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Chrono Trigger Mafia (Lavos and Magus wins!)

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  1. MWil23: Survived the game. Lavos, Lavos aligned. Previously Ozzie, Lavos aligned.
  2. Forge: Killed on Night 3. Frog, Earth aligned.
  3. Scoundrel: Survived the game. Melchior, Earth aligned.
  4. Malfatron: Lynched on Day 3. Queen Zeal, Lavos aligned.
  5. Daboyle: Lynched on Day 5. Mother Brain, Lavos aligned.
  6. gopherwrestler: Lynched on Day 4. Lucca, Earth aligned.
  7. ET80: Lynched on Day 2. Dalton, Kingdom of Dalton aligned.
  8. Deadpulse: Lynched on Day 8. Magus, Demon King aligned.
  9. bcb1213: Killed on Night 1. Ayla, Earth aligned.
  10. Dome: Lynched on Day 1. Revived after Day 2. Killed on Night 5. Crono, Earth aligned
  11. Ragnarok: Survived the game. Schala, Zeal Kingdom aligned.
  12. skywindO2: Killed on Night 4. Azala, Lavos aligned.
  13. Pickle Rick: Killed on Night 6. Johnny, Survivor aligned.
  14. RandyMossIsBoss*: Killed on Night 8. Marle, Earth aligned.
  15. kingseanjohn: Lynched on Day 6. Yakra XIII, Lavos aligned.
  16. The Orca: Lynched on the Day of Lavos. Toma, Lavos aligned. Previously Earth aligned.
  17. 11sanchez11: Survived the game. Robo, Earth aligned.
  18. rackcs: Lynched on Day 7. Doan, Earth aligned.
  19. Whicker: Survived the game. Kino, Earth aligned.
  20. Xmad: Killed on Night 7. Tata, Earth aligned.
  21. General A (pseudoplayer): Killed on Night 0. Slash, Mystic Army aligned.
  22. General B (pseudoplayer): Killed on Night 0. Flea, Mystic Army aligned.
  23. Monster A (pseudoplayer): Killed on Night 4. Nizbel, Neutral aligned.
  24. Monster C (pseudoplayer): Joined after Day 1. Killed on Day 4. Gato, Neutral aligned.
  25. Monster B (pseudoplayer): Joined after Day 3. Killed on Night 4. Black Tyranno, Neutral aligned.

*replaced JoshstraDaymus on Day 6


  1. Slappy Mc




Day 1 Start (End of Time)

Day 1 End

Day 2 Start (1000 AD)

Day 2 End

Day 3 Start (12,000 BC)

Day 3 End

Day 4 Start (65,000,000 BC)

Day 4 End

Day 5 Start (1000 AD)

Day 5 End

Day 6 Start (2300 AD)

Day 6 End

Day 7 Start (1000 AD)

Day 7 End

Day 8 Start (2300 AD)

Day 8 End

Day of Lavos (1999 AD)

Game End


Nightly Move List

Setup Notes

Game Awards



General Rules:

  1. You may edit posts you made in the last 5 minutes to fix typos or to add something but do not edit any post except your latest post, and do not add, remove, or change a vote. Do not abuse this, either.
  2. Do not communicate or discuss the game outside of this thread without explicit permission.
  3. Immediately following your death, you are allowed one final farewell post. This post cannot contain anything game-related. Do not like posts in this game after your death, either.
  4. You are free to make any claims about your role and nightly results, but copy-pasting or posting a screenshot of the contents of your PM (or even pretending to do so) is forbidden. You may summarize it in your own words. This rule does still apply to non-factional private chats (but copy-pasting within factional chats is fine).
  5. While the only actual requirement is voting, please put a decent effort into remaining active (posting at least three times per day phase) throughout the game. 
  6. Failure to open your Role PM or join your factional chat is unacceptable in my games. If you fail to open your Role PM or join your factional chat within the first day of the game, I will replace or modkill you.
  7. Playing blatantly contrary to your win condition (game throwing) will not be tolerated. If I feel that you are guilty of this, I will likely ban you from my games in the future.
  8. I know that mafia can get heated at times, but please treat all fellow players with respect and courtesy. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.
  9. If you die on Day 1 or Night 1 and were given no special information, you should be eligible to be a replacement player at your request (although replacement players not part of the original game are still preferred). Anyone dying after that point (even those with no special information) will not be considered.

Day Phase:

  1. During the day, players may post about the game in this thread and vote on who to lynch. At the end of each day, whoever has the most votes will be eliminated from the game.
  2. To vote for someone, type their name in bold. Color should preferably be the "Automatic" color on the forum, and a normal font size. To remove your current vote entirely, bold the word unvote (although you can switch your vote to another player without doing this first).
  3. You may alternatively vote for a no lynch. If “no lynch” has a majority, there will be, consequentially, no lynch.
  4. Putting [brackets] around your lynch or adding the word "lock" to it will lock your vote on that player and you will be unable to change it unless an overtime period occurs (if you aren't in one of the majorities).
  5. The day lasts approximately 24 hours (minus the time it takes to complete the previous night), unless my schedule demands otherwise. Thus, the deadline should always be around 9 PM ET (the thread title should contain the actual deadline for the current day). Votes must be in prior to the listed time to count (for a 9 PM deadline, posts stamped at 8:59 PM will be counted, but not those stamped at 9:00 PM).
  6. All players must have a vote placed by the end of each day phase (except in rare cases, such as being voteblocked). Players who fail to vote by the deadline have their vote placed on themselves, and players failing to vote two days in a row or the third time overall will either be modkilled or replaced.
  7. Abilities and items marked as a "day action" can be used at any time during the day, usually through PM with the host. Unlike night actions which are all processed at the same time (and thus prone to interference), day actions resolve in the order that they are received (delayed until the host's next availability). Players can choose to cancel or alter day actions they send in (similar to other actions), but only prior to its resolution.
  8. Unlike some games, days cannot typically be "hammered" early. This may change on the final days of the game, which will be announced at that time. In this case, enough votes must be locked such that a lynch is clinched in order for a day to end early. The voting requirement rule does not apply if a day is hammered early.
  9. If the vote is tied at the deadline, an overtime period of up to 15 minutes is added. During this period, any player who was voting outside of one of the majorities may recast their vote to one of the majority options, while all votes within one of the majorities are permanently locked. While overtime periods can last up to a maximum of 15 minutes, they end immediately once the result becomes clinched, or if no votes eligible to be recast remain. If the vote is still tied after overtime, the day results in a no lynch. Any effects that make reference to or are determined by a player's vote at the end of a day will take effect based on the pre-overtime vote count.

