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MemberOff 2018 (we are now the final!! FINAL RESULT ON P88!! congrats to our golden member)

Shady Slim

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51 minutes ago, ET80 said:

I'm using the topical cream like the doctor told me...

You do know that topical means you're supposed to put it directly on your skin, not on your toothbrush, right?

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4 hours ago, Whicker said:

Someone catch me up tbh

I got 5 votes altogether despite being nominated by @Shady Slim based purely out of running out of usernames. Can’t lie I’m semi-proud of that. Thanks of course go to the ones (literally) that voted for me. I guess I will have to commence campaigning to see if I can garner votes for round two!  Maybe I’ll change my avi, a Browns logo probably doesn’t help. 

Ok you’re caught up :D

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