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2021 - TCMD GM Mock Draft Discussion


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8 minutes ago, mountainpd said:

Your better off just decreasing the apy amount quicker after the first three/four rounds to get players down to the veteran minimum then you can remove last couple of rounds.

the players won would increase by more than one IMO as more reserve bids would be triggerered and then awarded.

I see that you are dead set against this...haha...I'm just spit balling for now. 

I'm looking at the entire fa process and while I love it just the way it is, there is room for improvements which is all I'm really trying to pull out with these discussions.  You mentioned reducing the percentages more which is an option, I think we did a 20% decrease one year that seems to have worked out well if I recall.  I just like to set things up that provide for better game planning and that provides options to enhance the decision making aspect of the mock.  Maybe it's because I've been doing the same thing for so long that I'm getting bored or that just talking about this rebuild has me looking at everything.


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22 minutes ago, ny92mike said:

I see that you are dead set against this...haha...I'm just spit balling for now. 

I'm looking at the entire fa process and while I love it just the way it is, there is room for improvements which is all I'm really trying to pull out with these discussions.  You mentioned reducing the percentages more which is an option, I think we did a 20% decrease one year that seems to have worked out well if I recall.  I just like to set things up that provide for better game planning and that provides options to enhance the decision making aspect of the mock.  Maybe it's because I've been doing the same thing for so long that I'm getting bored or that just talking about this rebuild has me looking at everything.


I think its a good thing to think about every part and how it can be impoved. I think increasing the percentage(maybe keeping the first 2/3 rounds at 10 and then going to say 15 for the next three and 20 for the final few) would change things up. I think that will both increase the number of signings in the middle rounds and you can cut a few round off the end. 

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1 minute ago, Justone2 said:

I think its a good thing to think about every part and how it can be improved. I think increasing the percentage(maybe keeping the first 2/3 rounds at 10 and then going to say 15 for the next three and 20 for the final few) would change things up. I think that will both increase the number of signings in the middle rounds and you can cut a few round off the end. 

Right definitely not opposed to this.  

In looking at just the reserve bids in the data I posted earlier, in 2020 rounds 1-3 the average was 1.7 league wide.   Little higher this year with 6 reserve signings these last two rounds taking the average to 3.  Just tells me we need to change something.  You'd think more teams would want to keep their own which they are just not through the reserve system as the bulk of resigned players is coming from that one resign bid.

The reserve bidding sheet and everything linked to that process is taking up space, not in terms of visual space but processing space.  If I plan to load it all into one workbook then I've got to figure out ways to reduce the size of the workbooks to reduce the amount of processing power required to run it.  I don't have any issues with it so much because I've got a computer built to handle it, but phones and tablets don't have the kind of power a desktop can give you, even if we're buying the most expensive phones/tablets.

While I think the reserve bids is a cool concept it really isn't used all that much to be awarded players.

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Just now, ny92mike said:

Right definitely not opposed to this.  

In looking at just the reserve bids in the data I posted earlier, in 2020 rounds 1-3 the average was 1.7 league wide.   Little higher this year with 6 reserve signings these last two rounds taking the average to 3.  Just tells me we need to change something.  You'd think more teams would want to keep their own which they are just not through the reserve system as the bulk of resigned players is coming from that one resign bid.

The reserve bidding sheet and everything linked to that process is taking up space, not in terms of visual space but processing space.  If I plan to load it all into one workbook then I've got to figure out ways to reduce the size of the workbooks to reduce the amount of processing power required to run it.  I don't have any issues with it so much because I've got a computer built to handle it, but phones and tablets don't have the kind of power a desktop can give you, even if we're buying the most expensive phones/tablets.

While I think the reserve bids is a cool concept it really isn't used all that much to be awarded players.

It's also confusing to explain to the new guys when I think a simpler solution is out there.  

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If we didn't change anything with the UFA bidding side, at the very least the reserve bidding sheets need to get reduced and merged into the UFA bidding sheets and we should at least entertain some alternatives to replacing the reserve bidding process.

Including the extra UFA/Resign bid slot I think would resolve this, or perhaps include an additional resign only slot.



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Round 3 Free Agency Bidding (20% APY decrease)

  • Deadline to have contracts created – THURSDAY FEB 18th @ 9pm

Round 4 Free Agency Bidding (30% APY decrease)

  • Deadline to have contracts created - MONDAY FEB 22nd @ 8pm


@LuckyNumber11 @whodatOL @mike23md @KingOfNewYork @BringinDaPain @Forge @sparky151 @cortes02 @Matts4313 @BowserBroncos @winitall @squire12 @jch1911 @Counselor @pwny @samsel23 @Trojan @carrolljcmc @EaglesPeteC @FinneasGage @Uncle Buck @DoleINGout @JetsandI @ny92mike @bcb1213 @T-rade @Cbrunn @Justone2 @mountainpd @Daniel @MikeT14 @MaximusGluteus @drfrey13 @Deadpulse @YogiBiz @SerenityNow

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8 minutes ago, cortes02 said:

I prefer keeping FA similar to what we have now.  I do like the idea of lowering the APY more each round compared to what we have now.


In some cases its really hard to gage the APY based on a lot of factors such as performance, GS, GP and what did they do in that game. 

Kenny Golladay is a prime example. He is not a #1 WR but the APY was suggesting he would be. 

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32 minutes ago, ny92mike said:

Right definitely not opposed to this.  

In looking at just the reserve bids in the data I posted earlier, in 2020 rounds 1-3 the average was 1.7 league wide.   Little higher this year with 6 reserve signings these last two rounds taking the average to 3.  Just tells me we need to change something.  You'd think more teams would want to keep their own which they are just not through the reserve system as the bulk of resigned players is coming from that one resign bid.

The reserve bidding sheet and everything linked to that process is taking up space, not in terms of visual space but processing space.  If I plan to load it all into one workbook then I've got to figure out ways to reduce the size of the workbooks to reduce the amount of processing power required to run it.  I don't have any issues with it so much because I've got a computer built to handle it, but phones and tablets don't have the kind of power a desktop can give you, even if we're buying the most expensive phones/tablets.

While I think the reserve bids is a cool concept it really isn't used all that much to be awarded players.

Just based on numbers i would assume those are just the reserve bids awarded. I think at least for me reserve bids are more of a way to keep those fringe guys you want to keep but only for as cheap as possible so i put in a min bid unless i see a guy i really want to keep is targeted already. The one or more i really want to keep i put an actual bid on instead of putting them on the reserve thing. Might be a psychological thing more than anything though. 


I think its a thing that you could scrap but then i would more say add a extra resign slot to make it 3 and 2 instead of increasing just the amount of bids you can make no matter which way you spread them. Or maybe adding 2/3 reserve slots in the FA Bidding sheet could fix the need for a new sheet. Dont know what that will do with loading times and for the power needed to load that one sheet though.

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21 minutes ago, ny92mike said:

Lay it on me...Gently, not too fast not too hard...Nice and easy.

Happy Feel Good GIF

It's in the Draft Board Doc.      I switched it to Finished board,    you'll have to re-insert some of your formatting and hyperlinks doe,    but that's about as good of a list as you'll find haha

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14 minutes ago, samsel23 said:

It's in the Draft Board Doc.      I switched it to Finished board,    you'll have to re-insert some of your formatting and hyperlinks doe,    but that's about as good of a list as you'll find haha

You sir are awesome...Doctors finally decided to come to work so I'll do it when I get home.

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