Night Phase:

  1. Night actions are submitted privately through a player's Role PM thread that they received from the host at the beginning of the game. There is no penalty for sending in night actions during the day (in fact, sending in a "default move" early just in case is advised).
  2. After the night begins, players will have 30 minutes to finalize their actions via PM before they are locked. If the previous day ended early, the deadline will instead be 30 minutes after the day was originally set to end, but it too can be processed early if all players have submitted their moves or their intent to not use a move (even players that can't make a move that night).
  3. You can change submitted actions at any time prior to the night deadline, but please do so via a new message, rather than editing your previous one.
  4. Typically, you are allowed only a single night ability per night even if you have multiple usable abilities (not counting those that are passive or day actions). Read your abilities for any possible exceptions to this.
  5. This game also contains an item mechanic, which are also typically used at night. Items can either be obtained as part of a player's original role or be given to that player during the course of play. While only one item can usually be used each night, they can be used in addition to a night ability.
  6. Most night actions (both abilities and items) require the user to supply some sort of parameter on use, most commonly a player for it to be used on. In those cases, actions that "target" a player count as visiting that player during the night, but those that merely require the user to "specify" a player do not. A player can typically use actions on themselves (unless the action says it must be used on "another" player), but not on dead players (unless the action specifically says it can).
  7. Abilities and items marked as "factional" are exclusive to players in a factional chat, and can only be used if they are the only action with that designation being used by a member of that faction during the night. If a factional ability or item is removed or lost in any way, a copy is usually given to that player a full day later. Stolen factional items are converted to that item's generic version (that usually already exists within the game).
  8. Abilities and items that are marked as "passive" are always in effect, even if the player is roleblocked (usually). They need not be used, and thus don't count as a player's nightly ability or item use.
  9. You are allowed to post during the night, but do not post any results from that night’s actions before the next day officially begins.
  10. Night actions do have a certain priority assigned, but the details of this will not be necessarily revealed during the course of play (although, the notion that "anything that can be assumed to happen at the same time does" is a core principal, and reports typically report on the "new" state of the game).

Alignment & Winning:

  1. To win the game, you must achieve your faction's stated win condition (obviously). Typically, it is possible to win the game with other factions so long as both party's win conditions are met at the same time (although win conditions between main factions will almost always be mutually exclusive).
  2. Players aligned "with" a faction are usually part of a team, and win alongside of anyone sharing that same alignment (unless the win condition specifically says otherwise). Some of these factions (typically scum factions) will have a private factional chat where members of that faction can communicate. If that is the case, you will be given a link below the rest of your Role PM.
  3. If a player is aligned "as" a faction, they are alone. There still may be other players in the game with the same alignment name and win condition, but they must typically achieve it individually (unless the win condition specifically says otherwise).
  4. Normally the game will only end when a faction achieves its win condition (or when I deem that the results for all parties are clinched). However, the game will also end if the number of living players drops to two or fewer at the start of a day or if a situation arises where it is realistically impossible for anyone to advance or achieve their win condition (for example, if no one can realistically be lynched during the day and no one is capable of a night hit or another meaningful night action). If no party achieved their win condition by this time, it may be possible for everyone to lose.
  5. If a win condition does not specifically state they are "allied" to or they "aren't a threat" to another faction, they are considered a threat to that faction. Typically, this is only relevant for the main town faction, whose win condition is to eliminate all threats to itself.
  6. Win conditions that are checked at the "end of the game" are not checked until the game ends in another way, and will not end the game on their own. Sometimes, this stipulation applies as an additional clause to a normal win condition. In this case, the game will still end as soon as it is triggered, regardless of if the "at the end of the game" condition is met (meaning it may be possible for a win condition to trigger the game's end, with that faction still losing).
  7. Unless a player's win condition specifically says so, being alive at the end of the game isn't required to win.

Setup Details:

  1. When someone dies, their Role PM will be revealed to everyone! Thus, while this is a closed role setup, a player’s death will still provide some clarity. Autopsy reports reflect on the starting state of the role, not revealing changes that may have occurred during play (such as inventory changes). However, players who were previously a different role altogether (usually as a result of a role transformation) generate an additional autopsy for each of their previous roles.
  2. Everyone will be a character or generic from the source material and have some sort of power. Role powers may or may not be unique, and players with the same role name don't necessarily have the same powers.
  3. A special mechanic for this game, the current time period alters the game on a global scale, shifting between seven distinct eras: 65,000,000 BC, 12,000 BC, 600 AD, 1000 AD, 1999 AD, 2300 AD, and the End of Time (which is the time period that the game begins in). Each of these time periods apply their own unique voting rules to the day phase, but the details of these will not be revealed beforehand. Additionally, each character receives a special origin bonus when the game enters that character's originating time period for the first time, permanently adding the stated ability to their role. The game's time period changes at the end of each day to the majority lynch's originating time period (but some effects may exist that can force the game into a chosen time period). A no lynch prevents any time period switch from occuring.
  4. This setup includes a pseudoplayer mechanic. Pseudoplayers act as real players and can be voted on and visited at night normally. They also get to vote themselves, which they must use or be in violation of the voting rule. Who they vote for varies, but there's always a reason for it.
  5. Players are always free to ask questions, but in general if a Role PM doesn't explain or define an ability, term, or mechanic it makes reference to, that omission may be intentional.
  6. Scum players will receive details to help them set up a fake claim including but not limited to win conditions, generic characters in the game, and a list of unique characters not in the game.
  7. Please be respectful, even if you feel the game was unfair or imbalanced! Hosting mafia games is definitely harder than it might appear to players, and role madness games can easily snowball by their very nature.
  8. The theme is Chrono Trigger, the classic JRPG released by Squaresoft in 1995. As always, theme will usually be secondary to balance when it comes to game mechanics. Any assumptions or theories you make about the game based on its theme are entirely at your discretion.
  9. Flavor of writeups in the thread and PMs I send you is just that... flavor. I will try to make the flavor obvious as to the mechanic behind it (so long as you should have that information), but the amount you should read into it is, again, at your discretion.
  10. If I as host make any mistake, I will attempt to inform that party as soon as I realize a mistake was made with a correction (in some cases, I may only be able to inform that player that a mistake was made without a correction). If I made a mistake in a death, deaths are regrettably final, as undoing a death only further damages the game state. You are free to PM me anytime if you'd like me to verify something.

