choose only one hour between midnight and noon.  Denote AM or PM.  Each player in this competition must PM me either an hour to touch the idol, or that they will not attempt to touch the idol.  

There are four tribes, and only 6 players from each tribe will play.  

1. You CANNOT PM or use Chatty with anybody during this challenge about this challenge.  You can only discuss this challenge in the game thread.  
2. Every player in this challenge must submit a response via PM. 
3. Gamesmanship and trickery are allowed in the thread.  You can communicate in any kind of code you want in order to communicate with your tribe in order to organize what times you should all go for the idol.  You may discuss strategy of who should/shouldn't go for the idol, but all discussion on this challenge MUST take place IN THREAD. 

You have to Outwit the other tribes, but don’t Outwit your own tribe.


Tribe One:
Players go at 4 AM, 3 AM, 2 AM, 1 AM, Midnight.  One player does not go for the idol.

Tribe Two:
Players go at 5 AM, 3 AM, 1 PM, 2 PM, 6 PM, 7 PM

Tribe Three:
Players go at 1 AM, 6 PM10 PM 10 PM (2 PLAYERS DON’T GO)

Tribe Four:
Players go at Noon, 2 PM, 6 PM, 3 PM, 9 PM, 11 PM.  

Tribe One would score 3 points (with one player left)
Tribe Two would score 3 points (0 players left)
Tribe Three would score 0 (4 players left)
Tribe Four would score 4 points (0 players left)

Tribe four would take first place.  Tribe one would be second.  Tribe two would be third.  Tribe three would be last. 

Winning order:
Players left.
If there is a four way or three way tie for last place, the two tribes that submitted their times fastest are safe. If two or more tribes tie, the bottom two tribes will always go to the tiebreaker in which one player from each tribe will have to send a guess as to what time I finished writing up this challenge.  The tribe closest to the time will be safe. 

@Gmen4ev, @bcb1213, @11sanchez11

The three of you CANNOT compete in any way in this challenge.  You cannot post strategy or thoughts about this challenge in the thread, you cannot send PMs about this challenge.  Seriously breaking this rule will result in your tribe losing the challenge.  



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1 minute ago, Tyty said:

We lucked out having @Gmen4ev join our squad. Dude has only posted once in the last 8 years and that was to sign up for this. We don't have to worry about him sabotaging us here like that 

@Gmen4ev, this sounds like a challenge your manhood. Show him what the damn deal is 

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