Violation of any of the above rules may result in a punishment against your team as I see fit. This could include, but is not limited to: losing your vote, being roleblocked, having the lynch overturned to you, being replaced or modkilled, or even being banned from my future games. In short, just don't do it and have fun!



Crono was a normal teen living a normal life when he set out to join the festivities at Leene Square to celebrate the turn of the first millennium. However, his life changed forever when his friend Lucca's accidental discovery of time travel sent his new friend Marle (whose actual identity was none other than the Princess Nadia), hurling backwards in time.


Although he volunteered and succeeded in rescuing her after she unwittingly erased herself from existence, being accused of her abduction upon returning forced the three to retreat into the unknown of yet another time gate - this one leading to the post-apocalyptic wasteland that was 2300 AD. There, they discovered a video recording of the event responsible for the collapse of humanity, the Day of Lavos:



It was at that moment when their ultimate quest began - to use their unique status as time travelers to try to prevent the Cataclysm of 1999 AD, even if it was likely futile. If they were to stand any chance whatsover, they knew they needed more information and to gather allies throughout history first. Eventually linking the creation of Lavos to a sorcerer named Magus waging war against humanity in 600 AD, the group set off to confront him before he could set the events that led to the end of the world in motion...


Previous TKN Games:

  1. Star Trek: The Next Generation Mafia
  2. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Mafia
  3. Final Fantasy Tactics Mafia
  4. Star Wars Mafia
  5. Death Note Mafia
  6. The Binding of Isaac: Remafia
  7. Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Mafia
  8. Chrono Trigger Mafia

Cumulative historical data from these games are recorded and archived in the TKN Mafia Hall of Fame.




Original Roles:



@Dome was:

Origin: 1000 AD (Present)
"..." - Crono

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Luminaire: Target a player to receive a report containing that player's alignment. You cannot use this ability the first night of the game, nor can you use it two nights in a row.
  • Silent Hero (Passive): Your first death this game will not reveal your role or alignment, nor will it supply an autopsy report. You can receive your bonus even when you're dead.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Mop (Melee): Target another player. If that player was attempting to visit you, that move will fail. If that player didn't attempt to visit anyone at all, this item is removed from your inventory.
  • Epoch (Support): If in your inventory, you must attempt to use the Epoch each night to target another player that isn't a pseudoplayer and that you aren't in a factional chat with (if you don't choose the target, it will be chosen randomly). If that player has never received the Epoch this game, you give it to them (removing it from your inventory, and adding it to theirs). Either way, you cannot target that player with this item again this game. When a player receives the Epoch for the first time (except from their starting inventory), that player immediately receives an additional copy of their origin bonus (regardless of if it was normally triggered already). If the holder of the Epoch is killed during the night, possession is given to whoever killed that player. If the holder of the Epoch is lynched, possession is instead given to whoever first voted for that player that has never received the Epoch (or the first player overall if every player voting for that player already received it). The Epoch cannot be destroyed normally (but can be stolen), but it is automatically destroyed if the game enters 1999 AD or the holder has no players they can eligibly target.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Chrono Trigger (Passive): After dying for the first time, you are immediately and automatically revived after a full day passes since your death (if you've already been dead for a full day when receiving this ability, you revive instantly). Nothing will be said about how you were revived, merely that you returned from the dead.

@JoshstraDaymus and @RandyMossIsBoss was:

Origin: 1000 AD (Present)
"This... this can't be the way the world ends. We must change history!" - Marle

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Cure: Target another player to protect that player from being killed during the night. You cannot target the same player with this ability two nights in a row.
  • Aura (Day Action): Twice per day, through PM with the host, target another player and specify a message of 255 characters or less. That player will receive that message privately in their own PM with the host. The message is received anonymously, with nothing about your identity being told to the recipient.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Crossbow (Ranged): Once per game, target a player. The following night, that player is killed (even if you are dead or roleblocked that night). This item is only considered a visit on the first night, but protection will only save that player on the second night. That player will not be told of their imminent death.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Life: Once per game, target a player. All other abilities targeting that player will fail, and that player's vote count will default to -1 (instead of 0) during the upcoming day.

@gopherwrestler was:

Origin: 1000 AD (Present)
"Machines aren't capable of evil... humans make them that way." - Lucca

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Hypnowave: Target two other players. Anyone visiting either of those players will be redirected to the other player. You cannot target either of those same players with this ability two nights in a row.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Plasma Gun (Ranged): Starts with 0 charge, recharging by 1 at the end of each night that you use no item. On use, select one of the following effects:
    • Consume 1 charge and target a player to block that player's ability (but not item) that night.
    • Consume 1 charge and target a player to block that player's attempted item use (but not ability) that night.
    • Consume 2 charge and target a player to kill that player.
  • Gate Key: Once per game, you may specify the next time period (taking effect at the end of the upcoming day) instead of it being determined by the lynch. You cannot select the End of Time or 1999 AD, and this effect will fail if another effect or mechanic also alters the next time period.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Build Robot (Day Action, Passive): You control the pseudoplayer Gato (who joins the game by the name of "Monster C"). Gato is Neutral-aligned and may be visited or voted for normally. You can at any time except during the final 30 minutes of the day, through PM with the host, ask Gato to change its vote to a specified player. You may also specify a short line or reasoning for voting that way, but it will paraphrase anything into its own words. If Gato is not voting by the final 30 minutes of the day, it will automatically place his vote on who you're voting for (if you haven't placed a vote by that time, it'll vote for a no lynch). If you are ever killed, Gato also dies.
    • If you already have a copy of this ability, you receive another copy of Gato (who joins the game as "Monster D").

@bcb1213 was:

Origin: 65,000,000 BC (Prehistory)
"Ayla fight while alive! Win and live. Lose and die. Rule of life... no can change rule." - Ayla

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Track: Target another player to receive a report containing all players they visited during the night.
  • Boulder Toss: Once per game, target another player to redirect that player's ability and item to another specified player. If a redirected ability or item targets multiple players, only the first target is redirected. You cannot redirect a player to themselves.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Fists (Melee): Target a player. If that player has no melee items in their inventory that they weren't attempting to use that night, voteblock that player for the upcoming day. You cannot use this item two nights in a row. This item cannot be removed from your inventory.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Charm: Twice per game, target a player to roleblock that player.

@11sanchez11 was:

Origin: 2300 AD (Future)
"I cannot afford to lose anything else... not my precious memories, or my irreplaceable friends." - Robo

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Rocket Jump: Target another player. All players attempting to visit that player (except those using a redirection ability of their own) are redirected to you instead. You cannot target the same player with this ability two nights in a row.
  • Shock (Day Action): Once per game, through PM with the host, target a player voting for you to change and lock their vote on another specified player (even if it was already locked). This must be done prior to the day's normal voting deadline (being unusable in overtime).

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Battery (Support): Target a player. If that player has any abilities limited to a certain number of uses (even an ability with none remaining), one at random has its eligible uses increased by 1. Additionally, if that player has a plasma gun in their inventory, its charge increases by 1. You cannot target that player with this item again this game, nor can you use it two nights in a row.
  • Armor (Passive): Protects you against a single kill attempt during the night, being removed from your inventory afterwards.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Laser Spin: Once per game, target a player to receive a report containing the name of each of their abilities, but not their effects. That player's origin bonus is only included if actually triggered.

@Forge was:

Origin: 600 AD (Middle Ages)
"Lower thine guard and thou'rt allowing the enemy in." - Frog

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Save the Queen: Target a player to receive a report containing the items in that player's inventory.
  • Slurp Cut: Target a player to remove all items in that player's inventory until the end of the following night, being returned afterwards (this will not block the target's item use for the current night, however). You cannot target that player with this ability again this game.
  • Curse Broken (Passive): If Magus and Ozzie are eliminated, your role is transformed into Glenn. You keep any item in your inventory that wasn't a part of your starting inventory, and any copies of your origin bonus you already earned (even if out of uses) are replaced with the origin bonus of your new role.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Sword (Melee, Support): On use, select one of the following effects:
    • Specify a parry to defend against all melee items used on you during the night. If you successfully parry at least one item, you will be informed of what each of the attempted items were. You cannot select this effect two nights in a row.
    • Specify a guard to defend against all ranged items used on you during the night. If you successfully guard at least one item, you will be informed of what each of the attempted items were. You cannot select this effect two nights in a row.
    • If you successfully used this item to defend against an item the previous night, target a player to kill that player.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Squash: Once per game, target a player that was either voting for you or the majority lynch at the end of the previous day to kill that player.

@Whicker was:

Origin: 65,000,000 BC (Prehistory)
"Lavos fall. Reptites gone, good! But get cold now, hunting bad..." - Kino

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Watch: Target another player to receive a report containing all players that visited that player during the night.
  • Change of Heart (Day Action): Once per game, through PM with the host, target a player to have your vote automatically change to that player (even if it is locked) at the day's normal voting deadline (being unusable in overtime).

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • None!

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Intuition: Once per game, target a player to receive a report of that player's or a player adjacent to that player on the player list's alignment. Which player's alignment you receive is random between those three, and you will not be told whose you received. Dead players are skipped for this purpose, and the first and last players on the list are considered adjacent.

@Ragnarok was:

Origin: 12,000 BC (Antiquity)
"Mother, please stop! This power can only end in ruin!" - Schala

You are aligned with the Zeal Kingdom: Prevent the Lavos and Kingdom of Dalton factions from winning the game. You are not a threat to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Seal: Target a player to block that player's ability (but not item) that night. You cannot target the same player with this ability two nights in a row.
  • Lucid Dream: Target a player. If that player is visited by no other player, they receive a report containing a list of three players, with at least one of those players being a threat to Earth. You will not be told if a report was successfully given to that player (though you will still be told if the ability itself was blocked or redirected, as usual). You cannot target that player with this ability again this game.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • None!

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Mysticism: Once per game, target a player to receive a copy of each of that player's reports. If any of those reports were fabricated, you receive what they should've received if not for the fabrication.

@Scoundrel was:

Origin: 12,000 BC (Antiquity)
"If there weren't evil in this world, there would be no need for weapons. What a sad state of affairs..." - Melchior

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Blacksmith: Target another player and specify one item on the following list to give that item to that player. After giving out an item, it is removed from this list:
    • Sword
    • Crossbow
    • Plasma Gun
    • Scythe
    • Bomb
    • Mop
    • Jet Bike
    • Battery
    • Elixir
    • Armor
  • Guru of Life (Passive): Each night, if an item you gave to a player with Blacksmith was used or had its passive effect triggered, you receive a report containing a list of those items and their attempted targets (if applicable). This report does not include what those items were being used to do or if they were successful.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • None!

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Dreamstone (Passive): Add the Masamune to the list of items you can give out with Blacksmith. If the Masamune is already on the list, you can specify one of its original items to add an extra copy of that item to the list, instead. When giving the Masamune to a player, if another player already has the Masamune somehow, the previous Masamune is removed from the owner's inventory.

@Xmad was:

Origin: 600 AD (Middle Ages)
"I thought I'd sell it, but then everyone started calling me a hero. I couldn't bear to get rid of it!" - Tata

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Hero's Medal: Target a player. That player receives a report containing your alignment. If that player is or was Frog, your roles are revealed to eachother, and you join a private chat with that player.
  • Hero's Metal (Day Action): At any point during the day, through PM with the host, you can exchange items in inventory with a player you're in a private chat with. That player must confirm and agree to the exchange through their own PM with the host.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Elixir (Support): Once per game, target a player to protect that player from being killed during the night.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Hero's Mettle: Once per game, target two other players to receive a report containing whether or not they share the same alignment.

@Pickle Rick was:

Origin: 2300 AD (Future)
"My granny rides faster than that! Hop on again if you think you can handle it, babe." - Johnny

You are aligned as a Survivor: Survive until the end of the game. You are not a threat to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Hoodwink: Target another player to steal an item from that player's inventory. If that player is attempting to use an item that night, they will be blocked from doing so and that item will be the one stolen (if not, the item is chosen randomly). Factional items are converted to their generic version, and the target receives another copy of that factional item at the end of the next night. You cannot steal the same type of item from that player again this game.
  • Turbo Engine (Passive): Your vote cannot be locked by any effect or mechanic that normally would. This ability does not prevent you from choosing to lock your vote normally.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Jet Bike (Support): Once per game, on use, all actions targeting you during the night will fail. You cannot use this item and an ability in the same night.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Overdrive: Once per game, on use, you may use two separate items during the night. Additionally, using this ability does not prevent you from using a Jet Bike in the same night.

@rackcs was:

Origin: 2300 AD (Future)
"It's nice to see such spirited young people for a change. Careful, now... and come back alive." - Doan

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Compare Ancestry: Target two other players to receive a report containing whether or not they originate from the same time period.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Battery (Support): Target a player. If that player has any abilities limited to a certain number of uses (even an ability with none remaining), one of them at random has its eligible uses increased by 1. Additionally, if that player has a plasma gun in their inventory, its charge increases by 1. You cannot target that player with this item again this game, nor can you use it two nights in a row.
  • Jet Bike (Support): Once per game, on use, all actions targeting you during the night will fail. You cannot use this item and an ability in the same night.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Temporal Scan: Twice per game, target a player to receive a report containing the time period they originate from.

@The Orca was:

Origin: 600 AD (Middle Ages)
"I tracked down the Rainbow Shell that the chief wanted. It's on some small island. Only thing is... I don't know which." - Toma

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Inspire: Target another player. That player can choose one of the following effects for the following night. You cannot target that player with this ability again this game:
    • You are allowed to use two abilities (even the same ability) in the same night, instead of using an item.
    • You are allowed to use an ability despite its normal restrictions (except the factional restriction) and without it counting towards future restrictions.
  • Explore (Day Action): Twice per game, through PM with the host, learn what the special voting rules are for the current time period.
  • Last Words (Passive): The first time you would die this game, it is delayed until one full day passes. You will be informed of your imminent death, but there is no way to prevent it from happening.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • None!

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Eavesdrop: Twice per game, target a player to get a copy of any report they received during the night (even if the target ends up dying in the same night).

@Deadpulse was:

Origin: 12,000 BC (Antiquity)
"If history is to change, let it change! If the world is to be destroyed, so be it! If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh." - Magus

You are aligned as the Demon King: Ensure that Schala survives until the end of the game. If this objective is failed, you must instead prevent the Lavos and Mystic Army factions from winning the game while surviving until the end of the game. You are not a threat to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Black Wind: Target a player. If that player is Schala, your alignments and win conditions are revealed to eachother, and you join a private chat with that player.
  • Magic Wall: Target a player to protect that player from being killed during the night. You cannot use this ability two nights in a row.
  • Black Hole: Twice per game, target a player. The following night, that player is killed (even if you are dead or roleblocked that night). That player will be told of their imminent death, and being protected on either night will prevent the player from being killed.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Scythe (Melee): Target another player. One random action used on you during the night will be redirected to that player. You cannot use this item two nights in a row.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Dark Mist: Once per game, target another player to receive a report containing their role name. If that player is Schala, your alignments and win conditions are revealed to eachother, and you join a private chat with that player.

@ET80 was:

Origin: 12,000 BC (Antiquity)
"I've got a bad feeling about this. All my work will be in vain if I expire before I'm immortal!" - Dalton

You are aligned with the Kingdom of Dalton: Eliminate the Zeal Kingdom and Demon King factions while surviving until the end of the game. You are a threat to Earth before the required fractions are eliminated, but not afterwards.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Sense Movement: Target a player to receive a report containing the number of distinct players that either visited or were visited by that player.
  • Sense Motivation: Twice per game, target a player and specify an alignment. If that player is of that specified alignment, you receive a report containing that alignment's win condition.
  • Sense Morality: Once per game, target a player to receive a report containing the alignment ratio among the players voting for that player the previous day (but not what those alignments are).
  • Summon Golem (Day Action): Once per game, through PM with the host, target a player to override the lynch to the player with the most votes excluding that player (adding an overtime period in the event of a tie, as usual). This must be done prior to the day's normal voting deadline (being unusable in overtime). If multiple overrides were attempted, the one sent in first takes priority.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Sword (Melee, Support): On use, select one of the following effects:
    • Specify a parry to defend against all melee items used on you during the night. If you successfully parry at least one item, you will be informed of what each of the attempted items were. You cannot select this effect two nights in a row.
    • Specify a guard to defend against all ranged items used on you during the night. If you successfully guard at least one item, you will be informed of what each of the attempted items were. You cannot select this effect two nights in a row.
    • If you successfully used this item to defend against an item the previous night, target a player to kill that player.
  • Armor (Passive): Protects you against a single kill attempt during the night, being removed from your inventory afterwards.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Imprison: Once per game, target another player. That player is roleblocked, and all other actions targeting that player will fail.

@kingseanjohn was:

Yakra XIII
Origin: 1000 AD (Present)
"You're too late! The King has been found guilty, and even kings are subject to our laws." - Yakra XIII

You are aligned with Lavos: Navigate the game to 1999 AD and ensure Lavos survives that day (see your factional knowledge), or eliminate enough players that your faction matches or outnumbers all other living players.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Needle Spin (Factional): Target a player to kill that player and voteblock all players visited by that player during the night on the upcoming day. Only one member of your faction can use a factional ability or item each night.
  • Confuse: Target two other players. All reports gathered during the night on either player will be fabricated to indicate that they are the other player. You cannot target either of those players with this ability again this game.
  • Lay Blame (Day Action): Once per game, through PM with the host, target a player that you share a factional chat with to override the lynch to that player. This must be done prior to the day's normal voting deadline (being unusable in overtime). If multiple overrides were attempted, the one sent in first takes priority.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Elixir (Support): Once per game, target a player to protect that player from being killed during the night.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Chancellor Disguise: Once per game, target a player to receive a report containing their Role PM.

@Malfatron was:

Queen Zeal
Origin: 12,000 BC (Antiquity)
"We shall live forever with Lavos, who devours this planet even as he sleeps." - Queen Zeal

You are aligned with Lavos: Navigate the game to 1999 AD and ensure Lavos survives that day (see your factional knowledge), or eliminate enough players that your faction matches or outnumbers all other living players.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Death Kiss (Factional): Target a player to kill and roleblock that player. Only one member of your faction can use a factional ability or item each night.
  • MP Buster: Target a player to roleblock that player. You cannot target the same player with this ability two nights in a row.
  • Mammon Machine: Twice per game, target a player to sabotage one item in that player's inventory at random. If an item was successfully sabotaged, you are told the name of the item, but nothing will be told to the target. Sabotaged items backfire on their wielder when used, with each item having a unique (usually inverse) effect.
  • Black Omen (Day Action): Once per game, through PM with the host, you may specify the next time period (taking effect at the end of the day) instead of it being determined by the lynch. You cannot select the End of Time or 1999 AD, and you cannot prevent the game from progressing to 1999 AD once its condition is met.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • None!

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Halation: Target a player. If that player has a non-factional ability that won't be out of uses by the end of the night, you trade this ability for one of those, at random (while they receive this ability). You are bound by any restrictions an ability has when you receive it (which will be made aware to you). This trade is permanent - they will no longer have or be able to use the ability you receive, and you will no longer have or be able to use Halation (unless it is used on you).

@Daboyle was:

Mother Brain
Origin: 2300 AD (Future)
"We robots will create a new order... a nation of steel, and pure logic. A true paradise!" - Mother Brain

You are aligned with Lavos: Navigate the game to 1999 AD and ensure Lavos survives that day (see your factional knowledge), or eliminate enough players that your faction matches or outnumbers all other living players.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Reprogram: Target another player to redirect that player's ability (but not item) to another specified player. If a redirected ability targets multiple players, only the first target is redirected. You cannot redirect a player to themselves, nor can you target that player with this ability again this game (there is no limit to the number of times a player can be redirected to, however).
  • Gate Scan: Once per game, specify a time period to receive a report of all living players originating from that time period.
  • Lockdown (Day Action): Once per game, through PM with the host, target a player to lock the votes of all players currently voting for that player. All votes locked by this ability maintain their current value for the rest of the day (any effect or mechanic that would cause a vote count as more or less than it currently does will not affect these votes). This must be done prior to the day's normal voting deadline (being unusable in overtime).

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Plasma Gun (Ranged, Factional): Starts with 5 charge, recharging by 1 at the end of each night that you use no item. On use, select one of the following effects. Only one member of your faction can use a factional ability or item each night:
    • Consume 1 charge and target a player to block that player's ability (but not item) that night.
    • Consume 1 charge and target a player to block that player's attempted item use (but not ability) that night.
    • Consume 2 charge and target a player to kill that player.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Upgrade (Passive): When you receive this ability, choose one of the following to become its effect:
    • Reprogram redirects the target's item as well as their ability, except if you're in a factional chat with that player.
    • Gate Scan can be used one additional time.
    • Using your factional Plasma Gun to block a target's ability or attempted item use is not considered factional (but using it to kill still is).

@MWil23 was:

Origin: 600 AD (Middle Ages)
"You fly-eating, tongue-flicking...! Oz... Ozzie's in... a jam!" - Ozzie

You are aligned with Lavos: Navigate the game to 1999 AD and ensure Lavos survives that day (see your factional knowledge), or eliminate enough players that your faction matches or outnumbers all other living players.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Summon Zombor: On use, specify one non-factional night ability found in the autopsy of a dead player. This ability copies and executes that ability exactly, targeting the required number of players. You cannot copy that ability again this game.
  • Shadow Aura (Day Action): Twice per day, through PM with the host, target another player and specify a message of 255 characters or less. That player will receive that message privately in their own PM with the host. The message is received anonymously, with nothing about your identity being told to the recipient.
  • Ozzie the Great (Passive): Reports containing (or comparing) your alignment will be fabricated to indicate that you are of the Mystic Army alignment.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Bomb (Ranged, Factional): Target a player. If that player was visited during the night by any other player, one of those players is killed at random. If that player wasn't visited by anyone else but visited another player themselves during the night, one of those players is killed at random. If that player didn't visit anyone and was visited by no one else, that player is killed, bypassing any armor they have in their inventory. Only one member of your faction can use a factional ability or item each night.
  • Armor (Passive): Protects you against a single kill attempt during the night, being removed from your inventory afterwards.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Evil Impulse: Once per game, if your faction has three or fewer remaining members and a player hasn't already been converted to your faction this game, target a player to convert that player to the Lavos alignment. If that player is successfully converted, they are given a factional sword and join your factional chat. This move fails on Earth-aligned players except for the following characters: Gaspar, Kino, Taban, King Guardia XXI, Doan, Toma, Queen Leene, Belthasar, Fiona, Tata, Chancellor, Cyrus, Melchior, Atropos. Using this ability on an ineligible target does not grant another use.
    • Acquiring another copy of this ability bypasses the remaining players restriction and does grant an additional use, but only if the first attempt failed.

@skywindO2 was:

Origin: 65,000,000 BC (Prehistory)
"Today there shall be a conclusion. Will it be the Reptites or you silly apes who end up ruling the world?" - Azala

You are aligned with Lavos: Navigate the game to 1999 AD and ensure Lavos survives that day (see your factional knowledge), or eliminate enough players that your faction matches or outnumbers all other living players.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Command (Factional): Target a pseudoplayer under your control to have them use their claws to kill a specified player. This ability fails if the target somehow isn't a pseudoplayer under your control. Only one member of your faction can use a factional ability or item each night.
  • Telepathy: Target a player to receive two reports, the first containing all players that player visited during the night, and the second containing all players who visited them.
  • Henchman (Day Action, Passive): You control the pseudoplayer Nizbel (who joins the game by the name of "Monster A"). Nizbel is Neutral-aligned and may be visited or voted for normally. You can at any time except during the final 30 minutes of the day, through PM with the host, ask Nizbel to change its vote to a specified player. You may also specify a short line or reasoning for voting that way, but it will paraphrase anything into its own words. If Nizbel is not voting by the final 30 minutes of the day, it will automatically place its vote on the player you're voting for (if you haven't placed a vote by that time, it'll vote for a no lynch). If you are ever killed, Nizbel also dies.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Fists (Melee): Target a player. If that player has no melee items in their inventory that they weren't attempting to use that night, voteblock that player for the upcoming day. You cannot use this item two nights in a row. This item cannot be removed from your inventory.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Tyranno Lair (Day Action, Passive): You control the pseudoplayer Black Tyranno (who joins the game by the name of "Monster B"). Black Tyranno is Neutral-aligned and may be visited or voted for normally. You can at any time except during the final 30 minutes of the day, through PM with the host, ask Black Tyranno to change its vote to a specified player. You may also specify a short line or reasoning for voting that way, but it will paraphrase anything into its own words. If Black Tyranno is not voting by the final 30 minutes of the day, it will automatically place its vote on the player you're voting for (if you haven't placed a vote by that time, it'll vote for a no lynch). If you are ever killed, Black Tyranno also dies.
    • If you already have a copy of this ability, it does does not grant an additional Black Tyranno. Instead, upon receiving this ability, it immediately revives one dead pseudoplayer that was previously under your control (favoring Nizbel). If there are none, this ability does nothing.


Pseudoplayers & Transformations:



Monster A was:

Origin: 65,000,000 BC (Prehistory)
"Well, well! Out for a little stroll, are we? Hold it... this is a special place." - Nizbel

You are aligned as Neutral: Ensure the player controlling you wins the game. You are not a threat to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Electric Discharge (Passive): Your vote counts as 2 while there's exactly one player voting for you, but counts as 0 while there's two or more players voting for you.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Claws (Melee): Target a player to kill that player. This item cannot be removed from your inventory.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • None!

Monster B was:

Black Tyranno
Origin: 65,000,000 BC (Prehistory)
"Go to Tyrano lair?! That Reptite's place. Dangerous! Ayla want die?" - Laruba Chief

You are aligned as Neutral: Ensure the player controlling you wins the game. You are not a threat to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Firebreath (Passive): Your vote counts as 0.5, but you can have three votes on separate players. When attempting to vote for a player that you're not currently voting, your oldest unlocked vote is changed to that player (attempting to vote for a player you're already voting for is ignored, except to lock it). Attempting to unvote removes the oldest unlocked vote (requiring you to do it multiple times to remove all votes). Only one of these votes has to be used to satisfy the game's voting rule.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Claws (Melee): Target a player to kill that player. This item cannot be removed from your inventory.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • None!

Monster C was:

Origin: 1000 AD (Present)
"They call me Gato, I have metal joints. Beat me up and earn 15 Silver Points!" - Gato

You are aligned as Neutral: Ensure the player controlling you wins the game. You are not a threat to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Punching Glove (Passive): Your vote counts as 0.5, but the value of votes on you count as half of what they normally would.
  • Song of Love (Passive): All players visiting you during the night receive a Silver Point.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • None!

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • None!

General A was:

Origin: 600 AD (Middle Ages)
"Still playing the comedian, you slimy dolt? If not for Cyrus, you'd have fit right in with those bony fellows you just busted up!" - Slash

You are aligned with the Mystic Army: Ensure that at least one player of your faction survives until the end of the game. You are not a threat to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Taunt: Target a player. That player receives a report containing a witty one-liner.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Slasher (Melee, Factional): Target a player to kill that player. Only one member of your faction can use a factional ability or item each night.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Super Slash: Once per game, on use, exchange your factional Slasher for a factional Slasher 2.

General B was:

Origin: 600 AD (Middle Ages)
"Male... female... what's the difference? Power is beautiful, and I've got power!" - Flea

You are aligned with the Mystic Army: Ensure that at least one player of your faction survives until the end of the game. You are not a threat to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Blow Kiss (Passive): All reports on your sex will be fabricated to indicate that you're of the other.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • None!

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • The Look: Once per game, target three other players. Additional targets will be chosen randomly to bring the total to five (you will be told who the final targets are). You receive a report containing a list of distinct alignments among those players. When the number of players in the game is five or less, this ability targets all other players.

Mwil23 became:

Origin: 1999 AD (Cataclysm)
"This was Lavos's goal...! Using the DNA of every organism to achieve the ultimate evolution!" - Robo

You are aligned with Lavos: Navigate the game to 1999 AD and ensure Lavos survives that day (see your faction-specific knowledge), or eliminate enough players that your faction matches or outnumbers all other living players.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Obliterate (Factional): Target a player to kill that player, bypassing any protection that player has. This ability cannot be redirected or be made to fail. Only one member of your faction can use a factional ability or item each night.
  • Impenetrable Shell (Passive): You cannot be killed in any way except being lynched. Additionally, all abilities and items that target you during the night will fail.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • None!

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Rain Destruction (Passive): At the end of the day, if you aren't lynched, your faction wins the game. If you are lynched, every member of your faction is killed, eliminating your faction.

Forge could've become:

Origin: 600 AD (Middle Ages)
"I don't know... I think I'd really lose it if I had to hurt someone." - Glenn

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Save the Queen: Target a player to receive a report containing the items in that player's inventory.
  • X-Slash: Target a player to block that player's attempted item use (but not ability) that night.
  • Call the Masamune: Once per game, on use, take possession of the Masamune from the player currently holding it, also learning which player had it (this does count as a visit). If the Masamune is not in any player's inventory, this ability fails.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Sword (Melee, Support): On use, select one of the following effects:
    • Specify a parry to defend against all melee items used on you during the night. If you successfully parry at least one item, you will be informed of what each of the attempted items were. You cannot select this effect two nights in a row.
    • Specify a guard to defend against all ranged items used on you during the night. If you successfully guard at least one item, you will be informed of what each of the attempted items were. You cannot select this effect two nights in a row.
    • If you successfully used this item to defend against an item the previous night, target a player to kill that player.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Hero's Meddle: Once per game, on use, you may use a sword in your inventory during the night to kill a player even if you didn't defend against an item the previous night.

Factional Knowledge & Cover Roles:



Factional Knowledge:

While your faction can also win the game by matching or outnumbering all other living players, your primary win condition requires first navigating the game's time period of 1999 AD. While the time period of the game usually switches at the end of each day to the time period of the majority lynch, it will instead switch to 1999 AD if every time period has either been visited at least once, or has all of its originating players eliminated (except those aligned with your faction and pseudoplayers).

Once the trigger is met, it cannot be prevented (even by your faction), although the actual shift will not occur until the end of the day (as usual). At that time, your faction must select one player to assume the role of Lavos (if none is selected, it will be chosen randomly). As this occurs at the day's end, that player immediately gains all of Lavos' abilities for use on that night (and can no longer use the abilities of their original role):

(Lavos Role PM)

At the start of the day, it will be revealed to town that one Lavos-aligned player transformed into Lavos and that they have one chance to lynch Lavos before the game automatically results in their defeat. While the 1999 AD passive voting rules will be included with this information, your faction knows these rules ahead of time:

  • 1999 AD (Cataclysm): All pseudoplayers are voteblocked, while all other players are guaranteed a single normal vote. No player may use Day Actions, and other effects that would prevent a player from voting, change a player's vote, alter any voting mechanics, overturn the lynch result, or save the lynched player from dying are negated. If the vote ends tied even after an overtime period, whichever player reached that amount of votes first is declared the lynch (instead of the normal no lynch result). If the lynched player is Lavos, all players sharing that player's faction are eliminated (if there are additional threats to Earth remaining, the game shifts to the time period it should've progressed to before entering 1999 AD). If not, the Lavos faction wins the game (thereby ending it).

While capable of winning through either win condition, winning through your primary win condition will earn members of your faction a bonus of +2 victory points in the TKN Mafia Hall of Fame.

Cover Roles:

While you are free to make any claims about your identity, your faction knows the following characters aren't in the game (as the Black Omen detects no temporal interference surrounding them):

Origin: 2300 AD (Future)
"My memory bank... Mother must have done something nasty when she reprogrammed me." - Atropos

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

Origin: 1000 AD (Present)
"We must create a criminal justice system in this Kingdom to do away with such fiends!" - Chancellor

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

Origin: 600 AD (Middle Ages)
"This Mystic seedling could revive the forest, but I can't plant it... too many hungry monsters lurking about." - Fiona

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

Origin: 12,000 BC (Antiquity)
"To bring back lost loved ones... that's what everyone wants. Crono must be proud to have friends like you." - Gaspar

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

King Guardia XXI
Origin: 600 AD (Middle Ages)
"We all must work together to rebuild the Kingdom of Guardia! We're all in this together!" - King Guardia XXI

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

Laruba Chief
Origin: 65,000,000 BC (Prehistory)
"Reptites strong! They live long time before us, they smart so we hide." - Laruba Chief

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

Queen Leene
Origin: 600 AD (Middle Ages)
"Your timing was perfect. Who knows what would have happened had you not saved me!" - Queen Leene

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

Origin: ∞ (End of Time)
"If you're strong, I look strong. If you're weak, I look weak." - Spekkio

You are aligned as a Survivor: Survive until the end of the game. You are not a threat to Earth.

Origin: 1000 AD (Present)
"Don't worry, we tried it on our pets! There's no reason why it shouldn't work as well on humans!" - Taban

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

Kingdom of Dalton

Factional Knowledge:

While not required for a victory, eliminating Queen Zeal in addition to achieving your win condition will earn you a bonus of +1 victory point in the TKN Mafia Hall of Fame.

Cover Roles:

While you are free to make any claims about your identity, you know the following characters aren't in the game (you saw the first vanish, while the second is the leader of a kingdom you're planning to invade):

Origin: 12,000 BC (Antiquity)
"Only by mastering time itself do you stand a chance against Lavos." - Belthasar

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

King Guardia XXXIII
Origin: 1000 AD (Present)
"All I asked was for you to behave like a princess. Even royalty must obey rules." - King Guardia XXXIII

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

Demon King

Factional Knowledge:

While capable of winning through either win condition, achieving both will count as a flawless victory (which itself earns you a bonus of +1 victory point) for the TKN Mafia Hall of Fame.

Cover Roles:

While you are free to make any claims about your identity, you know the following characters aren't in the game (you murdered the first personally, while there's no conceivable way Ozzie could've reproduced to lead to the second):

Origin: 600 AD (Middle Ages)
"As long as there is life in these bones, I shall return! By your leave..." - Cyrus

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

Ozzie VIII
Origin: 1000 AD (Present)
"Oh, great Magus... why didn't you simply exterminate the human race 400 years ago?" - Ozzie VIII

You are aligned with the Mystic Army: Ensure that at least one player of your faction survives until the end of the game. You are not a threat to Earth.

Zeal Kingdom

Factional Knowledge:

While not required for a victory, surviving until the end of the game in addition to achieving your win condition will earn you a bonus of +1 victory point in the TKN Mafia Hall of Fame.

Time Period Effects:


65,000,000 BC (Prehistory): All players (except pseudoplayers) have their vote count as 2 while at least one player is voting for them.

12,000 BC (Antiquity): The passive abilities of all pseudoplayers that modify their voting mechanics are disabled and all locked votes count as -1 (including those that are forced to locked by an effect, such as the votes of pseudoplayers in the final 30 minutes of the day). Votes that automatically lock as a result of the overtime mechanics are not affected (but votes that were locked prior to the normal deadline still are).

600 AD (Middle Ages): The first vote of all players (except pseudoplayers) count as 1.5, except if that vote was made in the final hour of the day. While the value of a player's vote is reset immediately upon their second vote of the day (even if it was forced to by an effect or if that player later switches their vote back to the player they were originally voting for), a player merely locking their first vote at a later time does not have its bonus disabled.

1000 AD (Present): Each player (except pseudoplayers) can have two votes on separate players. When a player attempts to vote for a player that they're not currently voting, their oldest unlocked vote is changed to that player (attempting to vote for a player they're already voting for is ignored, except to lock it). Attempting to unvote removes the oldest unlocked vote (requiring you to do it multiple times to remove all votes). Only one of those votes has to be used to satisfy the game's voting rule. While all votes currently on a majority player stay in overtime, only one vote will be accepted in overtime (and only if that player didn't vote for any player in the majority).

2300 AD (Future): All votes for a player that are 'buried' by there being at least two newer votes on that player are automatically locked.


∞ (End of Time): No lynching is impossible, and players attempting to vote for a no lynch have their votes changed to themselves, instead. If overtime ends in a tie, whichever player reached that amount of votes first is declared the lynch.

1999 AD (Cataclysm): All pseudoplayers are voteblocked, while all other players are guaranteed a single normal vote. No player may use Day Actions, and other effects that would prevent a player from voting, change a player's vote, alter any voting mechanics, overturn the lynch result, or save the lynched player from dying are negated. If the vote ends tied even after an overtime period, whichever player reached that amount of votes first is declared the lynch (instead of the normal no lynch result). If the lynched player is Lavos, all players sharing that player's faction are eliminated (if there are additional threats to Earth remaining, the game shifts to the time period it should've progressed to before entering 1999 AD). If not, the Lavos faction wins the game (thereby ending it).

Other Items (not listed on a Role PM):

  • Masamune (Melee, Support): On use, select one of the following effects:
    • Once per game, if you are or were Frog, target a player to receive a report containing that player's Role PM. If that player is Magus, they are killed.
    • Specify a barrier to defend against all items used on you during the night. If you successfully barrier at least one item, you will be informed of what each of the attempted items were. You cannot select this effect two nights in a row.
    • If you successfully used this item to defend against an item the previous night, target a player to kill that player.
  • Silver Point (Passive): Protects you against a single conversion, roleblock, or voteblock attempt during the night, being removed from your inventory afterwards.
  • Sword (Factional, Melee, Support): On use, select one of the following effects. Only one member of your faction can use a factional ability or item each night:
    • Specify a parry to defend against all melee items used on you during the night. If you successfully parry at least one item, you will be informed of what each of the attempted items were. You cannot select this effect two nights in a row.
    • Specify a guard to defend against all ranged items used on you during the night. If you successfully guard at least one item, you will be informed of what each of the attempted items were. You cannot select this effect two nights in a row.
    • Target a player to kill that player.


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3 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Yup, Spot 13 Please.  

Ouch. 1-6 record in Nacho games.  Whatever alignment i get is losing.  Guaranteed loss if I am with @MWil23 apparently lmao

Ironically the only game I won was the Star Wars game that you were Han Solo and I was Palpatine LOL

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